Pelosi tells US athletes at Olympics to not speak out against China's genocide.

She doesn't want to upset those who own her, I guess. Either that, or she supports genocide.

Pelosi Instructs U.S. Athletes To Not ‘Speak Out’ During Olympics Against Communist China’s Genocide

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) instructed U.S. athletes to not “speak out” against communist China’s human rights abuses during the Winter Olympics because it might make China angry.

that is amazing, Pelosi is almost as soulless as Hillary
Maybe because they are there to compete, not to get involved in politics.

The Olympic Games are not the U.N., Clown.

Got to side with the OP on this one, it is not her place to tell the Athletes what to do and not do.
The CCP owns the Democrat party.

Its astonishing Pelosi doesnt want athletes to make China feel bad about genocide.

You fucknut communists who are siding with China on genocide are ONCE AGAIN on the wrong side of history.
Either that, or she supports genocide.

No, not even Ms. P. supports genocide.

I assume that she and her husband do not want to jeopardize any of their financial holdings that may involve the People's Republic of China. ("People's." What a cruel joke!)
Conservative are always for athletes speaking out, Like Colin Kaepernick. Oh, wait...

This Isn't Colin Kaepernick
Not Even the Same Fucking Ballpark ...


That's How You Mess With Your Enemies!
Beat The Crap Out of Them Being Exactly Who You Are.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Can Kiss My Ass.

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She doesn't want to upset those who own her, I guess. Either that, or she supports genocide.

Pelosi Instructs U.S. Athletes To Not ‘Speak Out’ During Olympics Against Communist China’s Genocide

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) instructed U.S. athletes to not “speak out” against communist China’s human rights abuses during the Winter Olympics because it might make China angry.

China slams her on Twitter calling her a parasite and she still kisses the CCP arse. How low can a person possibly go
Got to side with the OP on this one, it is not her place to tell the Athletes what to do and not do.
She is an expert on China, and they know her all too well. She knows all about employing Chinese spies (Feinstein) as chauffeurs, and bedding hot young Chinese spies (Swallwell) and insider trading by her husband with Chinese companies owned by the CCP.

Who else should be telling them? Sleepy Joe, "Heels" Up Harris. of "Crying Chuckie" Schumer. "Donkey Chompers" AOC? Who?
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Remember this as Pelosi tells athletes not to criticize China

China Has Killed More Than the Nazis | Morgan Zegers | Open Mic​

"Communist China is responsible for more deaths than Nazi Germany," declares Morgan Zegers.
Americans should care about genocide and human rights abuses regardless of where in the world they occur, she argues.
You are gullible enough to believe that bullshit, huh?
Nothing to do with gullibility. Your PDS is getting in the way of practicality.

We know China has a habit of false retaliatory arrests and we know they are very thin skinned about any perceived criticism.
So you missed the point. What happened to him? And you want our Olympic athletes to go do that to the Chinese government? You’re a liar.
And you want our Olympic athletes to go do that to the Chinese government?

Quote my post where I said that, Dumbass.

You are full of shit just like Admiral Rockwell Tory
Nothing to do with gullibility. Your PDS is getting in the way of practicality.

We know China has a habit of false retaliatory arrests and we know they are very thin skinned about any perceived criticism.
So? WTF does Piglosi have to do with the Olympics?

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