Pelosi Thinks Questioning Her Ability to Lead Is Sexist, Then Forgets McConnell's Name


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
And the Dims want her to be Speaker again?

Pelosi: I think some of it is a little bit on the sexist side — although I wouldn't normally say that. Except it's like, really? Has anyone asked whatshisname, the one who's the head of the Senate?

[Aide Jorge Aguilar, who is sitting beside Pelosi]: McConnell.

Pelosi: McConnell. I mean he's got the lowest numbers of anybody in the world. Have you ever gone up to him and said, “How much longer do you think you'll stay in this job?” Nobody ever went up to Harry Reid and said that. Nobody ever says that to anybody except a woman. But it's a thing.

More @ Pelosi Thinks Questioning Her Ability to Lead Is Sexist, Then Forgets McConnell's Name
And she has no memory.
Many people have questioned the age of politicians, plenty did Reagan for instance.
Someone should ask what she’s doing to clean up all that shit, disease, garbage, and needles scattered throughout her city. She’s got work to do instead of standing on the marble steps bitching about sexism.
I noticed that during the president's announcement last night, a couple of GOP lawmakers could barely make their way to their seats unaided. I thought they were ready to die of old age on the spot.
You would think hypocrite democrats would avoid the sexist issue after what they did to Sarah Palin and Sarah Sanders. It seems that sissie democrats are more comfortable with hairy men in dresses and banshees like Pelosi and Hillary than attractive women or maybe they just hate women named Sarah. Anything is possible with leaderless hate filled incoherent democrat party these days.

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