Pelosi trying to rewrite the Constitution.

Apparently the Constitutionally ignorant Representative thinks Congress is the "Superior" branch of Government.

Pelosi claims Congress is a 'superior branch' of government, as clash with White House intensifies
She is increasingly shrill and justifiably frustrated with her growing impotence as the Trump Admin refuses to bow down to outrageous House demands. She seems to think she is POTUS when she is actually just delusional.

She even can't see the irony and hypocrisy in her claim that Trump is "goading congress."

Evidently she thinks America doesn't see what she and her Dem House puppies are trying to do to Trump.

Nancy Pelosi: 'Trump is goading us to impeach him' - CNNPolitics
Apparently the Constitutionally ignorant Representative thinks Congress is the "Superior" branch of Government.

Pelosi claims Congress is a 'superior branch' of government, as clash with White House intensifies
They are a the real threat to our Republic.
I read posts from those who would deny Trump the protection of our 4th Amendment - perhaps even surrender their own and everyone else's - just because they so HATE this president. America's "progressives" - who are truly regressive fascists - are our insidious, even traitorous 5th Column and worse, much of our MSM and self-anointed "intellectual elite" have joined it.

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) - Workings towards a better future for all.
Apparently the Constitutionally ignorant Representative thinks Congress is the "Superior" branch of Government.

Pelosi claims Congress is a 'superior branch' of government, as clash with White House intensifies

Pelosi says: “We have the power to make the law and the president enforces the law. So we have a big role. We’re closest to the people and we have a big role to play.”

I think Nancy is a little cornfused. The democrats weren't even able to pass their own budget for years and years, and when Trump TRIES to enforce border law, she blocks him! And if she thinks she's closest to the people, guess what Nancy, the people HATE YOU. Trump is right there tweeting directly to the people, at rallies shaking hands, talking to them, you old Crow. You have NO role to play.

I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SOLUTION to this conflict: what I'd like to see is Trump, Mnuchin and Barr in the ring on one side and Nancy, Chuckie and Adam Schiff on the other in a tag team wrestling match, street rules. Winner takes all. Guess which side would win?
now you see why congress has the dismal approval rating they have.....the closest to the people?.....they are miles away.....
They're holding him in contempt because he won't break the law (so they can indict him for breaking the law).
She only has a year left as speaker and 10 years max in Congress. Maybe less if the people of her district start hurling human feces and heroin needles at her in an attempt to permanently remove her from Congress.
She only has a year left as speaker and 10 years max in Congress. Maybe less if the people of her district start hurling human feces and heroin needles at her in an attempt to permanently remove her from Congress.
The people in her district are morons she will be in office until she keel's over and the next lifer out of that area will probably be worse.
She only has a year left as speaker and 10 years max in Congress. Maybe less if the people of her district start hurling human feces and heroin needles at her in an attempt to permanently remove her from Congress.
The people in her district are morons she will be in office until she keel's over and the next lifer out of that area will probably be worse.
She has Heroin Addicts, Illegals, Prostitutes, and Homosexuals and Pedophiles as her constituents. I said nothing about them being morons.

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