Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

That's because you're a fucking idiot.
Just a thought:

Offhand, I’d say every assault with a hammer is violent. In fact, by simple definition, every assault is violent.

It’s like when a newscaster talks about a violent murder. Or worse yet, one of those fatal murders that led to death!!
The civil war has started, the only thing that is missing are the bullets.
Your signature.

I want to know, you republicans started it, and we'll all will finish it.

Lol!!! Thanks for making my point! :laugh:

And just to demonstrate that division, I blame your side. Tens of millions of us are so fed up with YOUR side's woke agenda, we have been, and will continue to fight back.

As for your "we'll all will finish it" (might want to check your grammar there) comment, the only way you will "finish it" is when the bulk of us are gone.
In the meantime, I might remind you which side has the bulk of firearms and ammunition in this country. If your side takes to the streets and gets out of control, you're the ones who will be finished!

Just sit back and relax, my side will be mostly gone in a couple more decades, and you can do your gun roundup at that time. Until then, watch your back!
from the post millenial

According to Mission Local Columnist Joe Eskenazi, "My sources also name the suspect in this morning's hammer attack on Paul Pelosi as David DePape, born 1980, of Berkeley. He would appear to be a former Castro nudist protester. Things appear set to be bizarre for a while."

and then:

Two of Depape’s relatives who spoke to CNN said he was originally from British Columbia, Canada, but had moved to California around 20 years ago. They also said he was estranged from his family.

Other people who had known him told CNN he had struggled with hard drugs and lived in a storage unit in the Berkeley area.

sounds like who the dems feed in the streets and demand you leave them alone, letting them out at will to be back on the streets.
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Just a thought:

Offhand, I’d say every assault with a hammer is violent. In fact, by simple definition, every assault is violent.

It’s like when a newscaster talks about a violent murder. Or worse yet, one of those fatal murders that led to death!!
Or, oh my Pearl clutch, a hate murder!
Such murders are rare when compared to admire, like, love , kind murders.
Nevertheless it's an obvious divertionary way to feel empathy
for the Pelosi's.Depending on how mush they milk it.
Or a full blown way to frame ALL Maga supporters as violent
or potentially prone to sneak attacks.The absolute Last thing
on a Maga persons mind.And the first thing on most garden variety
Democrat activist mind.To strike back.Any way possible.
With Lies,lawsuits,subpoenas,name-calliong,more lies,more
subpoenas and then Framing by Obama holdovers in the Deep State.

The intruder tried to tie Paul Pelosi up to wait for Nancy. The assault must have been bad. He's having brain surgery.

Sounds as if the police stood around and waited until the winner of the hammer tussle struck a blow and then pounced.

We must ban assault hammers now.
There's not going to be a civil war.
Hopefully not. Still this nation may split apart peacefully.

It would be nice if the batshit crazy democrats get voted out of office in the midterms. The Union may survive if that happens.
Our new Anthem?

It could be mocking a ban on guns.

It could be mocking the communist flag.

Ancient European people worshipped Thor who represented strength and personal responsibility. (An extreme right wing ideology) Thor carried a hammer to symbolize his strength.

Being violently beaten with a hammer is not the normal way to kill somebody. A hammer is usually used as a weapon of opportunity in crimes of passion. This is highly unlikely to be the case in this situation. A hammer may have very well been the weapon of choice for other reasons.

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