Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

No, there's a sheriff and an SFPD sargeant standing behind him.

I saw him there. I was referring to the emblem immediately to the left hip of the photographer...


That really surprises me. This person is right behind the VP in line for the presidency, I would have assumed their private residence would have a security detail stationed at their prime residence.

I would tend to think that Nancy Pelosi's "prime residence" is the one she occupies in DC...
Two signs on the windows of the suspect's house:


Conservative men don't runaround calling women twats.

I think you lost this argument. He doesn’t sound like a leftist. The term twat is subjective. As the unofficial judge I convict you of one count of being wrong.

Calling someone a twat is independent of one’s political ideology.
Voted for Trump (twice)
Voted for DeSantis
As pro-2nd Amendment as you'll find
Expel illegals
Seal the southern border

Stop me when I get too liberal for you, gash...

She is wrong. I just made the ruling. Would you be willing to apologize for calling her a twat? It would be mighty good spirited of you and a kind gesture of peace.

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