Pelosi's Star Witness has yet another lie exposed. Zero credibility.

Hearsay isn’t allowed in a court, so how does she help?
Her testimony is not hearsay. She testified to the conversation she heard. Hearsay would be affirming that Trump did that because she heard it mentioned. Recounting what she heard is not hearsay.
Her testimony is not hearsay. She testified to the conversation she heard
I'm trying to figure out how to explain your post back to you. you know what one has heard is hearsay? You can't be that fking stupid can you? I'm totally laughing out loud at this moment. holy fking wow.
Good to have Eurotrash trying to fuck up our country the way you fucked up yours.

First off moron, you have no clue what "the beast" is or the passenger capacity.

Cassidy was coached by Adam Schiff to lie about Tony Ornato - who directly refutes her. 8 other Agents have stepped forward and declared they will testify under oath that the events she claims never happened.

Whether Schitt threatened her or bribed her, she was coerced to give false testimony. A repeating pattern with the little Nazi fuck Schiff.
Let's start...

Trump was in an Armoured Chevrolet SUV not 'The Beast'...

Here is a picture of one of them:

This is a picture of'The Beast'

Now which looks bigger... Do you think the SUV is taking 9 people... Does Trump sit on someones lap?

What's it like to get schooled by Eurotrash
Her testimony is not hearsay. She testified to the conversation she heard. Hearsay would be affirming that Trump did that because she heard it mentioned. Recounting what she heard is not hearsay.
You would be WRONG;

That dumb bitch said “said something to the effect of” like 100 times.


“My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.”

That is the level of testimony.
I believe that she accurately and honestly related what she was told.
Of course you do

This was supposed to be the final blow that puts your orange boogyman on the canvas, never to rise again

Its what you have dreamed of for 6 long years

But instead her testimony is being exposed as a lie and will make the jan 6 investigation look like the partisan witch hunt that it really is
Schiff is an awful awful awful human being.

He claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation from the Kremlin.

Has he ever corrected his lie?

Hunter Biden's laptop WAS disinformation from the Kremlin, fool. All of the pictures and videos were obviously photoshopped. Why would Hunter Biden photoshop pictures of his father with nefarious people, or photoshop himself raping a child?

How gullible and stupid are you??????
HE is secret service. IF he lies, he loses his job. You people are reaching and desperate. 9 Officers have now come forward to discount this hearsay ass clown. Cassidy was a hail Mary throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks.. IT hit the fan and now you're wearing it..

View attachment 664282
Damn, but you remaining Trump supporters are total idiots. So Trump grabbed at the wheel, or didn't grab at the wheel. Who gives a shit. What has not been disputed is that
  • Trump wanted to go to the Capital
  • Trump knew the protestors were armed
  • Trump wanted the MAGS removed so the armed protestors could enter the capital
  • Trump wanted the protestors to hang Mike Pence
  • Trump didn't want to do anything to stop the riot
  • Trump wanted the rioters to prevent the certification of the election.
None of those things are being disputed. Nor is it being disputed that countless individuals intimately involved in the whole process asked for presidential pardons. A strong indicator that they knew what they were doing was illegal. From the top down, there will be prosecutions.
Damn, but you remaining Trump supporters are total idiots. So Trump grabbed at the wheel, or didn't grab at the wheel. Who gives a shit. What has not been disputed is that
  • Trump wanted to go to the Capital
  • Trump knew the protestors were armed
  • Trump wanted the MAGS removed so the armed protestors could enter the capital
  • Trump wanted the protestors to hang Mike Pence
  • Trump didn't want to do anything to stop the riot
  • Trump wanted the rioters to prevent the certification of the election.
None of those things are being disputed. Nor is it being disputed that countless individuals intimately involved in the whole process asked for presidential pardons. A strong indicator that they knew what they were doing was illegal. From the top down, there will be prosecutions.
This has been thoroughly proven false... why do you insist on posting it?
Of course you do

This was supposed to be the final blow that puts your orange boogyman on the canvas, never to rise again

Its what you have dreamed of for 6 long years

But instead her testimony is being exposed as a lie and will make the jan 6 investigation look like the partisan witch hunt that it really is

Boy, you really do live in fantasy land, don't you. You think that everyone lives in a vengeful world where they're "out to get" Donald Trump. That's because Donald Trump is "out to get" anyone he perceives as being "disloyal" to him. Disagreeing with him is "disloyal". Refusing to tell him what he wants to hear is "disloyal".

Just the fact that Trump was DEMANDING to be taken to the Capitol, and everyone around him stood up to him and said "You're not going to the Capitol. It's illegal what you're doing", should demonstrate to you just how treasonous this whole campaign truly was.

Whether Trump grabbed the steering wheel is MOOT. Just the fact that, against ALL advice telling him this was illegal, he pushed ahead anyway, driven by the absolute NEED on the part of the President, not to lose power.

Trump knows about all of the crimes he committed on his way to the White House, and after he installed himself there, and he knew he'd spend the rest of his life in court fighting the consequences of all of these crimes, so he was desperate to retain power, at any cost.

MAGA World's overwhelming attempt to discredit this ONE witness should tell you that everything she said was God's honest truth. The reason her testimony was moved up was because of threats being made and attempts by the insurrection leaders to keep her from testifying truthfully.

She's not some rich or powerful person with anything to gain from her testimony. She was a young idealistic young woman who wanted to help her country, who truly believed in the Trump Presidency and agenda, not someone with an "agenda" or an axe to grind.

She had nothing to gain by lying, and none of their other evidence refutes ANYTHING she told them. She's far more believable than corrupt politicians like Barr, or Flynn,

And because of her testimony, Cippolone is now agreeing to testify.
The campaign to discredit this woman is ongoing. Yet another right wing website claims she lied, but Nick Mulvaney says she didn't lie, and Mulvaney was there too.

All you have is bunch of rabid right wing propaganda sites saying this witness lied to Congress - under oath. Why would she do that, Nostra.

She'd have to be as stupid as YOU are to go in front of the whole country and lie about this stuff because she could go to jail if she's lying. Unlike your rabid right wing websites which have no consequences whatsoever for lying or smearing this witness.

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Wire Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of propaganda and a few failed fact checks.


Nobody is required to let you judge any source, you simply aren't smart enough.
This has been thoroughly proven false... why do you insist on posting it?

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

ALL of this has been thoroughly proven to be true. Why do YOU continue to deny it?

These are the people who worked for and with Donald Trump who are telling you he orchestrated and ordered ALL of those things and more. The evidence is in the testimony and it's backed up by hundreds of thousands of documents.

I expect major indictments by the end of the summer against ALL of the people who were looking for pardons.

When General Flynn take the 5th on the question of whether be believes in the "peaceful transfer of power", you know these guys knew EXACTLY what they were trying to do.

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