Pelosi's Star Witness has yet another lie exposed. Zero credibility.

Not the question I asked, nazi. I asked WHY I would hate Jews and Israel.

And for the record, I am against Iran having nukes or ever getting their hands on them.

You are mistaken.

You think I give a fuck what you spew, Nazi.

I asked YOU a question, now answer - do you support Iran nuking Israel?
Amazing how christians with IQ under 5 know better for jews about jews with 150 iq.

Christianity - a means by which judaism manipluates and controls the "minds" of unimaginable morons...

Good LORD you Nazis are stupid.

First off Adolf, we have your buddy Farouk here, who claims to be an Iranian Jew. Assuming he IS a Jew as he claims, he has an IQ of about 40, dispelling your flaccid thesis.

I assume you are a Muzzie Beast, given your hatred of Jews and Christians? You follow the god Muhammad and his pet demon Allah?
Einstein did call faun a zionist fascist...

So old Albert knew Farouk, did he?


You and Farouk should get gay married...

Nazi love.
Selling out what? You on drugs anti Jew?

50k dead in 'nam
USS Liberty
250 us marines in Lebanon 1983
All lives lost in iraq and afghan

Fuck you traitor


Everyone who cares about america with an iq over 5
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So old Albert knew Farouk, did he?


You and Farouk should get gay married...

Nazi love.

If you had the ability to read and a molecule of patriotism to america...

You love fascists.
You parrot a 2000 year old book written by fascists about a fascist con artist they the jews observed

And you think because you parrot a book you know more about jesus than faun's ancestors

CNN keeps talking about the dangers of Capitol Hill, but they don't speak about Pelosi refusing National Guard that day. Nor do they remind their viewers that she is responsible for security.

So why in the hell is Trump the focus and not Pelosi? She was told in advance of the risk but they say Trump knew on that day?

This is poltiical and the Neo-Cons are trying to drag it out to help the Dems in the mid-term. They want to spent much more money, they care little about Americas future.
Hey dumbass, she was told of the risk, but the risk was not from her, it was from Trump. Keep things in perspective. Trump was the instigator. He was the anarchist!
If you had the ability to read and a molecule of patriotism to america...

You love fascists.
You parrot a 2000 year old book written by fascists about a fascist con artist they the jews observed

And you think because you parrot a book you know more about jesus than faun's ancestors


You are a moron.

Since you think intellect is the product of religion, are you stupid because you are a Muslim?

No matter - what's important is that you are stupid, and loony tunes to the extreme.

As a moron, you are unaware that Albert was pro-Soviet - pure Communist.

In a 1949 Monthly Review article entitled "Why Socialism?"[49] Albert Einstein described a chaotic capitalist society, a source of evil to be overcome, as the "predatory phase of human development" (Einstein 1949). With Albert Schweitzer and Bertrand Russell, Einstein lobbied to stop nuclear testing and future bombs. Days before his death, Einstein signed the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, which led to the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.[50]

When the aged W. E. B. Du Bois was accused of being a Communist spy, Einstein volunteered as a character witness, and the case was dismissed shortly afterward. Einstein's friendship with activist Paul Robeson, with whom he served as co-chair of the American Crusade to End Lynching, lasted twenty years.[51] In 1953, in a letter to Rose Russell, a member of the Teachers Union of the City of New York, Einstein described the McCarthy hearings as "using people as tools for the prosecution of others that one wants to label as 'unorthodox.'"[52] Einstein considered Senator Joseph McCarthy to be a danger to intellectual and academic freedom.

In 1953, William Frauenglass, a New York city school teacher who, having been called to testify, refused, and facing dismissal from his position, wrote to Einstein for support. In his reply, Einstein stated: "The reactionary politicians have managed to instill suspicion of all intellectual efforts into the public by dangling before their eyes a danger from without. Having succeeded so far they are now proceeding to suppress the freedom of teaching and to deprive of their positions all those who do not prove submissive, i.e. to starve them." Einstein's advised: "Every intellectual who is called before one of the committees ought to refuse to testify, i.e. he must be prepared for jail and economic ruin, in short, for the sacrifice of his personal welfare in the interest of the cultural welfare of his country." Einstein concluded, "If enough people are ready to take this grave step they will be successful. If not, then the intellectuals of this country deserve nothing better than the slavery which is intended for them."[53]

In 1946, Einstein collaborated with Rabbi Israel Goldstein, Middlesex University heir C. Ruggles Smith, and activist attorney George Alpert on the Albert Einstein Foundation for Higher Learning, which was formed to create a Jewish-sponsored secular university, open to all students, on the grounds of the former Middlesex University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Middlesex was chosen in part because it was accessible from both Boston and New York City, Jewish cultural centers of the U.S. Their vision was a university "deeply conscious both of the Hebraic tradition of Torah looking upon culture as a birthright, and of the American ideal of an educated democracy."[54] The collaboration was stormy, however. When Einstein wanted to appoint British economist Harold Laski as the university's president, George Alpert wrote that Laski was "a man utterly alien to American principles of democracy, tarred with the Communist brush."[54] Einstein withdrew his support of the university and barred the use of his name,[55] opening in 1948 as Brandeis University instead. In 1953, Brandeis offered Einstein an honorary degree, which he declined.[54][dead link]}


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