Pelosi's Star Witness has yet another lie exposed. Zero credibility.

She didn't lie under oath at all. She did indeed hear the bullshit story she repeated in the hearsay testimony, and that's what she testified to. The problem is that the story wasn't true and the Schiff investigators didn't bother to check it out.
No, she did lie under oath. Even if you give her a pass on all the gossip she relayed, she claimed she wrote the memo that the WH Council wrote.

A simple handwriting analysis will show who is lying.
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To recap the Stalinist Show Trial was on yesterday, the Reich brought out 25 year old Cassidy Hutchenson who claimed;

Okay, by noon we knew it to be a lie as the Secret Service Agents instantly refuted her.

BUT now we find that

Wait for it

ADAM SCHIFF is behind the perjured testimony by Hutchenson - who no way will be arrested for lying to congress - because Heil Soros.

You Nazis still want to lie that this farce has even a hint of legitimacy?

That link just shut down this Dimwinger Shitshow.
Hearsay is inadmissible. Look it up

I believe you might to look up the definition of hearsay evidence. While repeating what someone else told you someone else said is hearsay, repeating what someone told you is not.
What someone told me about an event they attended but I did not and then repeated by me to others is hearsay.
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Hearsay is inadmissible. Look it up
I don't give a shit what Trump did in that SUV. I'm more concerned with him & his crew attempting a coup & the fact that Trump wanted Pence DEAD.

But anyone with half a brain watching Trump's behaviour since the day he came down the escalator knows that the story is true. The guy is a mentally disturbed train wreck.
Why? Everything she said is inadmissible in court. Kangaroo congress doesn’t count for anything except kangarooing
there are exemptions to the hearsay rule, such as "state of mind", which can permit some testimony
. And there is plenty of Hutchinson’s testimony involved conversations in which she was a direct participant. There are more exception to hearsay rule.
"Why would she lie under oath"? LOL

You sound like one of those old ladies from the 1950s "I believe the police because we know they are upstanding men who never lie". If you aren't a member of the Canadian Security Apparatus you sure sound like one.

An oath means little to some. We saw it during the Impeachments when the ringleader Schiff outright lied in a quote he attributed to Trump. He is celebrated today, doing daily interviews, no consequences whatsoever. People still believe he is an honest man of integrity..

People lie all the time for personal benefit. They lie even if it hurts their country, their family, their good name because there is little pride or character in this world and most of all NO CONSEQUENCES. This loss of character has helped Americas enemies greatly.

She could say the sky is orange and they'd applaud her for her honesty. As they did Dr. Ford.

You have the intelligence of a fly. Those who think that everyone is lying, are liars. They believe because they lie all of the time, that everyone else does too. And yet you believe Donald Trump - the guy who is always lying. That shows you're a really piss poor judge of character.

She wouldn't lie because it would be incredibly stupid of her to do so. If her testimony differs substantially from other people who were there, she is easily proven to have lied, and then she goes to jail. There's also no benefit to her if she does lie.

Plus, she's a REPUBLICAN who worked to get Donald Trump elected. She was a true believer, right up until January 6th. Also, Donald Trump has already called her a liar which is a sure sign she's telling the truth.
You have the intelligence of a fly. Those who think that everyone is lying, are liars. They believe because they lie all of the time, that everyone else does too. And yet you believe Donald Trump - the guy who is always lying. That shows you're a really piss poor judge of character.

She wouldn't lie because it would be incredibly stupid of her to do so. If her testimony differs substantially from other people who were there, she is easily proven to have lied, and then she goes to jail. There's also no benefit to her if she does lie.

Plus, she's a REPUBLICAN who worked to get Donald Trump elected. She was a true believer, right up until January 6th. Also, Donald Trump has already called her a liar which is a sure sign she's telling the truth.

I don't always believe Trump, I know that he is a cult of personality to some extent. I've said before and say again and will do so until someone proves me wrong, "you want Trump to be irrelevant? Than provide policies that Americans believe work in their and their families favour".

All of this bluster is because the Establishment and their donors do NOT want America First policies. They've been denying his mandate even before he won the election, but somehow 1/6 is all about Trump not accepting the results.

The full court press against Trump has been constant since he won, but somehow HE ran a insurrection.

I call balls and strikes as I see it. I've tried to be consistent. Trump isn't diplomatic or touchy feely. He is however, true to his word and fights like hell for his convictions. That upsets those who like to live high off of the hog and those who continue to drive America into decline.
You have the intelligence of a fly. Those who think that everyone is lying, are liars. They believe because they lie all of the time, that everyone else does too. And yet you believe Donald Trump - the guy who is always lying. That shows you're a really piss poor judge of character.

She wouldn't lie because it would be incredibly stupid of her to do so. If her testimony differs substantially from other people who were there, she is easily proven to have lied, and then she goes to jail. There's also no benefit to her if she does lie.

Plus, she's a REPUBLICAN who worked to get Donald Trump elected. She was a true believer, right up until January 6th. Also, Donald Trump has already called her a liar which is a sure sign she's telling the truth.

ChiCom, it's proven she lied under oath.

It isn't a question. 9 witnesses have said straight up that she lied - including Tony Ornato who she lied under oath is the source.

This is what you Nazi vermin do - you lie - you fabricate evidence - you engage in perjury, then when you get caught, because Nazi twat Schiff is a MORON, you just keep repeating the exposed lie in hopes you'll deceive someone.

You'll tell any lie for your Reich. You have not one shred or hint of integrity or basic decency.
Or..."no it didn't happen, and no I never told her it happened"

-case closed
Well that could be the case...

So could you tell us why Cassidy would risk perjuring herself like that?
This is a Trump loyalist... Why would she out of thin air invent this story?
Will the Committee hold her in contempt for lying to congress? Or is she being paid out of the democrat slush fund for her false testimony?
Or is she merely relating (a) what she knows and (b) what she was told [while acknowledging she did not see it personally] ???

One of the nice things about 'hearsay evidence' is that it is taken with a grain of salt and used to corroborate other testimony and evidence.

Such 'hearsay evidence' is also useful as a 'probable cause' to dig deeper into sub-topic A or B or C in pursuit of the Bigger Picture.

The woman served-up a great deal of material... much of it verifiable... she retains her credibility... it is up to the listener to separate wheat from chaff.

Hezbollah Hannah, do you deny that Cassidy Hutchinson lied under oath?

You lie for your god Muhammad and his little dog Allah, will you lie for Nazi Adam Schiff too?
I don't give a shit what Trump did in that SUV. I'm more concerned with him & his crew attempting a coup & the fact that Trump wanted Pence DEAD.

But anyone with half a brain watching Trump's behaviour since the day he came down the escalator knows that the story is true. The guy is a mentally disturbed train wreck.
The great selfie coup..

You fucking Nazis are a hoot.
Well that could be the case...

So could you tell us why Cassidy would risk perjuring herself like that?
This is a Trump loyalist... Why would she out of thin air invent this story?
because the committee will never recommend her to the doj to be charged. She has no risk.
Why do you think Ray Epps has not been called to testify?
I didn't but you know the first question is did you tell this to Cassidy....

He could say he was embellishing the truth... So Cassidy integrity stays intact...

Epps could be like a lot of people, say a knee jerk reaction when first asked but when he meets his lawyer before this... He will be told say exactly what happened...

I say it is a bit of everything, Trump lost the rag in the car, was very animated, probably threatened the secret service but stopped short grabbing the wheel.. Epps could said I thought he was going to grab the wheel...

Either way this is not the important part legally in her testimony... Knowingly sending a armed mob to the capitol and telling them that they need to fight has huge legal problems...
Or is she merely relating (a) what she knows and (b) what she was told [while acknowledging she did not see it personally] ???

One of the nice things about 'hearsay evidence' is that it is taken with a grain of salt and used to corroborate other testimony and evidence.

Such 'hearsay evidence' is also useful as a 'probable cause' to dig deeper into sub-topic A or B or C in pursuit of the Bigger Picture.

The woman served-up a great deal of material... much of it verifiable... she retains her credibility... it is up to the listener to separate wheat from chaff.
She has been proven a liar and NOT credible... Her testimony has been impeached by first hand witnesses. ie: people who were actually present.
there are exemptions to the hearsay rule, such as "state of mind", which can permit some testimony
. And there is plenty of Hutchinson’s testimony involved conversations in which she was a direct participant. There are more exception to hearsay rule.

It really doesn't matter.

Cassidy Hutchinson committed perjury - suborned by Adam Schiff.

9 secret service agents have publicly stated she lied - including Tony Ornato.

I know you and your fellow Nazis will just get more shrill screaming "NUHN UHN" to try and salvage the disaster of this perjury.

The Nazi show trial, the Kangaroo court, had no credibility before this. The only purpose of this farce is to try and sell your Big Lie to the public. This is the third time the Reich has been caught blatantly lying in this clown show.

Maybe Schitt head can fabricate more cellphone conversations?
because the committee will never recommend her to the doj to be charged. She has no risk.
First, you have no proof of that...

DOJ makes those decisions...

Where is the upside for her?

Sorry but we have over two dozen people come out of this administration with bad stories about what it was like and everyone you are claiming are lying... These are meant to be handpicked by Trump and Co....

When are ye going to accept that maybe they are right? We had even his daughter saying he was lying last week..

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