Pelosi's Star Witness has yet another lie exposed. Zero credibility.

Look, being a Republican doesn't mean you suck Trump's dick. Sorry, but that is just the way it is. In fact, if there ever was a RINO, it was Trump.

She is a kid who is looking for what she can get.

Schitt bought her and she perjured herself for him.

She's a Nazi now.
CNN claims it is working because DeSantis is ahead of Trump in New Hampshire 39-37.

Make no mistake….this J6 bullshit is about damaging Trump for 2024 because Dems know they cant beat him.
That lunatic shouldn't be allowed within 1000 miles of the W.H.
The broad didn't lie, she just repeated hearsay that was obviously rubbish. Roger Stone, or another Trump operative, passed her the story and had her go to Schiff with it- knowing all along that Schiff and Pelosi would bite without actually vetting and verifying the story.

Once the chick testified, then its time to drop the other shoe and show the libs to be Full of Excrement.

Brilliant move on the part of The Donald, playing right into the arrogance of his adversaries.

Remember this, President Trump was described as a very "stable genius", that's something that no one ever said about Schiff or Biden.
Trump declared himself a "stable genius" but what he meant is that he's "stable" for the time being but could lose his mind again at any time. Which he did.

He was a train wreck & still is.
I believe you might to look up the definition of hearsay evidence. While repeating what someone else told you someone else said is hearsay, repeating what someone told you is not.
If you did not witness the act, someone telling you about it and your repeating it is a prime example of hearsay!

Bill Jones told me he saw the murder, and it was Mike Smith who killed Ben Dover. That is hearsay.
The child drag show party (aka Democrats) lies about trump are so wild and crazy, they make him seem like some kinda super hero.

He can choke out a secret service guy and take the wheel from him. Guy must be ripped.

Trump is like the hulk. Ultra Maga!!!
No, he was an out of control maniac.

And just like clockwork you Dotard Trump asseaters are parroting every single one of his deranged rants.
She is a kid who is looking for what she can get.

Schitt bought her and she perjured herself for him.

She's a Nazi now.
Sorry, but you are dumber than a box of rocks. Oh, everyone is out to get Trump. Everyone lies. All those judges that ruled against Trump are part of the conspiracy. I mean Occam's razor does come in to play at some point. Trump is a self-absorbed total asshole with the intelligence of a fourth grader. He is mentally ill, and without Daddy's money he would have been locked away long ago. The fact that you, and others, continue to support and defend him is indicative of the total ignorance of a huge swath of the American population. Honestly, I am surprised that you don't drown in a rainstorm like a flippin turkey.
If you did not witness the act, someone telling you about it and your repeating it is a prime example of hearsay!

Bill Jones told me he saw the murder, and it was Mike Smith who killed Ben Dover. That is hearsay.
So what, dumbass. Quoting what someone said someone else said is hearsay. Quoting what someone said is not. I mean how damn hard is that to understand.
The timing of the Kommittee broadcast let's you know that even the Democrats knew this was BS.

Get it out right before the 5pm news and hope folks hear it before it is debunked.
Riiiiiiight. Dems let her testify to a false story so that Trump & his asseaters could the next day, yep!, debunk it.

Sorry, but you are dumber than a box of rocks. Oh, everyone is out to get Trump. Everyone lies. All those judges that ruled against Trump are part of the conspiracy. I mean Occam's razor does come in to play at some point. Trump is a self-absorbed total asshole with the intelligence of a fourth grader. He is mentally ill, and without Daddy's money he would have been locked away long ago. The fact that you, and others, continue to support and defend him is indicative of the total ignorance of a huge swath of the American population. Honestly, I am surprised that you don't drown in a rainstorm like a flippin turkey.
The guy is a mentally disturbed train wreck. Anyone who met a maniac like him out in public would walk away after a five minute comversation with that Bozo & wonder who let him out.

Anyone with half a brain can watch him in action for five minutes at one of his rallies & see that he's out of his fucking mind.

And he had the nuke codes?
She's repeating what the secret service guys told her.
have the secret service guys come in under oath then, nothing stopping them.

Nobody is disputing that Trump ordered the metal detectors taken down.
No, he was an out of control maniac.

And just like clockwork you Dotard Trump asseaters are parroting every single one of his deranged rants.
The story is a lie.

If trump was as bad as you say, lying wouldn't be necessary.

You are everything you claim trump to be.
She lied at the behest of Adam Schiff. She committed perjury, and Schiff suborned perjury.

If democrats were subject to laws, both would be going to jail.
Yeah, but demofks don’t have to worry, they bought almost every justice rep
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have the secret service guys come in under oath then, nothing stopping them.

Nobody is disputing that Trump ordered the metal detectors taken down.
Why? Everything she said is inadmissible in court. Kangaroo congress doesn’t count for anything except kangarooing

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