Pelosi's Star Witness has yet another lie exposed. Zero credibility.

Schiff is an awful awful awful human being.

He claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation from the Kremlin.

Has he ever corrected his lie?

So having failed utterly in making your point, you post more proveable lies to deflect from your failure to come up with any valid excuses for Trump’s sedition.

Your concession is appreciated.
We need to stop this Stalinist bullshit.


We should find a way to shut down their proceedings.

Yes, STOP THIS CRAP. Right now.


Then you can leave the country because the majority of Americans are fed up with being governed by a shrinking minority of white males who think the 1950’s were straight out of Father Knows Best, and want to return to these days.
So having failed utterly in making your point, you post more proveable lies to deflect from your failure to come up with any valid excuses for Trump’s sedition.

Your concession is appreciated.
What’s the lie?
Trump's policies were not "American First". They were neither family friendly, not were they good for the middle class. Trump's policies crashed the economy, and exacerbated your supply chain issues. Tearing up all of your trade agreements pre-pandemic, meant nothing was in place for trade post-pandemic.

Abandoning your allies, or trying to publicly denigrate them with that laughable claim that NATO "owes you billions" wasn't putting America First at all. It emboldened Putin to believe that he could invade the Ukraine with impunity because NATO is finished, and Americans wanted out of NATO.

The off-shoring of manufacturing continued unabated, and the manufacturing sector was in a recession BEFORE the pandemic hit. The tax cuts produced NO new jobs, because the trade wars made it impossible for manufacturers to plan long term.

All of the slashing and burning of air and water regulations has made the health of Americans worse, and is leading to deaths of Americans every year. Ignoring climate change is now costing the economy billions of dollars every year in flooding and wildfires.

With all immigration, legal or otherwise, on "pause" during the pandemic, worker shortages, which began during the Obama Administration, were exacerbated by more people retiring or changing career paths after the pandemic.

The chaos and destruction of the basic government infrastructure has slowed your recovery, with the lack of trade agreements with the EU, and other major trading partners, dismantling of the immigration court systems, refugee systems, and replacing them with for profit holding pens.

Trump took over with the lowest illegal immigration in 50 years, and 2 years later had a "national emergency" at the Southern Border, after he dismantled the refugee system there, and separated children from their parents.

Everything Trump focused on "fixing" has been left in a shambles and in chaos. You're blaming Biden for supply chain issues, and people not working, instead of blaming Trump for trying to destroy the country, and nearly succeeding.
What a load of shit.
Two Secret Service agents also spoke with CNN about what transpired between Trump and his security detail as he left his Jan. 6 rally in the presidential motorcade.
Those moments came under intense scrutiny after Cassidy Hutchinson, a former assistant to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, testified Tuesday before the House committee investigating the riot that Tony Ornato, the White House deputy chief of staff for operations, told her Trump had lost his temper when his Secret Service agents refused to drive him to the Capitol, lunged toward an agent and tried to grab the steering wheel.
The story has circulated throughout the Secret Service for the past year, the agents told CNN. They were not present in the car but heard several accounts similar to Hutchinson’s.

“He had sort of lunged forward
― it was unclear from the conversations I had that he actually made physical contact, but he might have. I don’t know,” one said. “Nobody said Trump assaulted him; they said he tried to lunge over the seat ― for what reason, nobody had any idea.”
Neither of the agents told CNN they’d heard stories about Trump trying to grab the steering wheel.
Sources who spoke to the Post also commented on the car incident, with one former law enforcement official saying three agents who were with Trump on Jan. 6 are disputing that Trump ever grabbed or assaulted anyone or reached for the steering wheel. However, the source said, they do not dispute that Trump was furious at them.
haha another story from people not there, talking about how her testimony was simply based on rumors? really? wow liz and shifty committee has spent over a year ans all that got is some rumors about something that happened in the car…haha
How stupid are you? Were you dropped on your head as an infant?

Is there a defendant? Or charges?

This is a Hearing to find out what happened, and who was involved. What we're finding out is that things went exactly as planned, and Trump was very enthusiastic about what was happening. And you little sheep are shitting your pants daily at the things that are coming out.

Day in, day out, you defend the liar, the conman, the guy who tried to destroy your country - on purpose. How stupid do you have to be to come here day in and day out, and defend this criminal??????
hahaha a hearing to find out what happened? by calling people yo testified who weren’t even there.._haha

do you even believe the stuff you post?
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Just ignore him ranting & raving at the Elipse & his Tweets attacking Pence, which his goon squads all all saw & heard.

But that's ok. Sane people know what happened.
Still nothing.

Try again, Loser.
They could have spoken with the secret service b4 hearing.

They could have locked the capitol door.

The lower house aren't the intellectuals of the American political world..

There are exceptions..

200 days till the next impeachment.

Pelosi says impeachment is the new vetting
What are they going to do when they are running mates? this is not going to end well for them..
Let's see.. Trump is 76 DeSantis - 43... Hmmm.
First of all they can't be running mates as both are from Florida.
Second... DeSantis only 43 means he has plenty of years to take advantage of Trump's supporters after 2024!
That's the question, isn't it? After days of telling those who came to peacefully protest that "We need to go inside the Capitol", he didn't go in. Imagine. All those who went in are political prisoners whose constitutional rights to a speedy trial and against cruel and unusual punishment have been denied and, somehow, the chief instigator knew not to go in.

And don't forget many who did nothing except stand on the grounds were also arrested and charged. A career DEA officer lost his career and was charged for sitting on a wall on the grounds. People inside and outside charged, but not the one person seen instigating.

Who didn't go into the Capitol or fight with police got arrested?

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