Pelosis's District Drowns in Feces

Yikes, smells like victory? I know there are a lot of threads on Cali-poo, but it seems to be a Growing problem. This is an opportunity, because the poo emoji merch is so darn cute.
How do people allow this?

Wealthy Californian Elites don't experience the Communist filth in the streets. They live in lavish well-secured gated mansions. So for them, it doesn't exist. But for most others, they just end up getting fed up and leave the State. California is quickly becoming a State made up of only the very rich, and the very poor. The Communists are decimating the Middle Class out there.

It's rapidly heading towards becoming Venezuela. But hey, most folks continue to vote Democrat out there. It's the demographics now. Democrats continue to win Elections even though they're killing the California Golden Goose. They have no accountability. It is very sad, but it is what it is.
San Francisco is such a lovely city, great food.... I used to spend a couple months a year there for work. Wouldn't go near the place any more. If anyone is planning on going there, make sure you don't during Critical Mass.
How do people allow this?

Wealthy Californian Elites don't experience the Communist filth in the streets. They live in lavish well-secured gated mansions. So for them, it doesn't exist. But for most others, they just end up getting fed up and leave the State. California is quickly becoming a State made up of only the very rich, and the very poor. The Communists are decimating the Middle Class out there.

It's rapidly heading towards becoming Venezuela. But hey, most folks continue to vote Democrat out there. It's the demographics now. Democrats continue to win Elections even though they're killing the California Golden Goose. They have no accountability. It is very sad, but it is what it is.
ouch that sucks.......California has such natural beauty, too bad these people are so disgusting

by the way, aren't these the people who hate littering? but they're ok with shit on the streets? uh..............

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