Pelousy: "Make America White Again?"

Nancy is quite white...many have noticed that since she once again accused us deporables of being racists. I'm half Italian, Nancy is Italian, and many in our culture believe we ain't white enough but other than our olive-skinned members, we pass as white, many white as a snowball. Has the Klan ever hunted Italians? no. So Fancy is white alright. Her palsy was obvious that her latest stunt was to appease AOC and "the squad"...she didn't mean a word of it. But the government schools are at this very moment teaching caucasian students to feel shame and guilt about being white. It's intended to elevate minorities not to equal status but superior status, If you saw the flash mob loot and trash a Walgreens in Philly yesterday, you may wonder how could white America NOT be racist. Every day on the news a black has slaughtered or raped or both a white, and yet it's so commonplace Nancy thinks we only need an occasional reminder of how terrible we are for wondering if blacks are a sub-species.


So Al Gore can't be for going Green because he's got 3 homes and a jet?
And now Nancy can't call white Republicans racists because she's white?

Any white who complains and worries about colored people are losers.
Nancy is quite white...many have noticed that since she once again accused us deporables of being racists. I'm half Italian, Nancy is Italian, and many in our culture believe we ain't white enough but other than our olive-skinned members, we pass as white, many white as a snowball. Has the Klan ever hunted Italians? no. So Fancy is white alright. Her palsy was obvious that her latest stunt was to appease AOC and "the squad"...she didn't mean a word of it. But the government schools are at this very moment teaching caucasian students to feel shame and guilt about being white. It's intended to elevate minorities not to equal status but superior status, If you saw the flash mob loot and trash a Walgreens in Philly yesterday, you may wonder how could white America NOT be racist. Every day on the news a black has slaughtered or raped or both a white, and yet it's so commonplace Nancy thinks we only need an occasional reminder of how terrible we are for wondering if blacks are a sub-species.


So Al Gore can't be for going Green because he's got 3 homes and a jet?
And now Nancy can't call white Republicans racists because she's white?

Any white who complains and worries about colored people are losers.

The OP isn't exactly well thought out.
well she was white till about the age of 60,,,then she started looking about 75 years old. so,,,we really dont know what color she is behind all of that make up

I'd hit it


Unfortunately we know what Don looks like underneath his clothes
So Al Gore can't be for going Green because he's got 3 homes and a jet?
And now Nancy can't call white Republicans racists because she's white?

Any white who complains and worries about colored people are losers.

Well, Gore got those houses and a jet from fake claims/inventing global no, he's not a legit champion of the cause. Nancy doesn't care about blacks or browns...they are a means to end for and power in that order. Can a white be concerned about racism where it really exists? sure! But it starts with understanding blacks do better crying "racism" these days than buckling down and trying to fit in.
Its not color, its culture.

I agree, but we can identify that "culture" by color for the most part. None of them have to speak ebonics or go into a rage at the slightest provocation. Look at Oprah, General Powell, the big guy on Fox business news, or the hundreds of other well-spoken blacks who do quite well in the white world. If the Rats weren't so terrified of losing their slaves to the freedom of conservatism, blacks would start "thinking white" and the race problems would end.

I have made this same argument before so I will agree. The poor people in ghettos need to start acting more white

So Al Gore can't be for going Green because he's got 3 homes and a jet?
And now Nancy can't call white Republicans racists because she's white?

Any white who complains and worries about colored people are losers.

Well, Gore got those houses and a jet from fake claims/inventing global no, he's not a legit champion of the cause. Nancy doesn't care about blacks or browns...they are a means to end for and power in that order. Can a white be concerned about racism where it really exists? sure! But it starts with understanding blacks do better crying "racism" these days than buckling down and trying to fit in.

Those weren't fake claims. Are you still denying humans are causing global warming? So NASA is lying? 97% of climate scientists are lying? Every other country in the world is lying?

The only ones not lying are the oil companies, the biggest corporate polluters, the lobbyists they hire to bribe the Republicans into denying GW for as long as they possibly can? You think everyone but the obvious liars are lying? What a brainwashed Republican you are. I bet you toe the line on every issue.
The OP isn't exactly well thought out.

This ^^^^^^ from a snide turd who can't OP...just plays the critic to his all of us....shove off, dink.

Who can't OP? I usually pick a subject to start a new thread and don't meander about trying to make a point. I also don't unnecessarily start jagoff threads just to hear my own keyboard.

The OP doesn't really make any points. You could have only posted the word "Pelousy" because nothing else in your post added anything.
well she was white till about the age of 60,,,then she started looking about 75 years old. so,,,we really dont know what color she is behind all of that make up

I'd hit it

You'd have sex with a 79 year old woman? you black by any chance?
No I'm a 48 year old white guy who has a 27 year old girlfriend. I can't even stand women my own age. Gross. But she's an attractive woman.

And she was hot in her day

The OP isn't exactly well thought out.

This ^^^^^^ from a snide turd who can't OP...just plays the critic to his all of us....shove off, dink.
I sent HappyJoy an IM because I wanted to have a legitimate discussion on a topic that would have derailed the thread. His response:

Seriously, I want you to fuck off and never IM me again. Clear?

What a sensitive little snowflake shit.

I'd hit it

You'd have sex with a 79 year old woman? you black by any chance? the brothas often rape old white women...I guess it beats screwing a dog, or a watermelon.
Weren't you going to vote for this woman if she was the nominee?

When the anchor throws to Carly Fiorina for her reaction to Trump's momentum, Trump's expression sours in schoolboy disgust as the camera bores in on Fiorina. "Look at that face!" he cries. "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!" The laughter grows halting and faint behind him. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"
Are you still denying humans are causing global warming?

Co2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change.

So NASA is lying?

The data collection equipment does not lie. The fudgebakers are the liars. Consider NASA's truth about 90% of the Earth's ice on Antarctica

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

"he Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."


That's the DATA....

Try to understand something.

PARROTING is not science
FUDGING DATA is not science
FRAUD is not science

This is where the last two intersected....

You had two and only two measures of ATMOSPHERIC TEMPS in 2005.... satellites and balloons....

Key claim against global warming evaporates

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."

"cooling" = flat line that goes up and down a bit, but really more FLAT than cooling....

"Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data."


The two series were highly correlated. The two FUDGES used were not....
Those weren't fake claims. Are you still denying humans are causing global warming? So NASA is lying? 97% of climate scientists are lying? Every other country in the world is lying?

The only ones not lying are the oil companies, the biggest corporate polluters, the lobbyists they hire to bribe the Republicans into denying GW for as long as they possibly can? You think everyone but the obvious liars are lying? What a brainwashed Republican you are. I bet you toe the line on every issue.

Wrong...I ain't a Republican, I know Gorebal warming is a HOAX since the lunatics who run their mouths about it ain't been in Arizona this year.....coolest Spring and early summer in my 45 years here....this is the Sonoran Desert.....if it ain't boiling here, it ain't happening anywhere. We've only had thermometers for a couple hundred years....what was Earth like before that? At one point our average temperature was 450 degrees and nobody was around driving a Dodge Charger. Mars is also warming up...not a single SUV been sighted there.

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