Pelsoi to codify Roe vs. Wade

Republicans stepped in it good this time. They thought this was a winner for them.

What makes this even more funny is that even if the law winds up in front of SCOTUS real fast.

Where it is thrown out because there isn't a fucking thing in the constitution about abortion.

And fuck William O. Douglas and is "penumbra" of rights.

They don't exist and thank heavens he doesn't anymore.
There is nothing unconstitutional about Texas's ban.

Sorry to break it to you, but Roe v. Wade was judicial acitivism.

Texas is just righting a wrong.
Because the Roe V Wade decision actually infringed upon States Rights...

Not ALL power of morality is up to the Federal Government...just like the Federal Government cannot mandate masks or vaccines for all 50 states it can't tell them what reproductive rights a state can or cannot have. In TN all diet pills are illegal... you have to go to Kentucky or Georgia to get them. You can't force them to do what they don't want to do. It's that particular state's right to legislate what they wish.
Because the Roe V Wade decision actually infringed upon States Rights...

Not ALL power of morality is up to the Federal Government...just like the Federal Government cannot mandate masks or vaccines for all 50 states it can't tell them what reproductive rights a state can or cannot have. In TN all diet pills are illegal... you have to go to Kentucky or Georgia to get them. You can't force them to do what they don't want to do. It's that particular state's right to legislate what they wish.

Most people don't realize that at the time of Roe, four or five states allowed abortions. Today, it will be 30 plus. Just not Texas.

Overturning Roe does not make abortion illegal.

Fuck Nancy Pelosi.

Her law is bullshit.

And if Mitch M. grew some balls and tried to make it illegal at a national level, I'd tell him to fuck off too.

It's not a federal concern.
Nancy Pelsoi has announced that the house will vote to make abortion rights a national law in response to Texas's unconstitutional ban.

Good luck with that.
What about retro-active abortions for all those who believe so strongly? What's the litmus test as to the point at which a person becomes a person and earns their liberties under our constitution? Why stop at third trimester abortions?
Piglosi better hurry, 2022 is looming

She can't get past the Senate.....dumb bitch

Yea, dumbassocrats don't seem to understand, they BARELY have the house and don't have the senate. It's 50-50 in the senate. This means they can't do anything without republican approval. And if they try, their asses are grass in '22.
‘Earlier Thursday, President Biden called the law "an unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights," and vowed to launch a "whole-of-government" effort to protect access to safe and legal abortion in the state.’

President Biden is correct.
Republicans stepped in it good this time. They thought this was a winner for them.
It was a winner for Republicans, until they screwed up and actually banned abortion.

For nearly 50 years conservatives have used ‘abortion’ as a wedge issue, a partisan weapon against opponents and as red meat to the base to keep them angry and going to the polls.

Now, with the Supreme Court set to overturn Roe, conservatives have lost that partisan weapon and given the advantage to Democrats.

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