Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

Boo booo
Candidate ..Clinton (D) 48 % .......Trump (R) 46.7 %
U.S. Total ..63,541,056..... 61,864,015
I looked for further details in the article, and found none. The conservative blogger said that people are canceling their tickets and we are supposed to blindly believe the statement.
I am not a blind believer like you.

I didn't say I believed anything.

I don't even care.

I just think it's funny that some obscure blog has you so riled up about it's credibility over such an insignificant event.

Rape accusations about the GOP? EXECUTE TRUMP!!!


So according to Wry Catcher...all those who voted for Trump are Brownshirts? You people need to get a grip! Donald Trump is what used to be called a "Rockefeller Republican"...someone who is fiscally conservative and more middle of the road on social issues. He's not a fascist and your continued insistence that he nothing more than you not wanting to accept the reality of what just took place in this election.

So he really didn't mean it when he said women who get abortions should be punished?

No, he really didn't mean it, Waiting! You think Donald Trump is going to make Roe v Wade a priority in his time as President? He couldn't care less. He'll make a few statement to mollify the far right and that's it.
Libs have been whining about losing Roe vs Wade for decades.

Just more crying wolf.

Kooks have been crying wolf over the 2nd A. since Columbine. Roe is settled law, the 2nd A. is not (doubt that read Scalia's comments in Heller).
The theater should be a safe space. :crybaby:

When you go to lunch do you accept being berated by the hostess or cook?

Liberals need to learn about appropriate behavior

He got jeered. Big fucking deal. I've gone up to my elected officials eating at a diner and have given them my opinion on matters I feel important to me. They work for us and if they can't handle having people share their views when in they are in public then maybe they should find another line of work.
You've gone up to people eating dinner and interrupted them to shove your opinion in their face?

I figured you for more manners than that
I looked for further details in the article, and found none. The conservative blogger said that people are canceling their tickets and we are supposed to blindly believe the statement.
I am not a blind believer like you.

I didn't say I believed anything.

I don't even care.

I just think it's funny that some obscure blog has you so riled up about it's credibility over such an insignificant event.

Rape accusations about the GOP? EXECUTE TRUMP!!!


Your special prosecutor claim is a strawman. Stop embarrassing yourself
I looked for further details in the article, and found none. The conservative blogger said that people are canceling their tickets and we are supposed to blindly believe the statement.
I am not a blind believer like you.

I didn't say I believed anything.

I don't even care.

I just think it's funny that some obscure blog has you so riled up about it's credibility over such an insignificant event.

Rape accusations about the GOP? EXECUTE TRUMP!!!

So the stupid liberal shit of the earth scum in New York as usual show they have absolutely NO class. Of course being liberal scum shit that is evident before entering the theatre. What else would you expect from stupid gutter scum but BAD BEHAVIOR, it is evident on a daily basis all over the liberal areas of the country, and here minute by minute. It would be really funny if it weren't so sad. I feel only pity for the shit that do these things because it shows how vile, ignorant and intolerant THEY are, and shows them to be much more indicative and exemplary of the labels they throw around so freely at people they don't know at all.
The man's a buffoon. Don't care if he's booed or not. Only think it's a shame that his family had to witness it occur in public.


Also, this thread is literally above a thread about the same exact thing
Time will tell? LOL You mean considering that Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet as President yet you've already assumed him to be the second coming of Hitler? Gee, you actually are willing to admit that you might have jumped the gun...JUST A BIT!!!

Not at all. He scapegoated Muslims and Mexicans, women too; he attacked the character of each person on the podium during the nomination process; he attacked women who accused him of vulgar deeds, claimed he would round up and deport 11 million people, many with families, who have live in the US for years / decades and attacked Journalists in the media.

Do you call that something other than fascism?
Hillary attacked many millions more in one fell swoop by minimizing them as deplorable and unredeemable. Probaly her biggest mistake but libs eventually show their true colors. So you are either wildly inconsistent or you are more offended by her words.

Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable and undredeemable. Do you not read the posts from your colleagues in the echo chamber? How can they not be called deplorable and nonredeemable?

I know, in a word, fascist.
Like a child you throw out insults you don't even understand. The big government goons are on the left. Hillary was in the hip pocket of the Wall street tycoons, that's fascism, not people who fail to agree with you.

Trump IS Wall St. and you've contradicted yourself in one sentence. HRC has called for regulations to keep Wall St. from ever again creating an economic crisis as we had in 2007-2009

Big Government Regulates private business
Wall st. is a private business
thus, Big Government regulates Wall St.

God, you're naive! Hillary was given hundreds of millions of dollars by those very same Wall Steeters that you claim she was going to "regulate"...does that fact not register with you? In her own emails she explained that politicians had to have two for the masses they want to vote for them...and another for the people that give them money. She was blowing smoke up your undies, Catcher! She was never going to rein in Wall Street because Wall Street OWNED her!
The theater should be a safe space. :crybaby:

When you go to lunch do you accept being berated by the hostess or cook?

Liberals need to learn about appropriate behavior

He got jeered. Big fucking deal. I've gone up to my elected officials eating at a diner and have given them my opinion on matters I feel important to me. They work for us and if they can't handle having people share their views when in they are in public then maybe they should find another line of work.
He paid for tickets to the play, hosebag. The people putting on the play have a responsibility to see that he gets what he paid for. Getting lectured by the cast isn't what he paid for. As for the audience, they only proved what ill mannered, ignominious, feral baboons they are.
We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.
Wow, what a bunch of filthy assholes. No wonder they lost. Like some stupid fucking play is going to make Pence drop his life long core values and replace them with leftist scare mongering. Even little children know better.

You won the election and lost the country. Stupid people like you continue to claim victory, your victory is a Potemkin Village since Trump did not win the popular vote. It is really that simple, someone as simple as you knows this, and thus mendacity is your only play.
Does your pussy hurt?

I have a dog, a dog who is much smarter than you.
So according to Wry Catcher...all those who voted for Trump are Brownshirts? You people need to get a grip! Donald Trump is what used to be called a "Rockefeller Republican"...someone who is fiscally conservative and more middle of the road on social issues. He's not a fascist and your continued insistence that he nothing more than you not wanting to accept the reality of what just took place in this election.

So he really didn't mean it when he said women who get abortions should be punished?

No, he really didn't mean it, Waiting! You think Donald Trump is going to make Roe v Wade a priority in his time as President? He couldn't care less. He'll make a few statement to mollify the far right and that's it.
Libs have been whining about losing Roe vs Wade for decades.

Just more crying wolf.

Kooks have been crying wolf over the 2nd A. since Columbine. Roe is settled law, the 2nd A. is not (doubt that read Scalia's comments in Heller).

Why would Roe v Wade be considered any more "settled" law than the 2nd Amendment?
The theater should be a safe space. :crybaby:

When you go to lunch do you accept being berated by the hostess or cook?

Liberals need to learn about appropriate behavior

He got jeered. Big fucking deal. I've gone up to my elected officials eating at a diner and have given them my opinion on matters I feel important to me. They work for us and if they can't handle having people share their views when in they are in public then maybe they should find another line of work.
You've gone up to people eating dinner and interrupted them to shove your opinion in their face?

I figured you for more manners than that

Of my elected officials...your damn right I have.
We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.
Wow, what a bunch of filthy assholes. No wonder they lost. Like some stupid fucking play is going to make Pence drop his life long core values and replace them with leftist scare mongering. Even little children know better.

You won the election and lost the country. Stupid people like you continue to claim victory, your victory is a Potemkin Village since Trump did not win the popular vote. It is really that simple, someone as simple as you knows this, and thus mendacity is your only play.
Does your pussy hurt?

I have a dog, a dog who is much smarter than you.
Here's some crocodile tears for ya....
The theater should be a safe space. :crybaby:

When you go to lunch do you accept being berated by the hostess or cook?

Liberals need to learn about appropriate behavior

He got jeered. Big fucking deal. I've gone up to my elected officials eating at a diner and have given them my opinion on matters I feel important to me. They work for us and if they can't handle having people share their views when in they are in public then maybe they should find another line of work.
He paid for tickets to the play, hosebag. The people putting on the play have a responsibility to see that he gets what he paid for. Getting lectured by the cast isn't what he paid for. As for the audience, they only proved what ill mannered, ignominious, feral baboons they are.
Is Pence going to sue? LOL
Boo booo
Candidate ..Clinton (D) 48 % .......Trump (R) 46.7 %
U.S. Total ..63,541,056..... 61,864,015

Hey Tyrone, the EC was Trump 306 Clinton 232, she lost, get over it...

Oh and BTW the EC isn't going anywhere because you keep crying about it...

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