Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

He got jeered. Big fucking deal. I've gone up to my elected officials eating at a diner and have given them my opinion on matters I feel important to me. They work for us and if they can't handle having people share their views when in they are in public then maybe they should find another line of work.
He paid for tickets to the play, hosebag. The people putting on the play have a responsibility to see that he gets what he paid for. Getting lectured by the cast isn't what he paid for. As for the audience, they only proved what ill mannered, ignominious, feral baboons they are.
Is Pence going to sue? LOL
He could, but he has more important things to worry about.
Oh yeah ? Tell me which contract laws were broken by the Hamilton cast.
Next time you work for someone be sure to insult the customer.
Liberal business etiquette 101
What if there are 300 customers and I insulted just one of them? And what if many liberal customers will be happy about me insulting a guy who hates say, gay people?

And what if what I said was not an insult anyway?
I am not on the left and I have every right to share my views with my elected officials if I see them in public. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I wouldn't interrupt their meal, no matter who it is. That's just me though, and I can't condemn your choice. Just not one I would make.

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Apparently MDK and others on the left think being an elected official makes you their personal bitch 24/7

I am not on the left and I have every right to share my views with my elected officials if I see them in public. Don't like it? Tough shit.
A private restaurant is not "in public." I'm sure the owner doesn't appreciate you verbally assaulting his customers. You're also disturbing the people at nearby tables. Your behavior is just generally bad mannered. Outside, I have no problem with, but not in a restaurant.
Not at all. He scapegoated Muslims and Mexicans, women too; he attacked the character of each person on the podium during the nomination process; he attacked women who accused him of vulgar deeds, claimed he would round up and deport 11 million people, many with families, who have live in the US for years / decades and attacked Journalists in the media.

Do you call that something other than fascism?
Hillary attacked many millions more in one fell swoop by minimizing them as deplorable and unredeemable. Probaly her biggest mistake but libs eventually show their true colors. So you are either wildly inconsistent or you are more offended by her words.

Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable and undredeemable. Do you not read the posts from your colleagues in the echo chamber? How can they not be called deplorable and nonredeemable?

I know, in a word, fascist.
Like a child you throw out insults you don't even understand. The big government goons are on the left. Hillary was in the hip pocket of the Wall street tycoons, that's fascism, not people who fail to agree with you.

Trump IS Wall St. and you've contradicted yourself in one sentence. HRC has called for regulations to keep Wall St. from ever again creating an economic crisis as we had in 2007-2009

Big Government Regulates private business
Wall st. is a private business
thus, Big Government regulates Wall St.

God, you're naive! Hillary was given hundreds of millions of dollars by those very same Wall Steeters that you claim she was going to "regulate"...does that fact not register with you? In her own emails she explained that politicians had to have two for the masses they want to vote for them...and another for the people that give them money. She was blowing smoke up your undies, Catcher! She was never going to rein in Wall Street because Wall Street OWNED her!

So you are opposed to a person seeking office receiving money from the private sector, is that correct? If so, we can agree the two USSC Decisions (5-4), CU & McCutcheon v. FEC, are not about free speech and ought to be overturned.

That said, everyone understands that a speech given to the local Chamber of Commerce will differ from a speech given to a local school board or service organization? To attribute that to a nefarious deed without evidence is tantamount to guilty until proven innocent.

In my capacity as a manager in Law Enforcement the Chief asked me to go to meetings and update the audience on issues of crime and justice. Do you think I would offer the same data to a Chamber of Commerce that I used for Domestic Violence Victims, Victims of Fraud, or to the local Neighbor Watch Committee?
MIKE PENCE BOOED By Bitter Liberals At Broadway Show Hamilton...Lectured To By Lead Actor
So the lefty whiners reached a new LOW last night when they Booed the Vice President Elect when he and his family went to see a Broadway Show.
Talk about disgusting, disrespectful, hypocrisy! Talk about Idiotic, hoodlems who have no knowledge of manors just like the Mayor of New York!
It seems as if we have another liberal whining about something that hasn't happened yet? Who just can't resist calling every Republican a "racist" and a bigot ", and using every 4 letter word he knows ( I guess that's all the words he was taught) . I don't know who the most stupidest people in America, people like that Liberal Crybaby, or the idiots who are rioting in the Streets!

How about all you Hypothetical loud mouths give our new President and his Vice President a chance before you crybaby hypocrites condemn them? This stupid "actor" from Hamilton needs to get off his High Horse and see the light. And as Trump said, what has the Democratics and the Obama admission done for the Blacks in the past? NOTHING!

Has the cast booked their tickets out of the country yet? LOL! Whiners.
Apparently MDK and others on the left think being an elected official makes you their personal bitch 24/7

I am not on the left and I have every right to share my views with my elected officials if I see them in public. Don't like it? Tough shit.
I respect you but there is no excuse for the behavior as described in the op.
Politics should not permeate every aspect of our lives and celebrities would do well to learn that.
Remember the saying "don't bring your job home with you"?
Same should apply to political rhetoric. There is a time & place for everything. There are ethical & moral boundaries that should not be crossed while a person is at work.

Look at it this way. Let's say I bid a big job and get it. As I begin this job I bring up my political beliefs despite what the customer may or may not believe. I keep pushing my point of view and the customer fires me.
I then come to usmb and plead & whine about how I was fired for exercising my freedom of speech. Do you suppose you and the rest of the left are going to side with me? Or will you say what a dumbfuck I was?
I am not on the left and I have every right to share my views with my elected officials if I see them in public. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I wouldn't interrupt their meal, no matter who it is. That's just me though, and I can't condemn your choice. Just not one I would make.

I've had elected officials interrupt my lunch stumping for my vote on several occasions. For the record, it isn't something I've done often.
The VP-elect was booed (and slightly cheered) by the audience, not the cast. A very polite statement was read to the VP-elect at the conclusion of the play. The speaker, the actor who plays Aaron Burr) asked the audience not to boo Mr Pence and thanked Pence for coming and for pausing (he was on his way out) to hear the statement addressed to him.

Get your facts straight before opening your yaps.

PS, Despite your comments about fascism, I guess it didn't bother you to vote for the candidate favored by the KKK and the American Nazi Party.
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It is the duty of every American patriot to keep Trump and Pence notified of their true duties, one of which is to crush racism from left to right.
They already know what their duties are. They don't need to be reminded of it by self-righteous cocksuckers.
The man's a buffoon. Don't care if he's booed or not. Only think it's a shame that his family had to witness it occur in public.


Also, this thread is literally above a thread about the same exact thing
Of course he is a buffoon. Aren't ALL Rs buffoons according to the regressive left?
You just made an argument where it went from a simple citation to the government breaking down the door of a business... you've said similar outlandish things. If you are going to do it, at least own it. You owned the fact that you are a prick with double standards when it comes to complaining. Own this one too. Suck it up buttercup.

I expected better of you.

I don't take myself or my opinions so seriously either.

Try it, it's liberating.

Secondly the logical conclusion that refusal to bend to your will could lead to government sanctioned violence is irrefutable, but you don't seem to be willing to accept that. Try not paying a simple citation and see what happens.

Thirdly, I'd hardly call 5 figure fines "simple citations". I could not flippantly disregard people losing their businesses entirely.

I've only found one fine amount for a business refusing to serve gays. Do you have any numbers other than the Oregon bakery?
Boo booo
Candidate ..Clinton (D) 48 % .......Trump (R) 46.7 %
U.S. Total ..63,541,056..... 61,864,015

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect? Didn't think so. Your numbers might be relevant if at any time in the past 230 years we elected the president based on the popular vote of the people, but we don't.

You know Bill Clinton never got a majority popular vote either. He won the presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 49% in 1996. Both times over half the country wanted somebody else.
Apparently MDK and others on the left think being an elected official makes you their personal bitch 24/7

I am not on the left and I have every right to share my views with my elected officials if I see them in public. Don't like it? Tough shit.
A private restaurant is not "in public." I'm sure the owner doesn't appreciate you verbally assaulting his customers. You're also disturbing the people at nearby tables. Your behavior is just generally bad mannered. Outside, I have no problem with, but not in a restaurant.

Asking a question of my elected officials isn't verbally assaulting them. If they can't suffer hearing from one their constituents then they should find another line of work.
Boo booo
Candidate ..Clinton (D) 48 % .......Trump (R) 46.7 %
U.S. Total ..63,541,056..... 61,864,015

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect? Didn't think so. Your numbers might be relevant if at any time in the past 230 years we elected the president based on the popular vote of the people, but we don't.

You know Bill Clinton never got a majority popular vote either. He won the presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 49% in 1996. Both times over half the country wanted somebody else.

Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

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