Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

Boo booo
Candidate ..Clinton (D) 48 % .......Trump (R) 46.7 %
U.S. Total ..63,541,056..... 61,864,015

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect? Didn't think so. Your numbers might be relevant if at any time in the past 230 years we elected the president based on the popular vote of the people, but we don't.

You know Bill Clinton never got a majority popular vote either. He won the presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 49% in 1996. Both times over half the country wanted somebody else.

Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

Winning the popular vote is like winning a straw poll. It's irrelevant.

No it's not... quit being irrational, just like your last post. I'd expect more out of a Mod.

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect?

Is that relevant to your comments?
Boo booo
Candidate ..Clinton (D) 48 % .......Trump (R) 46.7 %
U.S. Total ..63,541,056..... 61,864,015

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect? Didn't think so. Your numbers might be relevant if at any time in the past 230 years we elected the president based on the popular vote of the people, but we don't.

You know Bill Clinton never got a majority popular vote either. He won the presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 49% in 1996. Both times over half the country wanted somebody else.

Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

Winning the popular vote is like winning a straw poll. It's irrelevant.

Then your vote doesn't count, does it? Mine doesn't either. No one's vote counts.

I can understand how someone with low critical thinking skills could come to that conclusion, but no, that's not really the case.
The fix for this sort of shut is VERY simple....

Every time one of these things happens, you cut all federal funding for the people involved. In this case it would be all funding get for the arts. GONE. Overnight.

And when all the old geezers in a Trump audience booed President Obama,

we should have cut off their Medicare and SS.
Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect? Didn't think so. Your numbers might be relevant if at any time in the past 230 years we elected the president based on the popular vote of the people, but we don't.

You know Bill Clinton never got a majority popular vote either. He won the presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 49% in 1996. Both times over half the country wanted somebody else.

Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

Winning the popular vote is like winning a straw poll. It's irrelevant.

No it's not... quit being irrational, just like your last post. I'd expect more out of a Mod.

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect?

Is that relevant to your comments?

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect?
Boo booo
Candidate ..Clinton (D) 48 % .......Trump (R) 46.7 %
U.S. Total ..63,541,056..... 61,864,015

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect? Didn't think so. Your numbers might be relevant if at any time in the past 230 years we elected the president based on the popular vote of the people, but we don't.

You know Bill Clinton never got a majority popular vote either. He won the presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 49% in 1996. Both times over half the country wanted somebody else.

Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

Winning the popular vote is like winning a straw poll. It's irrelevant.

No it's not... quit being irrational, just like your last post. I'd expect more out of a Mod.
He's an asshole but YOU are the one being irrational.
The popular vote earned what for Hillary? Not a damn thing

That doesn't make a popular vote a straw poll. It also doesn't mean what he said as far as winning the popular vote taking a "majority vote."
Apparently MDK and others on the left think being an elected official makes you their personal bitch 24/7

I am not on the left and I have every right to share my views with my elected officials if I see them in public. Don't like it? Tough shit.
A private restaurant is not "in public." I'm sure the owner doesn't appreciate you verbally assaulting his customers. You're also disturbing the people at nearby tables. Your behavior is just generally bad mannered. Outside, I have no problem with, but not in a restaurant.

Asking a question of my elected officials isn't verbally assaulting them. If they can't suffer hearing from one their constituents then they should find another line of work.
It is assaulting them when they are trying to have a nice dinner in a restaurant.

Clearly we have different views of the word assault. It's not like walked up to the table and started yelling and ranting. lol. Of the three times this occurred the conversations were pleasant and civilized. Hell, the one representative was so impressive and knowledgeable I volunteered for her city council campaign.
Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

Winning the popular vote is like winning a straw poll. It's irrelevant.

No it's not... quit being irrational, just like your last post. I'd expect more out of a Mod.

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect?

Is that relevant to your comments?

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect?

Is it relevant to your comments?
Fake news from a poster who is competing for the record of fake news threads. Once the fake news buffs get in the pattern they can't get out.
It's only just begun, fascism has come to America, and by wrapping its evil in the American Flag, and waving the Cross of Christianity, Pence and Trump will double down on hate and fear. The biddable who voted for this duo have done disservice to all those who gave their life for The Union. Our divided house cannot stand and will not stand unless the cry for justice is heard loud and clear, on Social Media and in peaceful protests around the world.

It is not only the liberals angered by the divisive politics of the President and Vice President Elect, it is all those here and around the world who reject bigotry, racism, misogyny and malfeasance in elected and appointed officials.
Our divided house cannot stand and wll not stand. As long as liberalism has a voice, this country should crumble until liberalism is crushed beneath the weight of the rubble.

The content of your post convinces me that the cat piss has gone to your brain.
Oh no... Now Hamilton will only make $999,999,999 instead of $1 billion dollars. How will they ever recover from this tragedy!?!?
I am not on the left and I have every right to share my views with my elected officials if I see them in public. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I wouldn't interrupt their meal, no matter who it is. That's just me though, and I can't condemn your choice. Just not one I would make.

I've had elected officials interrupt my lunch stumping for my vote on several occasions. For the record, it isn't something I've done often.
That's also rude. I object when they call me on the phone begging for money.

I don't have a landline so I never get any of those types of calls.

I get them on my cell phone, and it really pisses me off. I made the mistake of donating money, so now I get harassed.

That's why I donate anonymously. Whether it be campaigns or charitable organizations.
I wouldn't interrupt their meal, no matter who it is. That's just me though, and I can't condemn your choice. Just not one I would make.

I've had elected officials interrupt my lunch stumping for my vote on several occasions. For the record, it isn't something I've done often.
That's also rude. I object when they call me on the phone begging for money.

I don't have a landline so I never get any of those types of calls.

I get them on my cell phone, and it really pisses me off. I made the mistake of donating money, so now I get harassed.

That's why I donate anonymously. Whether it be campaigns or charitable organizations.

Let me guess... I. C. Weiner?
The second amendment makes the rest of the constitution work, it's the backbone of the document.
How can that be true when the Bill of Rights wasn't ratified until President Washington had been in office for two years nine months? Oh yeah, Amendment II is a portion of the BOR, and Washington was the first POTUS under the new Constitution, just so you'll understand the elements and timeline involved to understand that your backbone comment is Class A horseshit!
I've only found one fine amount for a business refusing to serve gays. Do you have any numbers other than the Oregon bakery?

That was $135K.

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) awarded $60,000 to Laurel Bowman-Cryer and $75,000 in damages to Rachel Bowman-Cryer for “emotional suffering.”

You're OK with that?

The Wyoming magistrate

Activists on the Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct are trying to remove Judge Ruth Neely from her positions as a municipal judge and part-time magistrate for being Lutheran.

The involvement of the state agency developed after a local reporter in Pinedale, upon the U.S. Supreme Court’s creation of same-sex “marriage” for the U.S., asked Neely whether she was excited to perform such ceremonies.

Well no, the judge responded, because her faith wouldn’t allow her to do that.

The fracas has caught the attention, and outrage, of two of the major legal organizations defending religious rights in America, the Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing Neely in her fight over basic religious liberties and against the extremism of the same-sex “marriage” advocates on the state commission, and the Becket Fund for Religion Liberty, which took up Neely’s cause in a friend-of-the-court brief.

Who cares if people's careers are ruined?

The bistro

The Daily Signal reported that Gortz Haus Gallery and bistro owners Betty and Richard Odgaard decided to close down their business after reaching a $5,000 settlement with a homosexual duo.

Their business, a former church, had offered wedding services, but they declined, because of their Mennonite faith, to host the alternative sexual lifestyle event when asked. They knew they would be targeted by regulations in their state of Iowa if they continued, so they shut off wedding services, and their business dried up.

Another business lost, but hey, they're fuckin Mennonites right?

Memories Pizza

Family-owned Memories Pizza in Indiana came into the crosshairs of homosexuals when an owner was interviewed by a local TV station in the aftermath of the adoption of the state’s religious freedom law.

Responding to a reporter’s question, the owner said that while her restaurant serves gays, her Christian faith wouldn’t allow her to cater a “gay wedding.”

The restaurant immediately became a focal point of outrage toward the law, with threats of death and and destruction, causing the owners to shut down their business.

In response, however, an Internet campaign raised more than $840,000 for the family in just a few days.

I suppose we should track down all those donors and make them take their hate money back.

Liberty Ridge Farm

The owners of a Christian farm in upstate New York recently were fined $10,000 and assessed $1,500 in damages for not allowing a lesbian duo to use their land and home for a wedding.

Cynthia and Robert Gifford, owners of Liberty Ridge Farm near Albany, had allowed others to use their land for birthday events and a few weddings. But when Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin asked for access, the owners said they would allow a reception but not a wedding, because of their religious beliefs.

With such a divisive name as Liberty Ridge you can assume these knuckle dragging homophobes hate blacks too.

The fix for this sort of shut is VERY simple....

Every time one of these things happens, you cut all federal funding for the people involved. In this case it would be all funding get for the arts. GONE. Overnight.
Government by snit.

Shut down any dissenters. Put them in insane asylums. Send them to Siberia.
I've had elected officials interrupt my lunch stumping for my vote on several occasions. For the record, it isn't something I've done often.

I wouldn't expect it of you, and you're at least as big of an ass as I am.

Regardless, I'm sure you weren't over the top about it.

I may be an incorrigible smart ass, but I am known for being very even-tempered. Hell, I can't even recall the last time I raised my voice that wasn't a Pens, Pirates, or, Steeler game. lol
I've only found one fine amount for a business refusing to serve gays. Do you have any numbers other than the Oregon bakery?

That was $135K.

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) awarded $60,000 to Laurel Bowman-Cryer and $75,000 in damages to Rachel Bowman-Cryer for “emotional suffering.”

You're OK with that?

The Wyoming magistrate

Activists on the Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct are trying to remove Judge Ruth Neely from her positions as a municipal judge and part-time magistrate for being Lutheran.

The involvement of the state agency developed after a local reporter in Pinedale, upon the U.S. Supreme Court’s creation of same-sex “marriage” for the U.S., asked Neely whether she was excited to perform such ceremonies.

Well no, the judge responded, because her faith wouldn’t allow her to do that.

The fracas has caught the attention, and outrage, of two of the major legal organizations defending religious rights in America, the Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing Neely in her fight over basic religious liberties and against the extremism of the same-sex “marriage” advocates on the state commission, and the Becket Fund for Religion Liberty, which took up Neely’s cause in a friend-of-the-court brief.

Who cares if people's careers are ruined?

The bistro

The Daily Signal reported that Gortz Haus Gallery and bistro owners Betty and Richard Odgaard decided to close down their business after reaching a $5,000 settlement with a homosexual duo.

Their business, a former church, had offered wedding services, but they declined, because of their Mennonite faith, to host the alternative sexual lifestyle event when asked. They knew they would be targeted by regulations in their state of Iowa if they continued, so they shut off wedding services, and their business dried up.

Another business lost, but hey, they're fuckin Mennonites right?

Memories Pizza

Family-owned Memories Pizza in Indiana came into the crosshairs of homosexuals when an owner was interviewed by a local TV station in the aftermath of the adoption of the state’s religious freedom law.

Responding to a reporter’s question, the owner said that while her restaurant serves gays, her Christian faith wouldn’t allow her to cater a “gay wedding.”

The restaurant immediately became a focal point of outrage toward the law, with threats of death and and destruction, causing the owners to shut down their business.

In response, however, an Internet campaign raised more than $840,000 for the family in just a few days.

I suppose we should track down all those donors and make them take their hate money back.

Liberty Ridge Farm

The owners of a Christian farm in upstate New York recently were fined $10,000 and assessed $1,500 in damages for not allowing a lesbian duo to use their land and home for a wedding.

Cynthia and Robert Gifford, owners of Liberty Ridge Farm near Albany, had allowed others to use their land for birthday events and a few weddings. But when Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin asked for access, the owners said they would allow a reception but not a wedding, because of their religious beliefs.

With such a divisive name as Liberty Ridge you can assume these knuckle dragging homophobes hate blacks too.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but I do think businesses should have to serve everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. How would you feel if someone told you they would NOT serve you because you are a veteran who was willing to kill people?
I've had elected officials interrupt my lunch stumping for my vote on several occasions. For the record, it isn't something I've done often.

I wouldn't expect it of you, and you're at least as big of an ass as I am.

Regardless, I'm sure you weren't over the top about it.

I may be an incorrigible smart ass, but I am known for being very even-tempered. Hell, I can't even recall the last time I raised my voice that wasn't a Pens, Pirates, or, Steeler game. lol

Funny, when I first read your post I thought you said you raised your voice at Penis, not Pens. :badgrin::badgrin:

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