Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

The VP-elect was booed (and slightly cheered) by the audience, not the cast. A very polite statement was read to the VP-elect at the conclusion of the play. The speaker, the actor who plays Aaron Burr) asked the audience not to boo Mr Pence and thanked Pence for coming and for pausing (he was on his way out) to hear the statement addressed to him.

Get your facts straight before opening your yaps.

PS, Despite your comments about fascism, I guess it didn't bother you to vote for the candidate favored by the KKK and the American Nazi Party.

I guess it didn't bother you to vote for the candidate favored by the KKK and the American Nazi Party.

Any more than it bothered you to vote for the candidate favored by the American Communist Party.
I've only found one fine amount for a business refusing to serve gays. Do you have any numbers other than the Oregon bakery?

That was $135K.

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) awarded $60,000 to Laurel Bowman-Cryer and $75,000 in damages to Rachel Bowman-Cryer for “emotional suffering.”

You're OK with that?

The Wyoming magistrate

Activists on the Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct are trying to remove Judge Ruth Neely from her positions as a municipal judge and part-time magistrate for being Lutheran.

The involvement of the state agency developed after a local reporter in Pinedale, upon the U.S. Supreme Court’s creation of same-sex “marriage” for the U.S., asked Neely whether she was excited to perform such ceremonies.

Well no, the judge responded, because her faith wouldn’t allow her to do that.

The fracas has caught the attention, and outrage, of two of the major legal organizations defending religious rights in America, the Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing Neely in her fight over basic religious liberties and against the extremism of the same-sex “marriage” advocates on the state commission, and the Becket Fund for Religion Liberty, which took up Neely’s cause in a friend-of-the-court brief.

Who cares if people's careers are ruined?

The bistro

The Daily Signal reported that Gortz Haus Gallery and bistro owners Betty and Richard Odgaard decided to close down their business after reaching a $5,000 settlement with a homosexual duo.

Their business, a former church, had offered wedding services, but they declined, because of their Mennonite faith, to host the alternative sexual lifestyle event when asked. They knew they would be targeted by regulations in their state of Iowa if they continued, so they shut off wedding services, and their business dried up.

Another business lost, but hey, they're fuckin Mennonites right?

Memories Pizza

Family-owned Memories Pizza in Indiana came into the crosshairs of homosexuals when an owner was interviewed by a local TV station in the aftermath of the adoption of the state’s religious freedom law.

Responding to a reporter’s question, the owner said that while her restaurant serves gays, her Christian faith wouldn’t allow her to cater a “gay wedding.”

The restaurant immediately became a focal point of outrage toward the law, with threats of death and and destruction, causing the owners to shut down their business.

In response, however, an Internet campaign raised more than $840,000 for the family in just a few days.

I suppose we should track down all those donors and make them take their hate money back.

Liberty Ridge Farm

The owners of a Christian farm in upstate New York recently were fined $10,000 and assessed $1,500 in damages for not allowing a lesbian duo to use their land and home for a wedding.

Cynthia and Robert Gifford, owners of Liberty Ridge Farm near Albany, had allowed others to use their land for birthday events and a few weddings. But when Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin asked for access, the owners said they would allow a reception but not a wedding, because of their religious beliefs.

With such a divisive name as Liberty Ridge you can assume these knuckle dragging homophobes hate blacks too.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but I do think businesses should have to serve everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. How would you feel if someone told you they would NOT serve you because you are a veteran who was willing to kill people?

I think businesses should able to serve, or not serve, any person for any reason they see fit. Let the free market decide if their establishment fails or not. I would never enact such a policy b/c I am a fierce capitalist.
Yeah, I'm sorry, but I do think businesses should have to serve everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. How would you feel if someone told you they would NOT serve you because you are a veteran who was willing to kill people?

That has happened to me.

Some Paki asshole screamed at me the moment I walked into the store about killing muslims and all sorts of gibberish I couldn't make out in the 3 seconds it took place.

So I left without a response.

Of course I was in uniform otherwise I probably would have knocked something over on the way out. Regardless, that business has been bought and sold several times in the 10 years since.

Oh well. Time to cut off spendin
Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance
Oh well. Time to cut off spending for fine arts. Hamilton the musical is a fucking disgrace to one of our Founding Fathers. Only New York City liberal, whining, dickheads can appreciate that comedy of poor acting being displayed on a perfectly good stage.
Hillary attacked many millions more in one fell swoop by minimizing them as deplorable and unredeemable. Probaly her biggest mistake but libs eventually show their true colors. So you are either wildly inconsistent or you are more offended by her words.

Hillary called Trump supporters deplorable and undredeemable. Do you not read the posts from your colleagues in the echo chamber? How can they not be called deplorable and nonredeemable?

I know, in a word, fascist.
Like a child you throw out insults you don't even understand. The big government goons are on the left. Hillary was in the hip pocket of the Wall street tycoons, that's fascism, not people who fail to agree with you.

Trump IS Wall St. and you've contradicted yourself in one sentence. HRC has called for regulations to keep Wall St. from ever again creating an economic crisis as we had in 2007-2009

Big Government Regulates private business
Wall st. is a private business
thus, Big Government regulates Wall St.

God, you're naive! Hillary was given hundreds of millions of dollars by those very same Wall Steeters that you claim she was going to "regulate"...does that fact not register with you? In her own emails she explained that politicians had to have two for the masses they want to vote for them...and another for the people that give them money. She was blowing smoke up your undies, Catcher! She was never going to rein in Wall Street because Wall Street OWNED her!

So you are opposed to a person seeking office receiving money from the private sector, is that correct? If so, we can agree the two USSC Decisions (5-4), CU & McCutcheon v. FEC, are not about free speech and ought to be overturned.

That said, everyone understands that a speech given to the local Chamber of Commerce will differ from a speech given to a local school board or service organization? To attribute that to a nefarious deed without evidence is tantamount to guilty until proven innocent.

In my capacity as a manager in Law Enforcement the Chief asked me to go to meetings and update the audience on issues of crime and justice. Do you think I would offer the same data to a Chamber of Commerce that I used for Domestic Violence Victims, Victims of Fraud, or to the local Neighbor Watch Committee?

When did I say I was opposed to candidates receiving money from the Private Sector? What I pointed out was that when Wall Street bankers poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Hillary Clinton's campaign and she assured them in private speeches that what she told the public and what she intended to do were totally different things...that you'd have to be incredibly naive to think Clinton was going to crack down on Wall Street bankers! Are you that naive, Catcher?
Boo booo
Candidate ..Clinton (D) 48 % .......Trump (R) 46.7 %
U.S. Total ..63,541,056..... 61,864,015

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect? Didn't think so. Your numbers might be relevant if at any time in the past 230 years we elected the president based on the popular vote of the people, but we don't.

You know Bill Clinton never got a majority popular vote either. He won the presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 49% in 1996. Both times over half the country wanted somebody else.

Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

Winning the popular vote is like winning a straw poll. It's irrelevant.

No it's not... quit being irrational, just like your last post. I'd expect more out of a Mod.

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect?
The snowflakes are very upset… :lmao:
The fix for this sort of shut is VERY simple....

Every time one of these things happens, you cut all federal funding for the people involved. In this case it would be all funding get for the arts. GONE. Overnight.
So....what we see here is holding everyone accountable in all the arts for what one group does.....well, it fits the Alt-Right mantra, doesn't it?


Demands Actors Apologize...

Claims Mike Pence Was ‘Harassed’...
‘Very Rude’...

‘This Should Not Happen’...

Next VP ‘Booed Like Crazy’ By Audience...

Cast Calls Out Pence: Fears New Administration ‘Will Not Protect Us’...

Here’s What The Cast Said To Pence...
And Why It Matters!...

Apparently Trump ain't happy about Pence getting booed. BTW, what's with Trump's goofy hand gestures? Especially that donut thingy?
Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect? Didn't think so. Your numbers might be relevant if at any time in the past 230 years we elected the president based on the popular vote of the people, but we don't.

You know Bill Clinton never got a majority popular vote either. He won the presidency with 43% of the popular vote in 1992 and 49% in 1996. Both times over half the country wanted somebody else.

Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

Winning the popular vote is like winning a straw poll. It's irrelevant.

No it's not... quit being irrational, just like your last post. I'd expect more out of a Mod.

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect?
The snowflakes are very upset… :lmao:
Lots of crying by the Drumpfsters....that's for sure. Who knew they've clutch their pearls so tightly over what the cast of a Broadway play says.
Could you imagine if a right wing person in the same situation lectured a liberal about Christian values?
But all I want is for you to provide proof, other than a conservative blog saying that it happened. The conservative blog posted no links or evidence of any kind.

Bed wetters like you believed a bunch of obscure broads (where are they now?) who accused Herman Cain, Trump (add any number of GOP candidate here) of everything from unwanted ass grabbing, to fuckin rape without a shred of evidence.

Yet an internet blog has you demanding a full investigation on the validity of their claims.

I didn't demand a full investigation. I demanded proof
Bedwetters like Pete don't do proof, because they can't do proof.
When did you ever do proof, Fakey?
Yeah and you know that isn't how winning the popular vote works.

Winning the popular vote is like winning a straw poll. It's irrelevant.

No it's not... quit being irrational, just like your last post. I'd expect more out of a Mod.

Is Hillary Clinton President-Elect?
The snowflakes are very upset… :lmao:
Lots of crying by the Drumpfsters....that's for sure. Who knew they've clutch their pearls so tightly over what the cast of a Broadway play says.
They can't help it if "theater" people are snowflakes...
The fix for this sort of shut is VERY simple....

Every time one of these things happens, you cut all federal funding for the people involved. In this case it would be all funding get for the arts. GONE. Overnight.

And when all the old geezers in a Trump audience booed President Obama,

we should have cut off their Medicare and SS.
When did that happen? Oh yeah . . . . . never.
The fix for this sort of shut is VERY simple....

Every time one of these things happens, you cut all federal funding for the people involved. In this case it would be all funding get for the arts. GONE. Overnight.

And when all the old geezers in a Trump audience booed President Obama,

we should have cut off their Medicare and SS.
When did that happen? Oh yeah . . . . . never.
You LIE!
Prove it.

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