Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

Anyone who paid for a ticket to Hamilton has grounds for a nasty lawsuit claiming a full refund and compensation for emotional distress. They can win automatically simply by wearing a diaper pin to the courtroom. After all, they paid to see a "grown-up" play and, instead, sat through a stage version of the former TV show, "Romper Room".
Go buy a ticket...if you can get one...go to the show, then sue.
No video evidence. But last nights rant sure did going viral. :biggrin:
I have never been so ashamed of my country in my life. Who are these spoiled entitled worthless examples of humanity that spew such discord and disrespect? They yell fascist and don't know what fascism is, they proclaim to be progressives, and yet they lack the knowledge of what the progressive movement is nor where the blue print of fascism originated. These uneducated idiots proclaim the further to the right one is the closer to fascism they are, when in fact progressivism and fascism are to the extreme left, closer to socialism and communism then that of conservationism.
Then you, we, have the first community organizer, playing president over these past eight years, whose only accomplishment has been to promote racism, class warfare, and civil unrest in this country. Yet these uneducated morons claim it is the fault of uneducated southern crackers and a president that hasn't yet been sworn into office. Really? Or is this the case of pawns being manipulated by the media and a corrupt elitist political party that have adopted the skills of community organizing as outline by Saul Alinsky and others?
Poor little snowflake
So....what we see here is holding everyone accountable in all the arts for what one group does.....well, it fits the Alt-Right mantra, doesn't it?

Everyone needs to police their spheres of interest, or pay the price for not doing so.
Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance
Pence want to show that for now on they are the boss...bad loosers all over the know what they could take a box of kleenex and go home.

I have never been so ashamed of my country in my life. Who are these spoiled entitled worthless examples of humanity that spew such discord and disrespect? They yell fascist and don't know what fascism is, they proclaim to be progressives, and yet they lack the knowledge of what the progressive movement is nor where the blue print of fascism originated. These uneducated idiots proclaim the further to the right one is the closer to fascism they are, when in fact progressivism and fascism are to the extreme left, closer to socialism and communism then that of conservationism.
Then you, we, have the first community organizer, playing president over these past eight years, whose only accomplishment has been to promote racism, class warfare, and civil unrest in this country. Yet these uneducated morons claim it is the fault of uneducated southern crackers and a president that hasn't yet been sworn into office. Really? Or is this the case of pawns being manipulated by the media and a corrupt elitist political party that have adopted the skills of community organizing as outline by Saul Alinsky and others?
Poor little snowflake
pence and trump need a safe space
I have never been so ashamed of my country in my life. Who are these spoiled entitled worthless examples of humanity that spew such discord and disrespect? They yell fascist and don't know what fascism is, they proclaim to be progressives, and yet they lack the knowledge of what the progressive movement is nor where the blue print of fascism originated. These uneducated idiots proclaim the further to the right one is the closer to fascism they are, when in fact progressivism and fascism are to the extreme left, closer to socialism and communism then that of conservationism.
Then you, we, have the first community organizer, playing president over these past eight years, whose only accomplishment has been to promote racism, class warfare, and civil unrest in this country. Yet these uneducated morons claim it is the fault of uneducated southern crackers and a president that hasn't yet been sworn into office. Really? Or is this the case of pawns being manipulated by the media and a corrupt elitist political party that have adopted the skills of community organizing as outline by Saul Alinsky and others?
Poor little snowflake
pence and trump need a safe space
dammit. we cross posted that at the same time.

You think gays should be executed? You are a piece of shit, but I suppose you know that and have been so described by many people many times.

Sticks and stones. I've been called far worse by people I actually have respect for.

Gay men & women have families, brothers, sisters, moms and dads and grandparents.

That's nice. Maybe if those people had taught them decency they wouldn't have made such a poor choice in life.

Some men, who had opinions like yours and acted on them, were tried in Nuremberg decades ago.

Similar but not quite the same. I wouldn't have failed and even if I had failed, I wouldn't have been taken alive.

And that Hamilton guy tries to insinuate Trump's a racist. Trump meeting with Kevin Johnson and Michelle Rhee today. Make America Great.
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I have never been so ashamed of my country in my life. Who are these spoiled entitled worthless examples of humanity that spew such discord and disrespect? They yell fascist and don't know what fascism is, they proclaim to be progressives, and yet they lack the knowledge of what the progressive movement is nor where the blue print of fascism originated. These uneducated idiots proclaim the further to the right one is the closer to fascism they are, when in fact progressivism and fascism are to the extreme left, closer to socialism and communism then that of conservationism.
Then you, we, have the first community organizer, playing president over these past eight years, whose only accomplishment has been to promote racism, class warfare, and civil unrest in this country. Yet these uneducated morons claim it is the fault of uneducated southern crackers and a president that hasn't yet been sworn into office. Really? Or is this the case of pawns being manipulated by the media and a corrupt elitist political party that have adopted the skills of community organizing as outline by Saul Alinsky and others?
Poor little snowflake
pence and trump need a safe space

I'm sending them both a coloring book today. I think all anti-Trump people should get together and send him a coloring book, play-doh, or maybe even a pacifier.
lol, and Trump is crying about it on twitter.

You don't ambush someone and humiliate them in front of a packed house, especially if he's the VP elect of the United States. The man had a right to be there to see the play and escape the political scene for at least a few hours without being subjected to that. Yes, they have their right to freedom of speech, but there is a matter of RESPECT involved.

I don't give half a rat's ass if you're trying to make a statement. I don't care what his positions politically were/are past or present. I foolishly hoped that people would be adult enough move on from this election, but it seems a man can't go see a play in peace.

Not many things roil me up like a total lack of manners and etiquette. This eye for an eye nonsense is absolutely childish. Both sides.

Grow the fuck up.

At any rate, here's Hamilton.

"Hard words are very rarely useful. Real firmness is good for every thing. Strut is good for nothing.”

--Alexander Hamilton
Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance
Only fine arts music ya need to know.
lol, and Trump is crying about it on twitter.

You don't ambush someone and humiliate them in front of a packed house, especially if he's the VP elect of the United States. The man had a right to be there to see the play and escape the political scene for at least a few hours without being subjected to that. Yes, they have their right to freedom of speech, but there is a matter of RESPECT involved.

I don't give half a rat's ass if you're trying to make a statement. I don't care what his positions politically were/are past or present. I foolishly hoped that people would be adult enough move on from this election, but it seems a man can't go see a play in peace.

Not many things roil me up like a total lack of manners and etiquette. This eye for an eye nonsense is absolutely childish. Both sides.

Grow the fuck up.

At any rate, here's Hamilton.

"Hard words are very rarely useful. Real firmness is good for every thing. Strut is good for nothing.”

--Alexander Hamilton

People boo in theaters. It's the accepted way of showing disapproval.
lol, and Trump is crying about it on twitter.

You don't ambush someone and humiliate them in front of a packed house, especially if he's the VP elect of the United States. The man had a right to be there to see the play and escape the political scene for at least a few hours without being subjected to that. Yes, they have their right to freedom of speech, but there is a matter of RESPECT involved.

I don't give half a rat's ass if you're trying to make a statement. I don't care what his positions politically were/are past or present. I foolishly hoped that people would be adult enough move on from this election, but it seems a man can't go see a play in peace.

Not many things roil me up like a total lack of manners and etiquette. This eye for an eye nonsense is absolutely childish. Both sides.

Grow the fuck up.

At any rate, here's Hamilton.

"Hard words are very rarely useful. Real firmness is good for every thing. Strut is good for nothing.”

--Alexander Hamilton

People boo in theaters. It's the accepted way of showing disapproval.
They boo the performers, not other audience members, dumbass.
Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Might makes right with you. Interesting, should blacks stay out of certain places because they are not welcomed? How about gays? Should they not buy cakes from Christians because they are not wanted?

The hate the left is excusing in the post election is pretty disgusting.

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