Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

But all I want is for you to provide proof, other than a conservative blog saying that it happened. The conservative blog posted no links or evidence of any kind.

Bed wetters like you believed a bunch of obscure broads (where are they now?) who accused Herman Cain, Trump (add any number of GOP candidate here) of everything from unwanted ass grabbing, to fuckin rape without a shred of evidence.

Yet an internet blog has you demanding a full investigation on the validity of their claims.

I didn't demand a full investigation. I demanded proof
Bedwetters like Pete don't do proof, because they can't do proof.
I doubt that the single mother who needs shelter for she and her child will agree with your definition of freedom,

I don't give a fuck, I didn't make her choose the life she did.

If she understood what freedom means, she would understand what consequences mean also.

That's another problem with you mindless freaks.

You never want to suffer the consequences of the shit you pull. Instead you blame the GOP for the fact there are consequences.


Why would Pence go to a play that two of the main characters are gay when he doesn't believe gay people deserve the same rights as everyone else? What did he expect was going to happen? They were going to give him a cookie?

He went to a Public Event. One where people if every type may be in the audience.

If I went to that showing get tonight, would they stop and single ME out? I think gays should be executed.

Are you in a position of authority to make your thoughts happen?
I doubt that the single mother who needs shelter for she and her child will agree with your definition of freedom,

I don't give a fuck, I didn't make her choose the life she did.

If she understood what freedom means, she would understand what consequences mean also.

That's another problem with you mindless freaks.

You never want to suffer the consequences of the shit you pull. Instead you blame the GOP for the fact there are consequences.


...and you think every issue ends up in government breaking down your door.
But all I want is for you to provide proof, other than a conservative blog saying that it happened. The conservative blog posted no links or evidence of any kind.

Bed wetters like you believed a bunch of obscure broads (where are they now?) who accused Herman Cain, Trump (add any number of GOP candidate here) of everything from unwanted ass grabbing, to fuckin rape without a shred of evidence.

Yet an internet blog has you demanding a full investigation on the validity of their claims.

I didn't demand a full investigation. I demanded proof
You should demand some reality checks cause you need one. Who the fuck are you to demand anything? He reported a story. If you're interested in further details get off you lazy ass and look them up yourself.
But all I want is for you to provide proof, other than a conservative blog saying that it happened. The conservative blog posted no links or evidence of any kind.

Bed wetters like you believed a bunch of obscure broads (where are they now?) who accused Herman Cain, Trump (add any number of GOP candidate here) of everything from unwanted ass grabbing, to fuckin rape without a shred of evidence.

Yet an internet blog has you demanding a full investigation on the validity of their claims.

I didn't demand a full investigation. I demanded proof
You should demand some reality checks cause you need one. Who the fuck are you to demand anything? He reported a story. If you're interested in further details get off you lazy ass and look them up yourself.
I looked for further details in the article, and found none. The conservative blogger said that people are canceling their tickets and we are supposed to blindly believe the statement.
I am not a blind believer like you.
Pence paid for his ticket, not to be insulted. However if this is what they want to do, then the National Endowment for the Arts should be defunded and dissolved. It is too political to be allowed to survive.
Ya vol! Make dem PAY for FREE SPEECH Herr Oberführer, nicht wahr? And that uniform thought along with your brown shirted uniform uniforms are just so uniform it makes a person get goose bumps!

And when they have silenced all other opposition to your beloved regime, what will you do when they come for you with your own thought crimes?

Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance

Yes, another no-class act......on the part of those who booed.

He should have given them the bird.

The fact is, that absent a strong challenge from anyone in 2024....he'll be the next president.

I don't like Trump.

Pence, I like.

New York: You lost....get over it.
The fix for this sort of shut is VERY simple....

Every time one of these things happens, you cut all federal funding for the people involved. In this case it would be all funding get for the arts. GONE. Overnight.

Why would Pence go to a play that two of the main characters are gay when he doesn't believe gay people deserve the same rights as everyone else? What did he expect was going to happen? They were going to give him a cookie?

Is it not you who is promoting discrimination?

How am I promoting discrimination? Because the gay cast and their fellow cast members wanted their voices to be heard? Why is it ok for Pence to show he doesn't think the LBGT community doesn't deserve the same rights as every other citizen, but yet he can come to a play and enjoy watching them act? It makes me wonder if he even knew some of them were gay. How funny would that be, and how it would prove a point. You shouldn't treat someone differently just because of who they love and what they do in the bedroom, because you really never know who is gay and who isn't.

Did or did you not post that Pence shouldn't even be there because of what you think is his stand on homosexuals? If he didn't go wouldn't that be discimination? Much like you suggested he does?

Was Pence singled out for their wrath? Yes, that is discrimination. Much like a gay can't buy a cake Pence was subjected to the same type of discrimination.

It isn't bygones by bygones with your people. It isn't even let's all get along with you people. It's your way or the highway.

That's how.

If Pence had been discriminated against, he would have been banned from entering the theater in the first place, you stupid goon.

And Pence better get used to the heat in the kitchen. No one held a gun to his head and made him sign on with von ClownStick. Wait, maybe someone did. Trump's ties to the mafia in NY are well known.
The "theater" type have always been classless, predictable.
Why would Pence go to a play that two of the main characters are gay when he doesn't believe gay people deserve the same rights as everyone else? What did he expect was going to happen? They were going to give him a cookie?

Is it not you who is promoting discrimination?

How am I promoting discrimination? Because the gay cast and their fellow cast members wanted their voices to be heard? Why is it ok for Pence to show he doesn't think the LBGT community doesn't deserve the same rights as every other citizen, but yet he can come to a play and enjoy watching them act? It makes me wonder if he even knew some of them were gay. How funny would that be, and how it would prove a point. You shouldn't treat someone differently just because of who they love and what they do in the bedroom, because you really never know who is gay and who isn't.

Did or did you not post that Pence shouldn't even be there because of what you think is his stand on homosexuals? If he didn't go wouldn't that be discimination? Much like you suggested he does?

Was Pence singled out for their wrath? Yes, that is discrimination. Much like a gay can't buy a cake Pence was subjected to the same type of discrimination.

It isn't bygones by bygones with your people. It isn't even let's all get along with you people. It's your way or the highway.

That's how.

If Pence had been discriminated against, he would have been banned from entering the theater in the first place, you stupid goon.

And Pence better get used to the heat in the kitchen. No one held a gun to his head and made him sign on with von ClownStick. Wait, maybe someone did. Trump's ties to the mafia in NY are well known.

So there were others in the audience that were booed and verbally attacked? If not then it was Pense who was discriminated against. But that is the kind of discrimination that the left wing tolerates and actually promotes.

So what you are saying is that if a gay person doesn't want to be denied a cake they should just go elsewhere? Sure sounds like it.

Pence wasn't denied a ticket inside, idiot. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Trump IS Wall St. and you've contradicted yourself in one sentence. HRC has called for regulations to keep Wall St. from ever again creating an economic crisis as we had in 2007-2009

Big Government Regulates private business
Wall st. is a private business
thus, Big Government regulates Wall St.

This imbecile is an example of an "intelligent" liberal.

Note the presence of a few facts, stuffed into a ball of bullshit.

Hitlary carries water for WS, so that the regulations WS wants are enacted rather than ones that would take money away..

Not the regulations bed wetters like WC believe will lead to other people's money raining down into their hands, regs that keep WS buying democrook political whores.

You imbeciles really dropped the ball not picking Bernie.

It's really fucking stupid to mix POLITICS and BUSINESS. You can alienate a good portion of your potential customers.
MIKE PENCE BOOED By Bitter Liberals At Broadway Show Hamilton...Lectured To By Lead Actor
So the lefty whiners reached a new LOW last night when they Booed the Vice President Elect when he and his family went to see a Broadway Show.
Talk about disgusting, disrespectful, hypocrisy! Talk about Idiotic, hoodlems who have no knowledge of manors just like the Mayor of New York!
It seems as if we have another liberal whining about something that hasn't happened yet? Who just can't resist calling every Republican a "racist" and a bigot ", and using every 4 letter word he knows ( I guess that's all the words he was taught) . I don't know who the most stupidest people in America, people like that Liberal Crybaby, or the idiots who are rioting in the Streets!

How about all you Hypothetical loud mouths give our new President and his Vice President a chance before you crybaby hypocrites condemn them? This stupid "actor" from Hamilton needs to get off his High Horse and see the light. And as Trump said, what has the Democratics and the Obama admission done for the Blacks in the past? NOTHING!
The theater should be a safe space. :crybaby:

When you go to lunch do you accept being berated by the hostess or cook?

Liberals need to learn about appropriate behavior

He got jeered. Big fucking deal. I've gone up to my elected officials eating at a diner and have given them my opinion on matters I feel important to me. They work for us and if they can't handle having people share their views when in they are in public then maybe they should find another line of work.

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