Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

Once the political arrests begin getting made the critical free speech and disrespect aimed at our Glorius and Victorious leaders will stop.
Try to make this Russia, and you and yours will be deported, forever, and your properties confiscated for the greater glory of the American people.
Once the political arrests begin getting made the critical free speech and disrespect aimed at our Glorius and Victorious leaders will stop.
Try to make this Russia, and you and yours will be deported, forever, and your properties confiscated for the greater glory of the American people.

that might have been the case if Hillary had won, freedom really scares you doesn't it, jakey boy? you libs are scared shitless of having to be responsible for your own lives if momma govt doesn't care for you from birth to death.
Pence should seek some assistance from former VP Dick Cheney about boosting his popularity ratings and dealing with getting booed in public.

Pence actually believes God created him to lead the believers and ignore (hopefully that's all they do) the rest of mankind.

please provide a quote where he said that. or you could just admit being a liar and STFU

Pence is smart enough not to say it, and with all pols one is advised not to watch their lips, but to watch their feet. If that is too abstract for you little fish brain, take a look at his voting record while in Congress, and see how he voted to impede a women's legal right to an abortion.

there is no right to murder unborn human beings. Hillary supported this:

as the baby's head emerges from the birth canal, kill it by punching hole in its head and sucking its brains out. Since you support that, why not allow children to be killed up to 2 years old if the mother decides she doesn't want them?

If you believe abortion is murder, then the death penalty for women who have abortions is the appropriate punishment?
Our divided house cannot stand and wll not stand. As long as liberalism has a voice, this country should crumble until liberalism is crushed beneath the weight of the rubble.
Said like the Tories of 1776.

More like Josehp Goebbels:


A few examples Goebbels would be proud of today:

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.", i.e. "Make America Great Again"; "We will build a Wall and Mexico will pay for it".

"A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth", i.e. "Crooked Hillary", "“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”
Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will
", i.e. In unison, "lock her up!, lock her up!, etc.

"If you tell the same lie enough times, people will believe it; and the bigger the lie, the better."

Trump's mentor WAS Joseph Goebbles.


you are so full of shit. Obama practiced every one of the tactics that Goebbles advocated. So does our biased left wing media.

I provided evidence, you provided nil.

Obama's 8 years in office provided all the evidence necessary. Starting with "the Cambridge cops acted stupidly".

For a time I managed the Internal Officers Unit and investigated deputies and supervisors when complaints were received. Yes Virginia some LE Officers, Deputies and Agents act stupidly at times. Some too often to allow them to keep their badge.

That said, all you offer is bullshit. Do you even have an idea of the meaning of evidence?
Pence should seek some assistance from former VP Dick Cheney about boosting his popularity ratings and dealing with getting booed in public.

Pence actually believes God created him to lead the believers and ignore (hopefully that's all they do) the rest of mankind.

please provide a quote where he said that. or you could just admit being a liar and STFU

Pence is smart enough not to say it, and with all pols one is advised not to watch their lips, but to watch their feet. If that is too abstract for you little fish brain, take a look at his voting record while in Congress, and see how he voted to impede a women's legal right to an abortion.

there is no right to murder unborn human beings. Hillary supported this:

as the baby's head emerges from the birth canal, kill it by punching hole in its head and sucking its brains out. Since you support that, why not allow children to be killed up to 2 years old if the mother decides she doesn't want them?

If you believe abortion is murder, then the death penalty for women who have abortions is the appropriate punishment?

No, its not that simple. But a question for you, why is someone who kills a pregnant woman charged with two counts of murder if the unborn are not human beings?
Pence should seek some assistance from former VP Dick Cheney about boosting his popularity ratings and dealing with getting booed in public.

Pence actually believes God created him to lead the believers and ignore (hopefully that's all they do) the rest of mankind.

please provide a quote where he said that. or you could just admit being a liar and STFU

Pence is smart enough not to say it, and with all pols one is advised not to watch their lips, but to watch their feet. If that is too abstract for you little fish brain, take a look at his voting record while in Congress, and see how he voted to impede a women's legal right to an abortion.

Not only women's legal right to abortion, but he fought gay marriage tooth and claw, with each loss he appealed to a higher court. There was an article in Huff Post written by a woman who, along with her wife, sued the State to recognize their Massachusetts marriage, as her wife was dying of cancer. The court asked for an exception for this dying woman, and Pence even refused that.

Gay marriage has no affect whatsoever on straights. The opposition to gay marriage is simply forcing your religious belief onto others. It is the antithesis of what your country is supposed to stand for. But that's the Republican Party - individual rights are fine as long as they don't violate MY beliefs.
Said like the Tories of 1776.

More like Josehp Goebbels:


A few examples Goebbels would be proud of today:

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.", i.e. "Make America Great Again"; "We will build a Wall and Mexico will pay for it".

"A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth", i.e. "Crooked Hillary", "“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”
Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will
", i.e. In unison, "lock her up!, lock her up!, etc.

"If you tell the same lie enough times, people will believe it; and the bigger the lie, the better."

Trump's mentor WAS Joseph Goebbles.


you are so full of shit. Obama practiced every one of the tactics that Goebbles advocated. So does our biased left wing media.

I provided evidence, you provided nil.

Obama's 8 years in office provided all the evidence necessary. Starting with "the Cambridge cops acted stupidly".

For a time I managed the Internal Officers Unit and investigated deputies and supervisors when complaints were received. Yes Virginia some LE Officers, Deputies and Agents act stupidly at times. Some too often to allow them to keep their badge.

That said, all you offer is bullshit. Do you even have an idea of the meaning of evidence?

of course I understand evidence. there was evidence that the Harvard prof brought this on by pretending to be a victim rather than just identifying himself to the cops. It was a non-event that he created and the race baiter in chief escalated.

You do know that the cops were completely exonerated of doing anything wrong, don't you?
Anyone who opposes LGBT marriage is going to be crushed and lose all of their property in the long run if he or she keeps fighting against it.
Pence actually believes God created him to lead the believers and ignore (hopefully that's all they do) the rest of mankind.

please provide a quote where he said that. or you could just admit being a liar and STFU

Pence is smart enough not to say it, and with all pols one is advised not to watch their lips, but to watch their feet. If that is too abstract for you little fish brain, take a look at his voting record while in Congress, and see how he voted to impede a women's legal right to an abortion.

there is no right to murder unborn human beings. Hillary supported this:

as the baby's head emerges from the birth canal, kill it by punching hole in its head and sucking its brains out. Since you support that, why not allow children to be killed up to 2 years old if the mother decides she doesn't want them?

If you believe abortion is murder, then the death penalty for women who have abortions is the appropriate punishment?

No, its not that simple. But a question for you, why is someone who kills a pregnant woman charged with two counts of murder if the unborn are not human beings?

What's not that simple? You've declared abortion to be murder. Thus you have declared women who get abortions to be murderers. Why are you waffling now on how murder should be punished?
More like Josehp Goebbels:


A few examples Goebbels would be proud of today:

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.", i.e. "Make America Great Again"; "We will build a Wall and Mexico will pay for it".

"A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth", i.e. "Crooked Hillary", "“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”
Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will
", i.e. In unison, "lock her up!, lock her up!, etc.

"If you tell the same lie enough times, people will believe it; and the bigger the lie, the better."

Trump's mentor WAS Joseph Goebbles.


you are so full of shit. Obama practiced every one of the tactics that Goebbles advocated. So does our biased left wing media.

I provided evidence, you provided nil.

Obama's 8 years in office provided all the evidence necessary. Starting with "the Cambridge cops acted stupidly".

For a time I managed the Internal Officers Unit and investigated deputies and supervisors when complaints were received. Yes Virginia some LE Officers, Deputies and Agents act stupidly at times. Some too often to allow them to keep their badge.

That said, all you offer is bullshit. Do you even have an idea of the meaning of evidence?

of course I understand evidence. there was evidence that the Harvard prof brought this on by pretending to be a victim rather than just identifying himself to the cops. It was a non-event that he created and the race baiter in chief escalated.

You do know that the cops were completely exonerated of doing anything wrong, don't you?

You lie.
Did the RWnuts demand an apology from the cops who turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio?

Seems like once again partisan hypocrisy rears its ugly head.
Pence should seek some assistance from former VP Dick Cheney about boosting his popularity ratings and dealing with getting booed in public.

Pence actually believes God created him to lead the believers and ignore (hopefully that's all they do) the rest of mankind.

please provide a quote where he said that. or you could just admit being a liar and STFU

Pence is smart enough not to say it, and with all pols one is advised not to watch their lips, but to watch their feet. If that is too abstract for you little fish brain, take a look at his voting record while in Congress, and see how he voted to impede a women's legal right to an abortion.

Not only women's legal right to abortion, but he fought gay marriage tooth and claw, with each loss he appealed to a higher court. There was an article in Huff Post written by a woman who, along with her wife, sued the State to recognize their Massachusetts marriage, as her wife was dying of cancer. The court asked for an exception for this dying woman, and Pence even refused that.

Gay marriage has no affect whatsoever on straights. The opposition to gay marriage is simply forcing your religious belief onto others. It is the antithesis of what your country is supposed to stand for. But that's the Republican Party - individual rights are fine as long as they don't violate MY beliefs.

simple question: Is it legal to hold beliefs that differ from what is dictated to be PC?

second, why
please provide a quote where he said that. or you could just admit being a liar and STFU

Pence is smart enough not to say it, and with all pols one is advised not to watch their lips, but to watch their feet. If that is too abstract for you little fish brain, take a look at his voting record while in Congress, and see how he voted to impede a women's legal right to an abortion.

there is no right to murder unborn human beings. Hillary supported this:

as the baby's head emerges from the birth canal, kill it by punching hole in its head and sucking its brains out. Since you support that, why not allow children to be killed up to 2 years old if the mother decides she doesn't want them?

If you believe abortion is murder, then the death penalty for women who have abortions is the appropriate punishment?

No, its not that simple. But a question for you, why is someone who kills a pregnant woman charged with two counts of murder if the unborn are not human beings?

What's not that simple? You've declared abortion to be murder. Thus you have declared women who get abortions to be murderers. Why are you waffling now on how murder should be punished?

That's a question for society as a whole. Unlike you on the left, I don't want to dictate my views on the entire population.

abortion is a tough issue. you on the left want it as a common form of contraception (or when contraception fails). others see it as a necessary step only when necessary to save the mother.

I understand that you want to be black or white, but its not.
you are so full of shit. Obama practiced every one of the tactics that Goebbles advocated. So does our biased left wing media.

I provided evidence, you provided nil.

Obama's 8 years in office provided all the evidence necessary. Starting with "the Cambridge cops acted stupidly".

For a time I managed the Internal Officers Unit and investigated deputies and supervisors when complaints were received. Yes Virginia some LE Officers, Deputies and Agents act stupidly at times. Some too often to allow them to keep their badge.

That said, all you offer is bullshit. Do you even have an idea of the meaning of evidence?

of course I understand evidence. there was evidence that the Harvard prof brought this on by pretending to be a victim rather than just identifying himself to the cops. It was a non-event that he created and the race baiter in chief escalated.

You do know that the cops were completely exonerated of doing anything wrong, don't you?

You lie.

what did I say that isn't true? Was anyone charged? Didn't the beer summit solve all of the nation's problems?
Did the RWnuts demand an apology from the cops who turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio?

Seems like once again partisan hypocrisy rears its ugly head.

DeBlasio sold out the cops, they expressed their opinions of him and still did their jobs. No one said a word, not one cop called the mayor a name or insulted him. your attempt at analogy fails.
I provided evidence, you provided nil.

Obama's 8 years in office provided all the evidence necessary. Starting with "the Cambridge cops acted stupidly".

For a time I managed the Internal Officers Unit and investigated deputies and supervisors when complaints were received. Yes Virginia some LE Officers, Deputies and Agents act stupidly at times. Some too often to allow them to keep their badge.

That said, all you offer is bullshit. Do you even have an idea of the meaning of evidence?

of course I understand evidence. there was evidence that the Harvard prof brought this on by pretending to be a victim rather than just identifying himself to the cops. It was a non-event that he created and the race baiter in chief escalated.

You do know that the cops were completely exonerated of doing anything wrong, don't you?

You lie.

what did I say that isn't true? Was anyone charged? Didn't the beer summit solve all of the nation's problems?

The BLACK GUY was arrested. duh

btw, what did Obama say that wasn't true?

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

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