Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

You just dismissed a long list of points on the basis of their source. That is a textbook logical fallacy...


What kind of logical fallacy is it?

It's the fallacy of denying the legitimacy of a claim based on who made the claim.

In simple terms, if the Devil tells you 2 + 2 is 4,

you reject it because you refuse to believe anything the Devil says.

That's not a real logical fallacy. What kind of logical fallacy is it? Name it.

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) -

You dismissed the other poster assertions because of their source.

See above response.

You have not even attempted to refute the substance of his post.
What kind of logical fallacy is it?

It's the fallacy of denying the legitimacy of a claim based on who made the claim.

In simple terms, if the Devil tells you 2 + 2 is 4,

you reject it because you refuse to believe anything the Devil says.

That's not a real logical fallacy. What kind of logical fallacy is it? Name it.

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) -

You dismissed the other poster assertions because of their source.

See above response.

You have not even attempted to refute the substance of his post.

Because the "substance" is not cited from an unbiased source.
It's the fallacy of denying the legitimacy of a claim based on who made the claim.

In simple terms, if the Devil tells you 2 + 2 is 4,

you reject it because you refuse to believe anything the Devil says.

That's not a real logical fallacy. What kind of logical fallacy is it? Name it.

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) -

You dismissed the other poster assertions because of their source.

See above response.

You have not even attempted to refute the substance of his post.

Because the "substance" is not cited from an unbiased source.

Point #1

Now prove that never happened.
That's not a real logical fallacy. What kind of logical fallacy is it? Name it.

Logical Fallacies - Attack The Source (AKA Ad Hominem, Personal Attack) -

You dismissed the other poster assertions because of their source.

See above response.

You have not even attempted to refute the substance of his post.

Because the "substance" is not cited from an unbiased source.

Point #1

Now prove that never happened.

Lol. I'm already doing that. Put the whip away and get rid of the cop costume.
At any rate, Grump is guilty of engaging in confirmation bias. Citing sources or information that supports his position only. Mother Jones is best known as being a left wing news outlet. Not only that, his hotlinks only linked to only Mother Jones itself and no other outside source.

That's enough to discredit his argument on its face. Did Pence say those things? Perhaps, but citing the perspective of a source like Mother Jones puts unnecessary spin on his statements.

So you just admitted to committing a logical fallacy only to defend it by using another logical fallacy.


Okay? I don't see how that is much of an issue? It's only because you don't see unborn children as human beings that you make it one.

Last month, Pence said he'd like to "send Roe v. Wade to the ash heap of history."


Yes, he said that. But that is no different from Hillary saying "The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment." Imagine what she would be saying right now had she won this election. I guarantee something similar.

Pence signed a 2015 bill permitting Indiana business owners to cite religious beliefs as a reason to refuse service to gay and lesbian customers.


Nobody's denying that one. Not after some liberal threatened to burn down a pizza shop because they dared to say "no" to a theoretical question.

As Indiana's governor, Pence slashed Planned Parenthood funding, arguably contributing to one county's HIV outbreak.


This is a correlative fallacy. You can't link the lack of PP funding to an AIDS outbreak in one county.


Of course. Would do the same thing in his place. I will note that we (as well as everyone in Indiana) are breathing well today.

Confirmed. Most likely because of this:

Europe’s Carbon Market Is Sputtering as Prices Dive

Pence voted for opening the Atlantic up to offshore oil drilling.


As a congressman, Pence gave a floor speech advocating the teaching of creationism in public schools.


While there is video of him saying just that, Mother Jones cites an even more biased source in Right Wing Watch to make the case. How do I know they just didn't spin his words? A biased source citing an even more biased source. Not credible.


Mike Pence Said Smoking Doesn't Kill?

Pence has advocated the use of public funds for conversion therapy, a discredited and potentially harmful form of anti-gay therapy.


Mike Pence Supported 'Gay Conversion' Therapy?

Gov. Pence funneled $3.5 million in Indiana's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds, intended for needy families with children, to crisis pregnancy centers, which counsel women against having abortions.


Pence allocated $3.5 million in already existing TANF funds being distributed to the State of Indiana. No services or programs were affected. Meaning those making use of TANF in Indiana were not adversely affected.

"In October of 2014, the ISDH contracted with Real Alternatives to offer parenting and pregnancy support services in northern Indiana. The pilot program was allotted $1 million in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding for one year. Over the past year, the Real Alternatives pilot program served 8,452 clients with support services through 16,839 visits. The new statewide contract allocates $3.5 million in TANF dollars to expand services to all Hoosiers. This funding comes from existing TANF dollars distributed to Indiana and does not cut any services or programs."

Gov. Pence announces statewide contract with Real Alternatives


He probably saw this as an overreach by the US Government. Pence stated that his corrections officials had been working on reducing sexual assaults in prisons for a decade prior, but was seemingly insufficient for government standards.

Pence: Indiana won’t comply with prison rape law

As congressman, Pence voted in favor of a bill that would have allowed for the detention of undocumented immigrants seeking hospital treatment.


While he did vote for the bill in question, Mother Jones outright lied about the content of the bill. The bill would have ordered hospitals to collect information on any undocumented immigrants seeking care with them. Nothing here says he was willing to stop them from getting care at all. The bill also gave hospitals the choice of treating an undocumented alien or sending them back home if there was no chance of the condition worsening due to transport.

Voted YES on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment.
Vote to pass the bill that would require hospitals to gather and report information on possible illegal aliens before hospitals can be reimbursed for treating them. The bill would also make employers liable for the reimbursements if an undocumented employee seeks medical attention, unless the employer meets particular conditions for exemption. The bill would specify that hospitals aren't required to provide care to undocumented aliens if they can be transported to their home country without a significant chance of worsening their condition.

Mike Pence on Immigration

(Note: if the source is willing to lie about an issue, it is entirely possible that it has either lied or distorted the truth regarding other issues. That is why I discredit sources like MJ, Media Matters, Huffington Post and etc)

Pence co-sponsored a bill in Congress that would have eliminated automatic citizenship for children born on US soil to undocumented parents.


That would clearly be unconstitutional.

Pence was one of 31 governors to oppose the resettlement of Syrian refugees in his state, declaring that state agencies wouldn't cover the cost of some social services for Syrian refugees. His behavior earned him a strong rebuke from a panel of three federal judges, including one whom Donald Trump put on his Supreme Court nominee short list.

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The Pence corrects have performed their duty to prove their points looking at all the evidence.

The far right has done only confirmation bias talking points.

Complete fail.
Let's hear you admit that you know nothing of Hillary calling 60 million people deplorable.

She called homophobes, xenophobes, Islamophobes, and racists deplorable.

Which category are you in?

She called Trump supporters they were deplorable, she tried to divide and conquer and she lost. You can pretend all you want.

She won by a million and a half votes, the creepy electoral college notwithstanding.

So she lost. You keep pretending.

She lost because our country has an idiotic way of electing presidents. You are unsurprisingly an apparent fan of idiocy.
You don't understand why the EC exists (still) so you call it idiotic. That's why you lost.
Most people didn't want gay marriage

I agree with this, we shouldn't make anyone get gay married.

...and the thoughts of the majority is what should matter... except when it comes to the Presidential election.
In the states, DUMBFUCK. The people in the state should decide, not a few people in DC. Talking to you left wing retards is like babysitting special needs children.
Once the political arrests begin getting made the critical free speech and disrespect aimed at our Glorius and Victorious leaders will stop.
Trump's STILL at it on Twitter:

"The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior"

Yes, STILL whining and projecting.

What a ****ing man-baby.

He is a tiny little man without self-control.

Stupid too, producers of Hamilton are thanking Trump right now for all the tickets he is selling for them.
Trump's STILL at it on Twitter:

"The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior"

Yes, STILL whining and projecting.

What a ****ing man-baby.

He is a tiny little man without self-control.

Stupid too, producers of Hamilton are thanking Trump right now for all the tickets he is selling for them.
Well, it's sold out for the next two years - some kind of overrated, huh?

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