Pence did the right thing

Fucking STUPID leftard asswipe, what the hell do you think "certify" means?

You dumb fucking assholes think certify means rubber stamp?

Fuck you. You're too goddamn stupid to be talking about this

Gawd you fuckers are brainless.

"Certify" means you put your name on it. "I certify" that this was a fair election.

Just WTF did you think Pence was certifying, anyway?

That he simply got all the results? You think that's what certify means?

Goddammit, you fucking leftard maroons are DANGEROUSLY stupid.

You're putting this whole country at tremendous RISK with your idiotic bullshit.

Yeah, that's a lefTARD thing to say.

Grow a brain, asshole.

Go away till you do.

Skipping meds again?

I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to OP, a Trump supporting rightwinger who you seem to have no interest in asking these questions.

Nope, getting all crazy about LEFtWingers!! is your fancy here.
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I have 14 people on my ignore list.

Every single one of them is too goddamn stupid to talk to.

Every single one of them is an unpatriotic, un-American piece of shit.

Every one of them flings around words like "Trump cult" they heard on TV, and every single one of them has accused ME of being a Trumpie just because I call them out on their idiotic leftard bullshit.

Maybe I got news for these asswipes.

When the day comes, it won't be the righties with the jackboots. It'll be me. And people like me. Non-Trumpie libertarian parents who simply want to raise their children in peace and prosperity.

The righties are gonna be the LEAST of your problems when the day comes. Righties are generally nice people. I'm not. I'll make you suffer while I'm telling you all the reasons I'm making you suffer.

Hey lefties: you are THREATENING America. You're threatening => ME <=, my family, my children. Keep it up, and one of these days you'll get what's coming and there won't be any warning.
I have over 100 Marxists slaves on ignore. I am in the superior intelligence category, and every time i would engage a Marxist, my score started to lower. Thanks, but they can have their stupid gene, and i am glad that their women go out of their way to prevent the spread of that stupidity.

Nope, getting all crazy about LEFtWingers!! is your fancy here.

Hey, you read the stuff, it's entirely up to you if you want to ignore it.

I don't have a fancy. I'm bored and I have the flu. I have extra time on my hands (not really, but there's nothing I can do about it).

Hey - read THIS: ask questions, don't make accusations. Every Time I hear an accusation I'll hurl six back. But if you ask a question, I'll answer it.
I’ll say it again. Former Vice President did the right thing when he determined that he had no Constitutional or legal or moral authority to do anything but proceed with the election certification.

Where are the specifics, viz. any law and/or the Constitution, in that Newsweak article to back up Pence's claim?

Which law or constitutional provision states that the VP is prohibited from allowing three petitioning states to withhold the counting of their electors for a few days, so they might more closely inspect their election results and subsequent vote tally certifications?

Given your profession, you should be able to recognize blowing smoke when you see and smell it.
I’ll say it again. Former Vice President did the right thing when he determined that he had no Constitutional or legal or moral authority to do anything but proceed with the election certification.

That article you cite is


Oh, the sanctimonious Pence cites the US Constitution? What politician does not (when it suits his agenda)?

The article is BS because.. check this out:

ARticle says Pence said

"It is my considered judgment that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not"

Really? He admits it is was HIS OPINION that led to that decision.. Wow.. Then he contradicts that by giving a one or 2 word answer as to why he didn't send questionable ballots back to the states, the legislatures of which are the ones who have authority of their elector ballots: James Madison

But NOWHERE in the fake news article does it say WHAT Madison actually SAID!

How convenient for that traitor Pence and all the other RINOs who seem to have wanted the brain damaged pervert baby killer for president

That article you cite is


Oh, the sanctimonious Pence cites the US Constitution? What politician does not (when it suits his agenda)?

The article is BS because.. check this out:

ARticle says Pence said

"It is my considered judgment that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not"

Really? Then he gives a one word answer as to why he didn't send questionable ballots back to the states, the legislatures of which are the ones who have authority of their elector ballots: Madison

But NOWHERE in the fake news article does it say WHAT Madison said!

How convenient for that traitor Pence and all the other RINOs who seem to have wanted the brain damaged pervert baby killer for president


Yeah. Pretty stupid shit. No one seems to know what "certify" means anymore.

Certify means I've looked at it, I understand it, and to the best of my perception and understanding it's legit.

I have a professional degree, I can lose my license if I simply start signing stuff without looking at it. And just because Joe tells me it's so and Bob tells me it's so, doesn't mean it's so. If I sign something on Joe and Bob's word I'm held responsible for it, and if turns out to be false I may not lose my license but I'll lose every customer I ever had.
It's time to move on from this shit. And lol at thinking Pence being able to hold public office or not now matters lol

How many former presidents or veeps go on to run for further public offices?

We need to FOCUS ON THE FUTURE and stop rehashing the past
Yeah. Pretty stupid shit. No one seems to know what "certify" means anymore.

Certify means I've looked at it, I understand it, and to the best of my perception and understanding it's legit.

I have a professional degree, I can lose my license if I simply start signing stuff without looking at it. And just because Joe tells me it's so and Bob tells me it's so, doesn't mean it's so. If I sign something on Joe and Bob's word I'm held responsible for it, and if turns out to be false I may not lose my license but I'll lose every customer I ever had.
Well, this is a perfect example.. thank you.. for what is wrong in this country RE the way gummit works and the way NORMAL everyday life works for those who don't work for gummit..

Talk about a double standard!

In business if you screw up, you pay for it. You get fired. In gummit, no one ever gets fired and in fact, losers get promoted and end up making more $$. You can say this about just about every gov agency and we see it every day on the news how this applies to the WH, Congress, etc..

We need term limits but guess who votes on term limits?

Well, this is a perfect example.. thank you.. for what is wrong in this country RE the way gummit works and the way NORMAL everyday life works for those who don't work for gummit..

Talk about a double standard!

In business if you screw up, you pay for it. You get fired. In gummit, no one ever gets fired and in fact, losers get promoted and end up making more $$. You can say this about just about every gov agency and we see it every day on the news how this applies to the WH, Congress, etc..

We need term limits but guess who votes on term limits?



We'll, that's it. Either the government works for us, or we work for them. Cant have it both ways. We're coming up to a decision node real soon.

The mere idea that our government thinks it can "regulate misinformation" is a big red flag.

And Obama is the one who authorized our government to get into the propaganda business.

The partisan blinders are going to kill this country. Y'know, the two biggest battle groups are deluded fanatics.

Here's my thought: the People should worry about taking their parties back, before they worry about taking their government back. 90% of this bullshit is about control of the money.
Thank you.

Not great, but not awful.

He acknowledges Pence's authority, and expresses a desired outcome.

He's not commanding or instructing or coercing Pence to do anything.

Ultimately a nothing burger, and certainly nothing impeachable.
You think it’s a nothing burger for the President to tell the Vice President to overturn the results of our democratic election?
Where are the specifics, viz. any law and/or the Constitution, in that Newsweak article to back up Pence's claim?

Which law or constitutional provision states that the VP is prohibited from allowing three petitioning states to withhold the counting of their electors for a few days, so they might more closely inspect their election results and subsequent vote tally certifications?

Given your profession, you should be able to recognize blowing smoke when you see and smell it.
Your point isn't unreasonable in the abstract, but in practice, would have set a dangerous precedent, as with the sham impeachments of Trump.

The 2020 election WAS cheated, yes, but not in ways that Pence was capable of (or of course willing or interested in) addressing.

The Permanent Power Apparatus aka Swamp put a bullseye on Trump's back the instant they understood that the Electoral College would give him the victory.

Pence could/would do nothing abut this.

The Democrats, in collusion with the PPA, used Covid to create an environment where Trump's political destruction was inevitable.

Pence could/would do nothing about this.

The Democrats ruthlessly and criminally disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of socialist voters in swing states in the summer of 2020, thus ensuring electoral wins in these states as these voters drifted back to the Democrats, or simply abstained from participation.

Pence could/would do nothing about this.

Pence is a shitweasel and borderline psychopath, but necessary to insure the support of the religious right in 2016.

He did what he did in 2021, and is neither a hero nor reprobate as a result of these specific actions.
Fucking STUPID leftard asswipe, what the hell do you think "certify" means?

You dumb fucking assholes think certify means rubber stamp?

Fuck you. You're too goddamn stupid to be talking about this

Gawd you fuckers are brainless.

"Certify" means you put your name on it. "I certify" that this was a fair election.

Just WTF did you think Pence was certifying, anyway?

That he simply got all the results? You think that's what certify means?

Goddammit, you fucking leftard maroons are DANGEROUSLY stupid.

You're putting this whole country at tremendous RISK with your idiotic bullshit.

Yeah, that's a lefTARD thing to say.

Grow a brain, asshole.

Go away till you do.
You sure are triggered, hun. :itsok:
I have 14 people on my ignore list.

Every single one of them is too goddamn stupid to talk to.

Every single one of them is an unpatriotic, un-American piece of shit.

Every one of them flings around words like "Trump cult" they heard on TV, and every single one of them has accused ME of being a Trumpie just because I call them out on their idiotic leftard bullshit.

Maybe I got news for these asswipes.

When the day comes, it won't be the righties with the jackboots. It'll be me. And people like me. Non-Trumpie libertarian parents who simply want to raise their children in peace and prosperity.

The righties are gonna be the LEAST of your problems when the day comes. Righties are generally nice people. I'm not. I'll make you suffer while I'm telling you all the reasons I'm making you suffer.

Hey lefties: you are THREATENING America. You're threatening => ME <=, my family, my children. Keep it up, and one of these days you'll get what's coming and there won't be any warning.
So you are afraid of 14 people....on a message board. :heehee:
Sorry bout that,

1. You libtards steal elections, have for 30 years or more , or you would lose every race.
2. Every race across America would go to the GOP, if you didn't cheat.
3. You betted these races against your souls.
4. You will lose.

You're bleaching/fine peopling Trump's words.

Based on your link, Trump expressed a wish, a hope.

He did not TELL Pence to do anything.
You‘re focusing on the commanding/telling/coercing part of this.

I’m focusing on the thing he’s commanding/telling/coercing him to do.

He expressed a desire for Pence to do something that goes against the very fabric of our country. And you don’t see anything wrong with that. I do.

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