Pence did the right thing

You‘re focusing on the commanding/telling/coercing part of this.

I’m focusing on the thing he’s commanding/telling/coercing him to do.
There was no telling/commanding/coercing.

A wish was expressed.
He expressed a desire for Pence to do something that goes against the very fabric of our country.
Trump expressed a wish unlikely to be fulfilled.
And you don’t see anything wrong with that. I do.
Less than ideal, but still a nothing burger.
I’ll say it again. Former Vice President did the right thing when he determined that he had no Constitutional or legal or moral authority to do anything but proceed with the election certification.

He could have called for an audit of the disputed Democrat controlled districts that had significant evidence of fraud, but he didn't. That was the right thing to do. Because he didn't the Democrat filth got away with stealing the election. That makes him a chickenshit traitor to the nation in my book.
There was no telling/commanding/coercing.

A wish was expressed.

Trump expressed a wish unlikely to be fulfilled.

Less than ideal, but still a nothing burger.
Unbelievable. Trump is pressuring his Vice President to ignore the will of the people and the very fabric of our democracy, and you don’t see anything wrong with that.
It's time to move on from this shit. And lol at thinking Pence being able to hold public office or not now matters lol

How many former presidents or veeps go on to run for further public offices?

We need to FOCUS ON THE FUTURE and stop rehashing the past
If we dont learn from the past it usually repeats itself as shown in the 2022 election. It has to be stopped now or we will never get this country back from the Marxists who want to destroy Democracy.
Where are the specifics, viz. any law and/or the Constitution, in that Newsweak article to back up Pence's claim?

Which law or constitutional provision states that the VP is prohibited from allowing three petitioning states to withhold the counting of their electors for a few days, so they might more closely inspect their election results and subsequent vote tally certifications?

Given your profession, you should be able to recognize blowing smoke when you see and smell it.
I’ve already cited the 12th Amendment. His job is to open the envelopes and count the states’ votes. The one with the majority of votes “shall” be declared the winner.
That article you cite is


Oh, the sanctimonious Pence cites the US Constitution? What politician does not (when it suits his agenda)?

The article is BS because.. check this out:

ARticle says Pence said

"It is my considered judgment that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not"

Really? He admits it is was HIS OPINION that led to that decision.. Wow.. Then he contradicts that by giving a one or 2 word answer as to why he didn't send questionable ballots back to the states, the legislatures of which are the ones who have authority of their elector ballots: James Madison

But NOWHERE in the fake news article does it say WHAT Madison actually SAID!

How convenient for that traitor Pence and all the other RINOs who seem to have wanted the brain damaged pervert baby killer for president

He did what the 12th Amendment said.

Forget news articles. Forget what some alleged constitutional scholar now says. Forget what Madison thought. It is exclusively what the Constitution says that matters. And the constitution says his duty is to open the respective sealed ballots of the States and to count them. It then says that the one with the majority of votes SHALL be President.

That’s what Pence did exactly as he had sworn to do.
Where in the Constitution was he even hypothetically authorized to do that?
An audit of the Presidential election was performed in 1876 by Congress. There is a precedent for doing it.

Where in the Constitution does it prohibit election results from being audited if there is suspicion of fraud?
An audit of the Presidential election was performed in 1876 by Congress. There is a precedent for doing it.
A Vice President isn’t Congress. He can’t order them to conduct one (even if they have some actual Constitutional authority to do that at all).
Where in the Constitution does it prohibit election results from being audited if there is suspicion of fraud?
The Constitution directed what “shall” be done. That is mandatory. If the Framers wishes to provide any additional authority to Congress to order an “audit”’of results they might worry about the legitimacy of, it could have said so. It didn’t.

So we don’t go looking for all the things the Constitution hypothetically prohibits. We look to what it plainly says.
That you're obsessed with a fantasy of wrongdoing by Trump? Yes.
Trump is pressuring his Vice President to ignore the will of the people and the very fabric of our democracy
Trump expressed a wish in your link.

If you have evidence of pressuring in the form of command, dictate, conspiracy or coercion by Trump, please do share that. Otherwise, you're simply shocked by your own fantasy.
and you don’t see anything wrong with that.
I've said it's less than ideal, but ultimately a nothing burger from a legal perspective.

Shall we go through this again and again and again, or do we understand one another's positions now?
That you're obsessed with a fantasy of wrongdoing by Trump? Yes.

Trump expressed a wish in your link.

If you have evidence of pressuring in the form of command, dictate, conspiracy or coercion by Trump, please do share that. Otherwise, you're simply shocked by your own fantasy.

I've said it's less than ideal, but ultimately a nothing burger from a legal perspective.

Shall we go through this again and again and again, or do we understand one another's positions now?
I’m not even talking about it from a legal perspective. I’m saying that you see nothing wrong with Trump wishing to ignore the will of our people and our democratic process.
Hang Mike Pence?
Sorry bout that,

1. Suicide by hanging might be a good ending for him now.
2. Maybe he can do hari kari at same time like Judas did, cut his guts open, then fall off the chair.
3. Not pretty picture, but what he did was that wrong, and ugly.

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I’ve already cited the 12th Amendment. His job is to open the envelopes and count the states’ votes. The one with the majority of votes “shall” be declared the winner.
You cited the 12th Amendment, that lame-assed Newsweak article didn't.

Now, where in the 12th Amendment does it say that the VP cannot allow a few petitioning states a another few days to investigate their totals?
You cited the 12th Amendment, that lame-assed Newsweak article didn't.

Now, where in the 12th Amendment does it say that the VP cannot allow a few petitioning states a another few days to investigate their totals?
That’s the problem. It doesn’t say anything about it. It says what “shall” be done which is mandatory language. And that’s what Pence did.
Whatever. You see nothing wrong with a president who doesn’t respect our democracy.
If you have concrete evidence of this amorphous claim of presidential disrespect, I'd be somewhat interested in seeing it.

As it is, you're outraged that I'm not outraged as you are by the outrage you feel based on a fantasy.

But in 2016, The Swamp commanded that you be outraged by Trump's victory over sure thing Hillary, and you've complied ever since.

While this doesn't outrage me, I find it tragic.

7 years of manufactured mass hysteria over Trump has brought about the Covid Con, mass censorship, and World War III, now well underway.

The Covid Con in particular has caused incredible collateral damage, destroying communities of color in particular.

Tragic beyond words.
I don't think you do have it; not at all.

But if I might ask, are you outraged that (for instance) neither Bush II nor Obama have been executed for massive war crimes?

Or is Trump's wish that Pence do something Pence didn't do, and that I find Trump's expression of his wish less than ideal, but nothing more than this, somehow more outrageous to you?

But Trump DID do some outrageous things despite being the least war criminalish of any president since Clinton.

Are you outraged by his monstrous sanctions?

His persecution of Assange?

If you believe Trump is due some consequence for his ineffectual but entirely legal electoral wishes, what consequence should monsters like Bush II and Obama face for their ACTUAL crimes against humanity?

These are serious questions by the way - I'm not scolding or being rhetorical in asking.

Feel free to start a new thread on this topic of relative crime/s and punishment/s due & I'll eagerly participate if you don't wish to respond here.


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