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Pence is not a viable candidate for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024.

"The left" now including Barr, Ivanka, McConnell, and Trump regime candid, intimate operatives too numerous to mention?

It may seem that way to some because Trumpy dead-enders keep getting documented truths and blatant lies hopelessly ass-backwards.

The discredited crazies are being precipitously abandoned.

No doubt all these Republicans who are testifying UNDER OATH are now RINO Evil Deep State Satan Hitler Swamp commies™.

This orange group psychosis is otherworldly. Testifying under oath is like garlic to them.
No doubt all these Republicans who are testifying UNDER OATH are now RINO Evil Deep State Satan Hitler Swamp commies™.

This orange group psychosis is otherworldly. Testifying under oath is like garlic to them.
The cult's paranoia metastasizes like Vonnegut's Ice Nine.

Ivanka disqualifying herself from any hope of following in Daddy's footloose steps by honestly acknowledging he lost is a case of going over to the light side that is unforgivable.
Pence is a traitor to his country. Letting the Democrats get away with stealing an election. As President of the Senate he could demanded an audit of the election but he didn't. He side with the Swamp to steal an election from the American people.

Can weird worshipers o d on orange Kool-Aid?

Pence had endured the humiliation of prostrating himself under the cloven hoop of trumpery for four years, hoping that it was a stepping brimstone to fulfilling his own ambition.

Instead, he ended up being banished by his evangelicals as an apostate for betraying the very strange god they now worship.
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Can weird worshipers o d on orange Kool-Aid?
You realize that the Republicans are going to sweep the Congress in the mid terms big time and Potatohead is doing such a shitty job that it will be decades before there is another Democrat is elected President, don't you?

When the Republicans get in power they can establish the committees and do the investigations to expose the thievery of the 2020 election. Democrats will be sucking hind tit for a long time.

They will undo a lot of the damage to this country that we have suffered under the filthy disastrous Democrats.
You realize that the Republicans are going to sweep the Congress in the mid terms big time and Potatohead is doing such a shitty job that it will be decades before there is another Democrat is elected President, don't you?

When the Republicans get in power they can establish the committees and do the investigations to expose the thievery of the 2020 election. Democrats will be sucking hind tit for a long time.

They will undo a lot of the damage to this country that we have suffered under the filthy disastrous Democrats.
Que sera, sera.

Do you think Ivanka's acknowledging the truth of the Loser's losing will have the Loser saying that she deserves to be hanged?

Let's hope not. She and Mr Chuckles want to avoid being added to his encyclopedic vendetta list.
Pence is a traitor to his country. Letting the Democrats get away with stealing an election. As President of the Senate he could demanded an audit of the election but he didn't. He side with the Swamp to steal an election from the American people.

A power not found in the US Constitution.
A power not found in the US Constitution.
There was an audit done by the Congress in 1876. There is a precedent for doing a Congressional audit to resolve election disputes. It could have been done this time but it wasn't because Pence sold out to the Swamp and although that shithead Potatohead was sworn in it will never be a legitimate election.

If the Moon Bats really think that the election was legitimate then they should have welcomed a Congressional audit to put the question to rest.

The Democrats stole our Democracy. The Swamp, who hated Trump because he put America's interest ahead of their agenda, let the goddamn Democrats get away with it.
If 50% of GOP voters are fully on board with FMP then he might muster the votes for 4th in a GOP POTUS Primary
His base has been debased, as Trump's vendetta-spree casts Pence unto the flamers.

Pence skips Faith & Freedom conference. Is attacked by Trump anyways.
The ex veep finds himself at a crossroads, unable to lean on his once bedrock constituency.

View attachment 659380
"Vengeance is mine!"

... mewls the Cry Baby Loser, and the weird worshipers
heed the proclamation in obsequious submission.
The principle players:

Michael Richard Pence, a flaming evangelical who wears his religion like a hazmat suit, and lives the life of the aggressively righteous with a dogged passion.

Donald John Trump: a skank, who furtively rutted with paid-off bimbos behind the backs of trophy wives, and never let even the most documented truths impede his self-pleasuring objectives.

The Congregation: Rightist zealots hellbent upon imposing their arrogant religiosity upon our diverse nation.

It is no contest for the bible-humping slow children of a far lesser god - the weird worshiper's dissolute object of veneration.

Slut vs Prude is a route for the Holy Roled-Overs.

The miraculous epiphany at the crossroad to perdition (We are forked!) that determined the Trump v Pence decisive capitulation? The Cry Baby Loser's Sermon on the Mounting:

How could Mike Pence, whose wife hides the combination to his chastity belt even from herself, hope to compete with the Bush parable calculated to commandeer the collective soul of the evangelical swarm?

Pence's adhering to the U.S. Constitution and refusing to be complicit in the self-pleasuring sedition of the one who walks-on-sewerage was only the proximate provocation for his political damnation and status as the cause célèbre of a deranged Trumpy lynch mob.

He made his deal with the devil in 2016, and now reaps the reeking wind of the gaseous Trump.

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"I sitteth at the right hand of the farter at my peril."

I wondered why Pence did not go along with Trump on Jan 6th. I now realise it is because he believes he can be President himself and turn the US into the Theocratic States he and his flock are after.
Yeah, this has been a fascinating story. I would love to see a schematic of the thought process leading him to believe he has a chance, in that party, in its present condition. I guess I could see him waiting a cycle or two to see if the fever breaks, but NOW?

The egos of politicians never cease to amaze.
but from what I hear in the UK, his 'base' is with him. They apparently still believe everything he says.
I wondered why Pence did not go along with Trump on Jan 6th.
That was because of the oath he swore:

Screen Shot 2022-06-19 at 8.04.20 AM.png

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;
and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God."
There was an audit done by the Congress in 1876. There is a precedent for doing a Congressional audit to resolve election disputes. It could have been done this time but it wasn't because Pence sold out to the Swamp and although that shithead Potatohead was sworn in it will never be a legitimate election.

If the Moon Bats really think that the election was legitimate then they should have welcomed a Congressional audit to put the question to rest.

The Democrats stole our Democracy. The Swamp, who hated Trump because he put America's interest ahead of their agenda, let the goddamn Democrats get away with it.
The disgruntled loser's impotence and seditious intent, being unable to handle the truth after all states had certified their election results, after all the recounts and audits had re-affirmed those results, after dozens of judicial challenges to those results had been rejected in courts across America, and after even a violent goon attack on Congress had failed to deny the will of the People, is being documented for posterity by the congressional committee with special attention to the revelations of Republican Trump insiders, intimates, and family, testifying under oath.

As that overwhelming evidence accrues, the self-serving fantasy that the Cry Baby Loser pulled out of his butt, that a mysterious "Landslide!" had been mysteriously stolen by a vast conspiracy of still unnamed masterminds, coordinators, and collaborators still has no suspects, nor any credible evidence that could survive judicial scrutiny anywhere to support it.
After 4 years of groveling and enabling even his righteous act of bravery in service of the nation on 1/6 isn't going to enhance Mike's viability as a candidate. To the extent his Republican party was ever truly alive, it has certainly been murdered by the POT. To get traction in Don's party you have to be a huckster like DeSantis, a wretched, cynical opportunist like McConnell, or a pure conman like the Orange Stain. Unfortunately for Pence, he's a run of the mill evangelical with a touch of the Crazy.
Who is afraid to go to a business lunch without ”Mommy “ there to chaperone him
That was because of the oath he swore:

View attachment 659744
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;
and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God."
What? Because it says God?
The disgruntled loser's impotence and seditious intent, being unable to handle the truth after all states had certified their election results, after all the recounts and audits had re-affirmed those results, after dozens of judicial challenges to those results had been rejected in courts across America, and after even a violent goon attack on Congress had failed to deny the will of the People, is being documented for posterity by the congressional committee with special attention to the revelations of Republican Trump insiders, intimates, and family, testifying under oath.

As that overwhelming evidence accrues, the self-serving fantasy that the Cry Baby Loser pulled out of his butt, that a mysterious "Landslide!" had been mysteriously stolen by a vast conspiracy of still unnamed masterminds, coordinators, and collaborators still has no suspects, nor any credible evidence that could survive judicial scrutiny anywhere to support it.

You are denying that there was significant evidence of a stolen election when there was actually overwhelming evidence.

Trump being ahead and the goddamn Democrats shutting down counting and opening up hours later with thousands of votes for Potatohead. Republican observers being prevented from observing the counting. Many of the printed ballots with nothing more than being checked for Potatohead. Truckloads of mail in ballots magically showing up in Democrat districts.

The Swamp wanted Trump gone and let the Democrat filth get away with the thievery and that is a loss of our Democracy and we should all be ashamed.

Then we have the Supreme Court that wouldn't even give standing to the States to challenge the election because they were afraid of rioting. Roberts was even dumb enough to say it.

After months of rioting by the Negroes the elections were quickly certified without any real investigation because everybody had been intimidated by the Negro violence and they weren't going to challenge votes from mostly Negro districts. More shame.

A Congressional audit would have resolved the discrepancies but nobody had the courage to do the right thing. The Democrats didn't want an audit because they knew it would have revealed their fraud.

If the Democrats did not steal the election then they would have nothing to fear from a real audit, would they?

This country went down a very dark path with allowing the Democrats to get away with stealing a Presidential election. Something the Liberals need to understand is that if the Democrats can do it so can the Republicans. Is that what we want this country to be?

Another issue that was not resolved.

It was the pandemic that let let the Democrats implement the fraudulent unverified mail in and harvest ballot scam. The Chinese are the ones that hated Trump and had made the Biden family filthy rich and released the virus.

Did the Democrats conspire with the Chinese to release the virus or did they simply take advanage of the pandemic? A question well worth while to investigate. Maybe after the midterms this year and the Republicans take over Congress the extent of the Democrat fraud can be thoroughly investigated.

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