Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

There were audits. You lost those too.

Nope. No even close Moon Bat. Not a real no bullshit audit done by the FBI.

Democrats doing audits and recounts in their own districts don't mean shit.

The Democrats stole the Republic from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvest ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is a fact that would have proven out with a real audit that Pence could have ordered.

The Democrat bastards got away with it and weak traitorous Republicans like Pence let them get away with it.

We don't live in a Democracy anymore.
Sorry, but Pence did what he could only do and in the end all this Pence hate is not going to reinstate Marvelous Donald!
Sorry bout that,

1. Crimes against the American people have been done.
2. He was the last man standing that could of slowed it down, *do the right thing*.
3. He chose not to.
4. Babbit was slain like the American people were slain, without thought and cold hearted.
5. The vote was killed just like Babbit, killed for no reason, other than greed for power and wealth.
6. Some let politics blind their judgement, when Biden was allowed to steal the election, he well had shot you in the head, even if you voted for him, cause the vote was done in fraud, your vote means nothing in a fraudulent vote.
7. You have bowed down to russia and china, and cuba, if you want this kind of fraud to continue, you are ruled by the lust of power, you are going to die for your sins, eternally, cast off into a hellish place.
8. Demand a fair election with serial numbers and open voting and counting, none of this hocus pukis bullshit.
9. You can't can you?
10. You're dirty as hell, and hell yea shall return.
11. Pence by his own judgement has forged his own path, its too late for him to change paths, he is;
* Self-Millstone'd*

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Sorry bout that,

1. READ THIS:Pence Blasts Trump as 'Un-American' in Speech for 'FedSoc' Group Which Takes Massive Donations from Election-Fiddling Facebook Founder.
"Former Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech to the ostensibly “conservative” Federalist Society on Friday, wherein he insisted that President Trump and his team were wrong to demand Pence use the powers of the Vice President to scrutinize the election results after the 2020 presidential debacle."
2. Pence made a Yuge mistake, and he shall go to jail for it.
3. Equal Justice.
4. He will be punished.

Pence is going to jail? When? For what?
Pence is going to jail? When? For what?
Sorry bout that,

1. Perpetrating a fraudulent Election, by allowing the stolen election to stand.
2. That itself is a crime against humanity.
3. On this scale he can find no court of law to side with him.
4. He did the right thing as Babbit being shot in the neck was the right thing, both should of never happened, and both will be corrected.
5. Sooner or later it will be set straight.

Sorry bout that,

1. Pence's soul is doomed. *Self-Millstone'd*
2. He may be marched around now on others shoulders in his own parade, now / tomorrow.
3. But in the end, there is a judge for each of us, and that judge sees all.
4. If I didn't tell you I would be a liar, which I am not.

Pence is right of me. I happen to be a centrist leaning rtwinger. The ONLY reason Rump picked Pence as VP is to capitalize on the rtwing religious vote. After the last barrage by Rump and his trash, I wonder how many Evangelist Christians will follow him ever again.
Plenty of them will still support Trump. A lot of those Evangelical leaders are no better then Trump. Amoral money grubbing conmen.
Sorry bout that,

1. Too bad Pence wasn't a bad person, but he is a sad faced RINO, got himself into a bad crowd, chummed up with the likes of Pelosi and Schumer.
2. A good man can do wrong things.
3. Pence just showed the world that.
4. The cat is out of the bag, and there is no way to stuff his ass back in dere. *misspell with purpose.*
5. It would of been better Pence was never born.
6. Millstone.
7. Trump is correct to mention his lack of protecting the truth.
8. When the whole truth comes out, Pence will not be protected.
9. Pence goes under the bus.
10. Pence could of been a hero for American People.
11. He will end up a nothing wrapped around a zero.
12. I might throw out a word or two mispeeled for the spell nazi's

What's your take on Kamela Harris throwing out electors if Biden loses the next election, Ace?

Or is it only good if Republicans do it?
Sorry bout that,

1. Perpetrating a fraudulent Election, by allowing the stolen election to stand.
2. That itself is a crime against humanity.
3. On this scale he can find no court of law to side with him.
4. He did the right thing as Babbit being shot in the neck was the right thing, both should of never happened, and both will be corrected.
5. Sooner or later it will be set straight.

Pence committed no crimes against humanity.

Some right wingers give conservatives a bad name.
Nope. No even close Moon Bat. Not a real no bullshit audit done by the FBI.
So basically you won’t accept the audit results unless they’re done according to YOUR terms.

Sorry snowflake. It doesn’t work like that.

Were you crying this much about previous election audits not being done by the FBI? No? Just decided to start crying this time because you lost?

Sucks for you huh? :)

It took incredible courage for Pence to uphold his oath to the Constitution on January 6, 2021.

I don't know much about his politics other than that he's a highly conservative WASP and I hear that many Hoosiers weren't too keen on him as Governor.

Nevertheless, fulfilling his Constitutional obligations on January 6th (and attending the Inaugural on January 20th) were acts of pure political courage.

The guy may be about as charismatic as Calvin Coolidge but I'll give him props for far more courage than I had thought possible of him.

His long-overdue repudiation of Donald Trump's outrageous claims and behaviors related to the 2020 election were a breath of fresh air from the Right.

So twice since January if 2017 he found his balls. You're correct he is a fucking Juggernaut!!!!!
So basically you won’t accept the audit results unless they’re done according to YOUR terms.

Sorry snowflake. It doesn’t work like that.

Were you crying this much about previous election audits not being done by the FBI? No? Just decided to start crying this time because you lost?

Sucks for you huh? :)
But wait...isn't the FBI supposed to be part of the Deep State?

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