Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

If all you say is true, then you have nothing to be concerned about, do you? Everything is working out exactly as you wanted, and trump will be reinstated as president any day now, right?
Yeah.....sure.....right.....uh-huh......... :slap:
Pence calls out Trump. Declares Trump was wrong he could overturn the election results and condems the 1/6 attacks.

Pence is right. He should have been more forceful in condemning the authoritarian wanna-be though.
If Trump was The Authoritarian then Biden is the next
best thingy to The Devil and Mao combined.
Plus shades of Stalin using Stalinism as a daily habit.
If Trump was The Authoritarian then Biden is the next
best thingy to The Devil and Mao combined.
Plus shades of Stalin using Stalinism as a daily habit.
Dictators need stolen elections to stay in power.
Biden and Stalin both believe that the voters don't count as much as the people counting the votes.
Most good people, I don't think so, most good people have woken up and realized they made a terrible mistake if they backed him. He is the one who tried to make out the Democrats as the enemy and you've fallen for that crap.
For weeks after the attack on the US Capitol, repubs kept saying it was ANTIFA. That was just another repub lie. The attack was planned and funded by the trump Mafia. It failed this time....maybe not. Remember this?

Pence calls out Trump. Declares Trump was wrong he could overturn the election results and condems the 1/6 attacks.

Pence is right. He should have been more forceful in condemning the authoritarian wanna-be though.
The presidency belongs to the American people. No one person has the right to choose a president.
The presidency belongs to the American people. No one person has the right to choose a president.
If the VP could chose the winner of the presidential election, the US would revert to a banana republic, no better than Castro's Cuba. That is what trumpians want...apparently?
The presidency belongs to the American people. No one person has the right to choose a president.
Our elected officials should campaign on cleaning up our election process. If an elected official has an opportunity to throw out fraudulent votes, they should do it.
Our elected officials should campaign on cleaning up our election process. If an elected official has an opportunity to throw out fraudulent votes, they should do it.
Because Trump lies? In 2016 he claimed 3-5 million illegals voted.
Our elected officials should campaign on cleaning up our election process. If an elected official has an opportunity to throw out fraudulent votes, they should do it.
Now I'm beginning to understand your plan. Throw out all the votes you can, and claim it's possible that some of them could have been fraudulent.
So here's the story: The Democrats stole this election and EVERYONE who is politically knowledgeable knows it. They stole it with "dark money" that was invested by a couple of Leftist billionaires to troll the ghettos for votes, ONLY in Democrat areas, which is against the law. And this is how Biden, whom nobody likes, was able to score more votes than Obama.

But in political jargon, they stole it, fair and square. Which is to say, the theft is not provable. The scam is too sophisticated to put on a bumper-sticker, hence too complex for the average American to understand. At that point, experienced politico's declare defeat and move on. There is no political upside to continuing a fight that you cannot win.

And this is where Trump loses Republican politicians like Pence. They will not continue to fight in a losing cause. They know what was done, but it is pointless and even harmful to continue the fight.

This split must be resolved between the mid-terms and 2024.
It's not inconceivable that proving the election was stolen out from under our noses while Joe Biden and
his cabal of ultra leftists run the nation isn't possible.

But that will change soon and then we will set the agenda.
Hopefully Mike Pence will not be around at that time.
It's not inconceivable that proving the election was stolen out from under our noses while Joe Biden and
his cabal of ultra leftists run the nation isn't possible.

But that will change soon and then we will set the agenda.
Hopefully Mike Pence will not be around at that time.

How's the weather in Moscow?
It's not inconceivable that proving the election was stolen out from under our noses while Joe Biden and
his cabal of ultra leftists run the nation isn't possible.

But that will change soon and then we will set the agenda.
Hopefully Mike Pence will not be around at that time.
You people are living in the Twilight Zone. trump and his cult had chance after chance to prove voter fraud. They failed over 60 times. Grow a Brain and forget about trump's 2020 loss. He lost...he knows he lost...get over it.
He's right, but it won't get him anywhere with his party should he go forth with a presidential bid.
He will be treated as a RINO...simply because he told the truth. That is how far the repub party has fallen....all the please a demented former president.

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