Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

You do understand the difference between an audit and a recount, right?
Democrats don't want exposure of their criminal they took the AZ audit committee to court. Maricopa County's election committee refused to cooperate with the audit. Strangely, Maricopa Co is where they found most of the irregularities.
Still waiting on that gatewaypundit link from you.
The problem is the mail-in votes. Poll show 80% of those votes went to Biden. So for every 5 mail-in votes, we throw out 1 vote for Trump and 4 votes for Biden.
There is a paper trail of votes, none that mattered. A few republicans voted twice.
You are correct. Biden alone would have never received that many votes. The massive amount of anti-trump votes added to Biden supporters votes caused the record setting turnout.
The turnout was mostly unsolicited mass-mailings of ballots.....many of which were returned the day they were mailed out or were never mailed in the first place.....yet counted as votes....100% for Biden. Early on the day after the election truckloads of mail-in ballots started showing up wherever they were needed to reverse Trump leads in several swing states. Many of these ballot have turned up missing in later recounts that were conducted in Georgia and Arizona.
The big lie is that Biden actually got 81 million genuine votes.
There is no evidence that people ever liked the prick enough to vote more for him than any president in US history.
As Biden and Stalin both said...who's counting the votes decides elections.
Yes the republicans re-counted the votes.
The turnout was mostly unsolicited mass-mailings of ballots.....many of which were returned the day they were mailed out or were never mailed in the first place.....yet counted as votes....100% for Biden. Early on the day after the election truckloads of mail-in ballots started showing up wherever they were needed to reverse Trump leads in several swing states. Many of these ballot have turned up missing in later recounts that were conducted in Georgia and Arizona.
If you just had any credible evidence that any of your conspiracy theories were true.
  • The findings by Cyber Ninjas revealed that Biden received 99 more votes than the original canvass conducted by Maricopa County. It also said Trump got 261 fewer votes. According to the audit report, 1,040,873 votes went to Biden while 995,404 went to Trump.
  • Cyber Ninjas releases findings on Maricopa County election audit.
I knew you would quote that horseshit.
That fake bullshit was trashed a long time ago.

Cyber Ninjas found over 140,000 discrepancies in the election....but then hid their findings and claimed that Biden got more votes than during the election. Seems their credibility is shot.
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I knew you would quote that horseshit.
That fake bullshit was trashed a long time ago.

From your link
State Senate Republicans announced the results of their conspiracy-laden audit of the 2020 presidential election results in September. It concluded that President Joe Biden had won 360 more votes than Maricopa County had awarded him in the official count.
"The turnout was mostly unsolicited mass-mailings of ballots.....many of which were returned the day they were mailed out or were never mailed in the first place.....yet counted as votes....100% for Biden."
I had not heard that, good poster mudwhistle. That the votes came from "unsolicited mass-mailing of ballots".
In which jurisdictions did that occur?
And was it 'ballots' that were mass-mailed....or was it applications for ballots?
And was the 'mass mailing' to anybody ...sort of a "Current Resident" addressee?
Or was it to a registered voter?

And, with no desire to put you on the spot good poster Mudwhistle.....but how do you know? What are the sources that you can share so that those here who are interested can become as informed as you? Do our own due diligence.

And then this......all of these "mass mailed ballots" were 100% for Joe Biden.
I hadn't heard, seen, or read that either.
In what jurisdicitons did that happen?
How do you know?


And then again, this:
Early on the day after the election truckloads of mail-in ballots started showing up wherever they were needed to reverse Trump leads in several swing states.
I had not heard that, nor seen that either.
That that happened at all....or that it happened in the early hours of November 3rd.
Which jurisdictions did that happen in, good poster mudwhistle?
And how do you know?
Can you share your source on that?

After all, some of us feel more comfortable in doing our own due diligence rather than relying on an anonymous poster using a fake name on an internet gossipboard.

Not all are that particular, but I think you could understand that some would be.

So, mudwhistle, whatcha got for the forum?

Pence calls out Trump. Declares Trump was wrong he could overturn the election results and condems the 1/6 attacks.

Pence is right. He should have been more forceful in condemning the authoritarian wanna-be though.
Pence is not smart enough to realize he is being used to support Democrat talking points.
"Pence is not smart enough to realize he is being used to support Democrat talking points"
I would demur.
Not because I have unique knowledge of Mike Pence's thinking, but....
....but because anyone who was in his position, Vice President of the United States, during a contentious Republican administration has probably got a pretty good antenna for 'Democrat talking points', or he's got advisors who are only too glad to keep him informed.

In short, Mike knows.

But, perhaps, his sensitivity to his good name and reputation being trashed by his ex-boss likely overrides his distaste for concurring with Democrat-think.

Life is complicated.

F**k you.

Stop listening to CNN and pay attention.
A Pennsylvania court just declared that their mail-in voting laws were unconstitutional....and they're getting ready to vote on reversing their electors for the 2020 election in the state congress.

Pennsylvania court declares state’s mail-in voting law unconstitutional, in win for Republicans
That’s for mail-in voting in Pennsylvania. What about it?

I’m good with whatever they decide on that. How about you? Are you going to keep crying like a little bitch when they don’t overturn the 2020 election results?
From your link
State Senate Republicans announced the results of their conspiracy-laden audit of the 2020 presidential election results in September. It concluded that President Joe Biden had won 360 more votes than Maricopa County had awarded him in the official count. you basically ignore the rest of the story because that's all you care about.
They told them to turn over their findings....and they refused to do so.
The primary reason is because they didn't report their real findings......they just threw out some BS about Biden getting more votes than the original count....and then closed down an attempt to get hide the evidence of their real findings.

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