Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

So here's the story: The Democrats stole this election and EVERYONE who is politically knowledgeable knows it. They stole it with "dark money" that was invested by a couple of Leftist billionaires to troll the ghettos for votes, ONLY in Democrat areas, which is against the law. And this is how Biden, whom nobody likes, was able to score more votes than Obama.

But in political jargon, they stole it, fair and square. Which is to say, the theft is not provable. The scam is too sophisticated to put on a bumper-sticker, hence too complex for the average American to understand. At that point, experienced politico's declare defeat and move on. There is no political upside to continuing a fight that you cannot win.

And this is where Trump loses Republican politicians like Pence. They will not continue to fight in a losing cause. They know what was done, but it is pointless and even harmful to continue the fight.

This split must be resolved between the mid-terms and 2024.
Utter bull crap times 11.

There was nothing illegal about organizing better than republicans, who relied on Trump, to win the election through his divisive covid infested rallies.

Nothing illegal about going in to neighborhoods with few REGISTERED to vote citizens and registering them to vote.

Nothing illegal about teaching voters how to cast an absentee ballot without it being rejected.

Etc, etc, etc
.democrats and non profits outworked you all....

Trump urging his voters to come in person to vote instead of casting an absentee ballot like Trump and wife and daughter and sons and wives did themsrlves, was just one foolish scheme of his.... that failed him. Trump ran a crappy campaign.
That’s for mail-in voting in Pennsylvania. What about it?

I’m good with whatever they decide on that. How about you? Are you going to keep crying like a little bitch when they don’t overturn the 2020 election results?
They illegally changed election laws....and the courts deemed them unconstitutional.
End of story.
So here's the story: The Democrats stole this election and EVERYONE who is politically knowledgeable knows it. They stole it with "dark money" that was invested by a couple of Leftist billionaires to troll the ghettos for votes, ONLY in Democrat areas, which is against the law. And this is how Biden, whom nobody likes, was able to score more votes than Obama.

But in political jargon, they stole it, fair and square. Which is to say, the theft is not provable. The scam is too sophisticated to put on a bumper-sticker, hence too complex for the average American to understand. At that point, experienced politico's declare defeat and move on. There is no political upside to continuing a fight that you cannot win.

And this is where Trump loses Republican politicians like Pence. They will not continue to fight in a losing cause. They know what was done, but it is pointless and even harmful to continue the fight.

This split must be resolved between the mid-terms and 2024.
Repeal citizens United and get rid of dark money that simple.
"....and then closed down an attempt to get hide the evidence of their real findings."

Oh boy, this is getting funner and funner.
[as an aside: Please poster Mudwhistle do not leave this forum. Don't get banned. Don't go over to Epoch Times', or Reddit's, or QAnon's sites. You are too much fun here. Sorta like that poster, I forget his avatar name, who was forever going on about Jews and rivers of molten steel bringing down the Towers, or gay Oathkeepers, yadda, yadda, yadda. (I miss him)].

Anyway, let's move along.
So now you are claiming that Cyber Ninjas, those ersatz U.S. Cavalry heroes who were gonna ride into Maricopa County and 'Stop-the-Steal',....... now you are saying they were actually part of the Steal?

I love this bar. It is like a ringside seat at Conspiracy Central. The traffic is continuous. It is nutsocrazo, straight from the Bizarro Desk. you basically ignore the rest of the story because that's all you care about.
They told them to turn over their findings....and they refused to do so.
The primary reason is because they didn't report their real findings......they just threw out some BS about Biden getting more votes than the original count....and then closed down an attempt to get hide the evidence of their real findings.
You think the Cyber Ninjas are shills for Biden? You know that's nuts, right?
You think the Cyber Ninjas are shills for Biden? You know that's nuts, right?
They were paid to do a coverup...not an audit apparently.
It was just like the Mueller investigation....which spent more time destroying evidence than they did investigating crimes.
"You think the Cyber Ninjas are shills for Biden?"
"They were paid to do a coverup...."*
It gets funner and funner here.
It's the Mos Eisley Cantina.
On steroids.

*good poster Mudwhistle, you probably don't wanna tell the equally good poster Lenny Partiv that the Ninjas were part of the 'Steal'.
After all, he swore that they were the real deal and were gonna be the change-agent that re-installed Don Trump. He staked his avatar's reputation on it. And now you are gonna come here and throw shade on poor Lenny?
They were paid to do a coverup...not an audit apparently.
It was just like the Mueller investigation....which spent more time destroying evidence than they did investigating crimes.
The owner of the Cyber Ninjas was claiming the election was stolen before the election. They did claim a lot of silly disprovable crap, but still found that Biden beat trump worse than they had originally thought.
Pence calls out Trump. Declares Trump was wrong he could overturn the election results and condems the 1/6 attacks.

Pence is right. He should have been more forceful in condemning the authoritarian wanna-be though.

He's right, but it won't get him anywhere with his party should he go forth with a presidential bid.
Most good people back Trump because they don't see anyone else out there willing to fight the establishment Democrats.
Most good people, I don't think so, most good people have woken up and realized they made a terrible mistake if they backed him. He is the one who tried to make out the Democrats as the enemy and you've fallen for that crap.
Most good people, I don't think so, most good people have woken up and realized they made a terrible mistake if they backed him. He is the one who tried to make out the Democrats as the enemy and you've fallen for that crap.
You are mistaken. Mud didn't fall for trump's crap. He jumped in head first, like lemmings over a cliff.
Most good people, I don't think so, most good people have woken up and realized they made a terrible mistake if they backed him. He is the one who tried to make out the Democrats as the enemy and you've fallen for that crap. event on Jan 6th is all you people have to destroy Trump with.
Who cares that he didn't plan the security detail for the Capital, his political enemies did.
Who cares that the same people that planned the security detail for the Capital tried to undermine his entire administration with a fraudulant Russian Collusion investigation using evidence they knew was bogus before the investigation began.
Who cares that Nancy Pelosi was constantly dealing with our enemies and with NATO behind Trump's back, which is treason.
Who cares that Pelosi ripped up his last SOTU address and then tipped off what they planned by saying she would drag Trump out of the WH by his hair.......a threat for which she never suffered any punishment for.
Who cares that Biden stole the election and is showing every day why he didn't win legitimately.
Nobody likes Biden.
Nobody likes Pelosi or Schumer.
Yet they're all in charge and are working with Mexican Drug Cartels trafficking millions of foreign slaves into this country right under our noses.
You people can kiss my ass.
Ignorant assholes....that's all you are. event on Jan 6th is all you people have to destroy Trump with.
Who cares that he didn't plan the security detail for the Capital, his political enemies did.
Who cares that the same people that planned the security detail for the Capital tried to undermine his entire administration with a fraudulant Russian Collusion investigation using evidence they knew was bogus before the investigation began.
Who cares that Nancy Pelosi was constantly dealing with our enemies and with NATO behind Trump's back, which is treason.
Who cares that Pelosi ripped up his last SOTU address and then tipped off what they planned by saying she would drag Trump out of the WH by his hair.......a threat for which she never suffered any punishment for.
Who cares that Biden stole the election and is showing every day why he didn't win legitimately.
Nobody likes Biden.
Nobody likes Pelosi or Schumer.
Yet they're all in charge and are working with Mexican Drug Cartels trafficking millions of foreign slaves into this country right under our noses.
You people can kiss my ass.
Ignorant assholes....that's all you are.
If all you say is true, then you have nothing to be concerned about, do you? Everything is working out exactly as you wanted, and trump will be reinstated as president any day now, right?

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