Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

Watching the death and destruction and carnage is a great consolation prize. You are now killing babies after they are born. Is it up to 2 years old now? We are so done as a nation.
I had my suspicions about Pence....because I always felt he never participated in arguments Trump was having with Pelosi and Schumer. He never acted like he was a Trump I suspected he was a mole.
Look at Pence's body-language. He's leaning away from Trump and not saying a damn thing.

Mike Pence was surrounded by a conspiracy to end democracy in America. He didn’t call the FBI. He didn’t alert the public. He waited to see if it would succeed. When it was clear it would fail, at the last minute he threw in with the winning side.

Yeah, well that deep state commie nazi rino traitor has the bloated orange narcissistic lying tub of goo by the nuts.
How so?

I think Republicans are going to side with Trump and throw Pence under the bus along with Liz Cheney.
Americans were thrilled when Benedict Arnold was doing his General thing for the Revolution. They were pissed at him when he turned traitor.

Pence turned traitor when he let the Democrat filth get away with stealing the election. As President of the Senate and with a Republican majority he could have called for an audit of the swing districts that the Democrat filth stole. But he didn't so he will go down in history as a traitor to his country, just like Benedict Arnold.
What, specifically, should Pence have done?
What, specifically, should Pence have done?
Demanded that an audit be done in the Democrat swing districts that were in dispute.

Democrat swing districts where there were significance evidence of unverified mail in and harvested ballots. Where Republican poll watchers were prevented from observing the counting. Where counting was stopped when Trump was ahead and resumed later with hundred of thousand of magical ballots with nothing marked except Biden. Districts like that.

As President of the Senate and with a Republican majority at that time he could have done the right thing and insisted on an audit. The Senate did it once before so it was not without historical precedence However, he didn't do it and now he is considered a traitor to the Republic for letting the Democrat scum get away with stealing an election. Shame!
Sorry, but Pence did what he could only do and in the end all this Pence hate is not going to reinstate Marvelous Donald!

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