Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

No one said Pence should “overturn the election”. What we said was. Check on the cheating first. Has he never heard of the hanging chad? Even with Bush-Gore we took time to check on things that seemed irregular. Having over 100% of registered voters voting is, to say the least, irregular and should have been checked out. Bringing out boxes of ballots from under the tables to count after repubs leave was irregular.

I saw a video of a state that had 1600 military votes in 2016 and in 2020 (when many were home because of covid) there were almost 10,000. There were not even that many troops deployed overseas at that time. THAT is irregular. Also, all the votes from the military were on 8.5 x 11 paper. Gee, easy to copy and 96% were for biden. And biden won the state by 10,000 votes. That is only 1 example. If I can find the video I will post it.

I found the video. Also there was no chain of custody for military votes. SHOCKING TESTIMONY Reveals Democrats Were Stealing Overseas and Military Ballots from Michigan, Georgia and Now Arizona Too (VIDEO)

Here is 1 quote. “Not one of the military ballots was a registered voter and the ballots looked like they were all exactly the same Xerox copies of the ballot – they were all for Biden across the board, there wasn’t a single Trump vote and none of the voters were registered, “witness Patty said. “They had to manually enter the names, addresses, enter birthdate of 1/1/2020 which would override the system and allow them to enter non-registered voters of which I saw several that day, throughout the day, that’s how they would override voters that were neither in the electronic poll book or in the supplemental updated poll book.”

All we were asking Pence to do was look at the cheating factor. He declined and now we have biden.
For the first time since January 2017 would be more accurate!!!!

It took incredible courage for Pence to uphold his oath to the Constitution on January 6, 2021.

I don't know much about his politics other than that he's a highly conservative WASP and I hear that many Hoosiers weren't too keen on him as Governor.

Nevertheless, fulfilling his Constitutional obligations on January 6th (and attending the Inaugural on January 20th) were acts of pure political courage.

The guy may be about as charismatic as Calvin Coolidge but I'll give him props for far more courage than I had thought possible of him.

His long-overdue repudiation of Donald Trump's outrageous claims and behaviors related to the 2020 election were a breath of fresh air from the Right.

He is right! All these crap about the VP overturning the people's will is the definition of fascism. trump needs to shut up and admit that he is NOT a conservative.
Agree that conservatives trying to overthrow the will of the people is very much the definition of fascism.

Disagree with Trump not being a conservative – Trump is very much a conservative, he’s a perfect representative for the right.
You hated him before, so your credibility is shot. I don't talk crap about him, he did what he thought was right. I disagree, but he did what he thought was right.

Those who oppose Trump have nothing but contempt for Pence; like Trump and others on the right, Pence is comprehensively wrong on the issues and has nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.

As a social conservative and rightwing ideologue, Pence would seek to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans, advocate for disenfranchising minority voters, and allow government to interfere in the private lives of citizens at the expense of individual liberty.

Pence is as evil as Trump but not as insane.
I remember when conservatives were thrilled with Pence as the VP.

The cult really turned on him. :)
Americans were thrilled when Benedict Arnold was doing his General thing for the Revolution. They were pissed at him when he turned traitor.

Pence turned traitor when he let the Democrat filth get away with stealing the election. As President of the Senate and with a Republican majority he could have called for an audit of the swing districts that the Democrat filth stole. But he didn't so he will go down in history as a traitor to his country, just like Benedict Arnold.
Trump doesn’t stand a chance in ‘24 and anyone with half a brain knows that.
Watching the death and destruction and carnage is a great consolation prize. You are now killing babies after they are born. Is it up to 2 years old now? We are so done as a nation.
Americans were thrilled when Benedict Arnold was doing his General thing for the Revolution. They were pissed at him when he turned traitor.

Pence turned traitor when he let the Democrat filth get away with stealing the election.
Well said.

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