Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

Lol, that is putting america first exactly how? Ya how does the typical American benefit from that, please do explain.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Do you mean moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's Capitol?

It's one of COUNTLESS promises he kept. Why does it annoying you that I mentioned ONE that every president before him, PROMISED AND FAILED
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Do you mean moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's Capitol?

It's one of COUNTLESS promises he kept. Why does it annoying you that I mentioned ONE that every president before him, PROMISED AND FAILED
Lol, how does it benefit the average American? It doesn't. So woopty shit.
What I can't understand President Trump back then, didn't realize that he had a traitor as VP?

how? and then how did he let them steal the election from Americans?

That... I really can not comprehend.... I can not.:( It's very difficult to understand.
I had my suspicions about Pence....because I always felt he never participated in arguments Trump was having with Pelosi and Schumer. He never acted like he was a Trump I suspected he was a mole.
Look at Pence's body-language. He's leaning away from Trump and not saying a damn thing.

Lol, how does it benefit the average American? It doesn't. So woopty shit.
Those who bless Isreal will be blessed.

You're obsessed with antisemitism and are angry that PRESIDENT Trump recognizes JERUSALEM as Israel's Capitol.

I love that that one point i made annoys you. It tells me all I need to know qbout your soul 😄
Those who bless Isreal will be blessed.

You're obsessed with antisemitism and are angry that PRESIDENT Trump recognizes JERUSALEM as Israel's Capitol.

I love that that one point i made annoys you. It tells me all I need to know qbout your soul 😄
You made one point that does not benefit the American public in any way shape or form. So again woopty shit.
I really admire Pence. Stoic, even keeled, never name calls like a middle school kid. A true American patriot. I could care less if he was loyal to Trump or not.
Pence is scum.
I agree. Anyone who would serve as trump's vice president is a disgusting piece of crap. He is, however, not stupid enough to believe trump was right when he said the vice president can single handedly appoint a president.
Sorry bout that,

1. READ THIS:Pence Blasts Trump as 'Un-American' in Speech for 'FedSoc' Group Which Takes Massive Donations from Election-Fiddling Facebook Founder.
"Former Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech to the ostensibly “conservative” Federalist Society on Friday, wherein he insisted that President Trump and his team were wrong to demand Pence use the powers of the Vice President to scrutinize the election results after the 2020 presidential debacle."
2. Pence made a Yuge mistake, and he shall go to jail for it.
3. Equal Justice.
4. He will be punished.

One misspelling, and one grammatical mistake, not bad for a MAGA hard liner.
I agree. Anyone who would serve as trump's vice president is a disgusting piece of crap. He is, however, not stupid enough to believe trump was right when he said the vice president can single handedly appoint a president.
I think you mean he knew the fixers were going to go through with the fraud and was scared shitless to anything about it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Too bad Pence wasn't a bad person, but he is a sad faced RINO, got himself into a bad crowd, chummed up with the likes of Pelosi and Schumer.
2. A good man can do wrong things.
3. Pence just showed the world that.
4. The cat is out of the bag, and there is no way to stuff his ass back in dere. *misspell with purpose.*
5. It would of been better Pence was never born.
6. Millstone.
7. Trump is correct to mention his lack of protecting the truth.
8. When the whole truth comes out, Pence will not be protected.
9. Pence goes under the bus.
10. Pence could of been a hero for American People.
11. He will end up a nothing wrapped around a zero.
12. I might throw out a word or two mispeeled for the spell nazi's

Sorry bout that,

1. I wanted to believe Pence was a good Christian man.
2. But he turned his back on the truth, kinda like what Peter did in denying three times this night, maybe if you know the story you will understand.
3. Pence is bare naked, he made a terrible choice.
4. I don't think that there is a way ever to redeem himself.
5. He could of refused to certify and send the whole mess back to the states for a recount.
6. But no, he put his wax seal on the election, and that he can never undo.
7. It would of been better that he was never born.

I am not a fan of Pence or any Republican, but give him credit for standing up to the Lord of the Lies. It will be interesting to see Trump's response as he digs himself deeper into a pardon the criminals hole he can't get out of
The fly in your ointment is that Trump is a fair man. The Demonrats tried for four years to promote Hillary Clinton's demonic plan to get revenge after she lied, cheated, and suicided many a poor man in her zealous, jealous revenge frenzy. There is nothing fair about the dowager Hillary Clinton since she excused herself from answering questions to a Federal Grand Jury with 2 lawyering words, "I forget." Cowshit.
Living expenses while campaigning and not getting an adequate paycheck from a job are considered acceptable uses of "political donations." Roe v. Wade resulted in a million a year preborn American deaths that were painful to the victim human being that a helpless fetus is.

The crooked press is making a fortune by exaggerating what Republican candidates say to each other. This thrills the Demonrats to fan the fires of human anger. The press has started many a war, some just but not this one. The press overplayed its hand for cold, hard, cash in the bank from Soros, delivered through channels that are illegal to nondemonrats.
Somebody needs to throw out the fraudulent votes.
They did.

“The people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated,” Trump said on the call. "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."

After months of work and some $6 million spent, a so-called audit that Trump supporters claimed would show the election had been stolen found Joe Biden actually won Arizona by more votes than the official tally — and no conclusive evidence that the election had been influenced by fraud.

Draft reports from the review of Maricopa County’s election results declared that a hand count of nearly 2.1 million ballots from the November 2020 election found Donald Trump had 261 fewer votes than the county’s official canvass gave him, while Biden had 99 more.

All told, Biden gained 360 votes in the Senate “audit” hand count — which was criticized by election experts as fundamentally flawed — giving him a victory of 45,469 votes in Maricopa County.
Pence could not have overturned the election

but he didnt have to certify it either

he should have refused to participate in a flawed election result

instead he broke ranks with 81 million trump voters and sided with the inside washington swamp rats instead
Change my mind.
Dude. No one will take your trade in...


He is right! All these crap about the VP overturning the people's will is the definition of fascism. trump needs to shut up and admit that he is NOT a conservative.
With a Republican civil war going on, I don’t see how Trump or Pence expect a win in ‘24.

He is right! All these crap about the VP overturning the people's will is the definition of fascism. trump needs to shut up and admit that he is NOT a conservative.

And this is why Pence wasn't at the top of the ticket....a typical squish..........

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