Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

Did I say he was Vice President?

Trump says he hires the best people. Trump selected Pence as VP. You think Pence is a traitor. Trump could have picked Jim Jordan as VP. You don’t think Jim Jordan is a traitor. Therefore Trump didn’t hire the best person.

So what? Do you really think his bragging bothers me? Someone has to do it. The media won't.
Trump says he hires the best people. Trump selected Pence as VP. You think Pence is a traitor. Trump could have picked Jim Jordan as VP. You don’t think Jim Jordan is a traitor. Therefore Trump didn’t hire the best person.
You know damn well the group selecting the VP is looking for a politician who the public will see as a copy of Mother Theresa.
Democrat swing districts where there were significance evidence of unverified mail in and harvested ballots. Where Republican poll watchers were prevented from observing the counting. Where counting was stopped when Trump was ahead and resumed later with hundred of thousand of magical ballots with nothing marked except Biden.
  • "unverified mail"......which precincts? to what effect?
  • "prevented from observing".......which precincts? to what effect? Any offered reasons why they were prevented?
  • "hundreds of thousands of ballots....all for Biden".....which precincts? How do you know?
The vote was killed just like Babbit, killed for no reason, other than greed for power and wealth.
Ashli Babbitt was killed for greed and wealth?
Who knew?
I didn't, that's for sure.
Was she robbed of her purse afterwards? Rings? Cell? Apple watch?
Who stole whatever it is you think they stole?
What was it all worth?
C'mon, be serious, good poster 'chesswarsnow'.
Lest folks here think your avatar is a nutsocrazo.
But good luck.

you are going to die for your sins, eternally, cast off into a hellish place.
Got a date? Some of us can make plans if you will narrow down our ETD.....and maybe our ETA, too. Thanx in advance.

Demand a fair election with serial numbers
I love your serial number gig.
That way, people later can look up who the serial number was assigned to, and note who that person voted for, and............

Great idea, there, poster.

He did the right thing as Babbit being shot in the neck was the right thing, both should of never happened, and both will be corrected.
"will be corrected"??
You gotta tell that to Babbitt's family. They'll be delighted to have her back.
You must have amazing resources.


Some right wingers give conservatives a bad name.
"....every other fucking lie you cocksuckers push ......"

And that, good poster tahuyaman, was a Bazinga!!
Great timing!
A hat-tip!
  • "unverified mail"......which precincts? to what effect?
  • "prevented from observing".......which precincts? to what effect? Any offered reasons why they were prevented?
  • "hundreds of thousands of ballots....all for Biden".....which precincts? How do you know?

Ashli Babbitt was killed for greed and wealth?
Who knew?
I didn't, that's for sure.
Was she robbed of her purse afterwards? Rings? Cell? Apple watch?
Who stole whatever it is you think they stole?
What was it all worth?
C'mon, be serious, good poster 'chesswarsnow'.
Lest folks here think your avatar is a nutsocrazo.
But good luck.

Got a date? Some of us can make plans if you will narrow down our ETD.....and maybe our ETA, too. Thanx in advance.

I love your serial number gig.
That way, people later can look up who the serial number was assigned to, and note who that person voted for, and............

Great idea, there, poster.


"will be corrected"??
You gotta tell that to Babbitt's family. They'll be delighted to have her back.
You must have amazing resources.




And that, good poster tahuyaman, was a Bazinga!!
Great timing!
A hat-tip!
Sorry bout that,

1. You must wait.
2. Wait and see.
3. Hold onto you're an ass!

As with every other fucking lie you cocksuckers push at everyone....Trump wasn't trying to reverse the election....simply explore the legal process of making sure that the certification looked at all of the evidence of election fraud before they certified it. Because of the riot that the Capital Police caused....they simple came back a few hours later and dropped all of the exploratory evidence being presented and rubber-stamped a corrupt election process.
At least they listened to the Democrat's bullshit evidence after the 2016 election before certifying the election.
Instead....they didn't even consider anything.
Of course trump was trying to overthrow the election. Being who he is, he looked to finding the best scams to accomplish that and came up with THE BIG LIE.
Sorry bout that,

1. Which idiot hires a person and says "I hire traitors and swine*.
2. Everyone has to decide on their own what they will do day to day.
3. Loyalty is not a given.


He is right! All these crap about the VP overturning the people's will is the definition of fascism. trump needs to shut up and admit that he is NOT a conservative.
Also originally the VP could be from another party. Under this they could get rid of their competition.

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