Pence "That is not my concern".... this is not going to age well for him.

It is better than selling my soul to the lesser of two evils.

Nothing will change, the powers that be have seen the last 30 plus years doing everything in their power to divide the nation to ensure they stay in power. As long as we the people are fighting each other over every little thing they can do whatever they wish.

So you work for evil.

Boy are you dumb
At least under trump we did not have the hyper inflation, the High home prices, the high interest rates that we have under biden. Man what a disaster the economy is right now.
You're deluded by wingnut media. Inflation is down to 3%. Home prices are falling. The interest rates were to battle inflation - which one do you want?
I would like to hear the rest of his answer.
If you're looking for a fair interprettation then you would want to hear Tucker's mini-speech before he asked about the disaster that is some of our American cities. He opened by saying "you are distressed that the Ukranians don't have enough U.S. tanks . . . " and went on to talk about the crises in blue cities. I think (hope) that when Pence said "that's not my concern," he meant the Ukrainians not having enough US tanks is not his concern. Still, it sounded pretty bad.

Not to mention that he is absolutely concerned about giving the Ukrainians American tanks.
Damn, I still remember when you leaned Libertarian. My how times have changed.
Yes, it will. Bigger government is not just about how much money they spend, but about how much control they have over our day to day lives.
Depends what they are trying to control. The "clean water/clean air" envirofreaks are driving American jobs to China.

Making us a more moral country is more in line with what the Founding Fathers desired.
Damn you suck at this whole reading thing.

Makes sense now why you are such a Trump worshiper. He relies on the poorly educated.

Damn, you suck at this whole comprehension thing.

Makes sense.

You ARE a moron.
Depends what they are trying to control. The "clean water/clean air" envirofreaks are driving American jobs to China.

Making us a more moral country is more in line with what the Founding Fathers desired.

Why do you hate clean air and clean water?
Turning a blind eye to naked russian aggression will cost more in the long run

That lesson was learned at Munich in 1939

Russia wants their land back, premiere coastline property. If CA seceded, Obiden would kill 25 million with nukes to hang onto it. Ukraine Russia is not our problem at $32T debt, govt out of control, homeless, illegals, queers...
Pence did not articulate clearly what he was awkwardly trying to communicate.

I wish he could be as eloquent as Brandon.
He actually did.
The full video only extends the original "not my concern".
Carlson's question is a solid one. "At what point do we stop giving $10s billions to Ukraine and start looking at our own problems?" - if you don't think a LOT of Americans are asking this question - then you are not paying much attention.
Pence outright dismissed the question.
This was not a good answer.
Holy cow

Tucks will never get the stink of Putin's ass off his face. Tucks, aka Putin's asslicker doesn't give a rat's ass about American cities, he's just a no good lying son of a bitch. But don't take my word for it. Just ask Murdoch.
Of one tribe in africa wipes out another tribe and takes over their territory thats not a threat to world peace

But if russia does it thats more serious because to could lead to a world war
I totally get your point, but many say that the US invasion of Iraq greatly destabilize the Middle East. Destabilized the world in some ways. That being said, I still disagree with supporting Ukraine, based on a multitude of reasons.
You're deluded by wingnut media. Inflation is down to 3%. Home prices are falling. The interest rates were to battle inflation - which one do you want?
Home prices are leveling off. The interest rates are still around 6 1/2% is brutal

Democrats in the current administration are responsible for the printing of most of the trillions of dollars giving away during the lockdown. Now that was a horrendous decision and we all have to deal with that. The lockdowns were terrible decision

Not enough new homes are being built.

Grocery prices are still high. We have a radical Democrat, agender of kids being able to get a sex change operation at the age of 10. What about that. Are you gonna respond to that. Because someone who approves of that is a monster.

Plus Biden support BLM and you have all of these rich celebrities and people on the news who are money grubbers and using an opportunity to support BLM and say horrible things about white folks. What about that. That is a disgrace right there.
Why do you? The so called "green energy" bullshit does more harm to the planet than the fossil fuel industries do.

You idiot.

And of course, you can find all those post from me supporting "green energy"....or did you just make this one up as well?
Home prices are leveling off. The interest rates are still around 6 1/2% is brutal
Again, which do you want: high inflation or high interest rates to get inflation down?

I'll take the high interest rates. I'm making over $300 per month in interest on just one of my savings accounts. And I am not stupid, so I'm not loaded up on credit card debt.

You wingnuts love to praise wingnut Dave Ramsey. What's his #1 advice for everyone? No credit card debt!

So how are you being hurt by 6% interest?

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