Pence visits border says Democrsats need to act

Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.

Nope, O caged them before trump showed up. You're lying.....again.

under obama, unaccompanied minors were detained but were not refused basic necessities.

your president's orders were to separate them all AND now, it's to take children away from blood relatives that are not their parents. there are family memebers living legally here & sponsers not being contacted to takes these kids. & they can't even clean themselves.

that's ALL on trump.

Immigrant children: Here's what's happening with kids at the border, policywise

Family separations aren't over. As many as five kids per day are separated from their parents at the border.

Six migrant children have died in U.S. custody. Here’s what we know about them

Why are migrants getting sick or dying on the border?

Of for crying out loud.

If the adult then wants to go home, in keeping with the expedited order of removal that is issued as a matter of course, it’s relatively simple. The adult should be reunited quickly with his or her child, and the family returned home as a unit. In this scenario, there’s only a very brief separation.

Where it becomes much more of an issue is if the adult files an asylum claim. In that scenario, the adults are almost certainly going to be detained longer than the government is allowed to hold their children.

That’s because of something called the Flores Consent Decree from 1997. It says that unaccompanied children can be held only 20 days. A ruling by the Ninth Circuit extended this 20-day limit to children who come as part of family units. So even if we want to hold a family unit together, we are forbidden from doing so.

The clock ticking on the time the government can hold a child will almost always run out before an asylum claim is settled. The migrant is allowed ten days to seek an attorney, and there may be continuances or other complications.

This creates the choice of either releasing the adults and children together into the country pending the ajudication of the asylum claim, or holding the adults and releasing the children. If the adult is held, HHS places the child with a responsible party in the U.S., ideally a relative (migrants are likely to have family and friends here).

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
Enforcing the laws of the United States is not 'policy'... it is a sworn duty.

It is LEGAL to come here seeking asylum.
Most of the people sneaking across our border are not here for asylum... they are here for jobs.

Trouble is, those sneaking across the border now understand that they can delay their deportation by claiming asylum.

They are abusing our system and attempting (and failing) to take advantage of our historical generosity.

That is now coming to an end.

It's roughly akin to the fable of The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf... you get enough Beaners falsely claiming asylum, you stop listening.

Asylum has been abused and misused and over-used so often now, that it no longer holds its former lofty status in most Americans' eyes.

And you Liberals have been encouraging this abuse all along, and now it's coming home to roost, in ways you don't like.

You brought this on yourselves by encouraging such abuse of the Asylum process... now you face the consequences.

Well, Mr Bigoted Fuck, I thought the law was the law. Evidenty the law is only valid when you think it should be.

No one has been encouraging illegal immigration.

Real Americans still value helping people through asylum. It is just you bigoted Trmpettes that have a problem with it.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.

Nope, O caged them before trump showed up. You're lying.....again.

under obama, unaccompanied minors were detained but were not refused basic necessities.

your president's orders were to separate them all AND now, it's to take children away from blood relatives that are not their parents. there are family memebers living legally here & sponsers not being contacted to takes these kids. & they can't even clean themselves.

that's ALL on trump.

Immigrant children: Here's what's happening with kids at the border, policywise

Family separations aren't over. As many as five kids per day are separated from their parents at the border.

Six migrant children have died in U.S. custody. Here’s what we know about them

Why are migrants getting sick or dying on the border?

Of for crying out loud.

If the adult then wants to go home, in keeping with the expedited order of removal that is issued as a matter of course, it’s relatively simple. The adult should be reunited quickly with his or her child, and the family returned home as a unit. In this scenario, there’s only a very brief separation.

Where it becomes much more of an issue is if the adult files an asylum claim. In that scenario, the adults are almost certainly going to be detained longer than the government is allowed to hold their children.

That’s because of something called the Flores Consent Decree from 1997. It says that unaccompanied children can be held only 20 days. A ruling by the Ninth Circuit extended this 20-day limit to children who come as part of family units. So even if we want to hold a family unit together, we are forbidden from doing so.

The clock ticking on the time the government can hold a child will almost always run out before an asylum claim is settled. The migrant is allowed ten days to seek an attorney, and there may be continuances or other complications.

This creates the choice of either releasing the adults and children together into the country pending the ajudication of the asylum claim, or holding the adults and releasing the children. If the adult is held, HHS places the child with a responsible party in the U.S., ideally a relative (migrants are likely to have family and friends here).

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review
National Review???? Sorry, but Trump changed the policy. He did it.

Quit making excuses because your hero has to punish children to get his way.

There is NO LAW that says families seeking asylum MUST be separated.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
Congress makes laws and funds the facilities.

People are drinking from toilets that don’t flush to survive because Nancy and AOC are having a cat fight instead of helping the children they let die a horrible death.


El Dumpster packed these facilities with his policies and like, you, too fucking stupid to know they did not have the funding for it.

Trunmp is too God damn stupid to knopw how this country works.

Maybe if the fat ass had not vetoed funding, he might have some.
You mean Obama’s policies.

And no matter how loud you deny it, Congress is responsible for the budget.
Yet another lying Trumptard claiming Trump never changed these ;policies.

You lie about it. Trump lies about it.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
Congress makes laws and funds the facilities.

People are drinking from toilets that don’t flush to survive because Nancy and AOC are having a cat fight instead of helping the children they let die a horrible death.


El Dumpster packed these facilities with his policies and like, you, too fucking stupid to know they did not have the funding for it.

Trunmp is too God damn stupid to knopw how this country works.

Maybe if the fat ass had not vetoed funding, he might have some.
You mean Obama’s policies.

And no matter how loud you deny it, Congress is responsible for the budget.
And when was the current budget passed? Who controlled both houses? Are you really this fucking stupid???
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
its because democrats for over two years denied the funding needed not just for the wall but for funds to build more detention centers hire more immigration judges
And democrat did so on purpose they wanted to create this crisis so they can then point to Trump and say see how racist and cruel he is and here you are playing your part like a good little programed droid

LYING FUCK. The current budget was passed under a REPUBLICAN House & Senate.

When the fuck are you assholes going to stop lying?

There was a funding bill passed & your fat assed buddy VETOED it because he didn't get his wall.

Your Fat Assed buddy declared an emergency to steal money from our troops to build his wall but he can't spend that on helping feed the children he stole?

Really. You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
If conservatives REALLY wanted to get serious about illegal immigrants, all they would have to do is pass e-verify and severely penalize people who hire illegal immigrants.

It's really simple - they're not going to try to come here or illegally stay here if they can't find work.

Ann Coulter: "It's the GOP that opposes e-verify (makes employers hire citizens or legal residents) because their donors want the illegal alien slave labor."

Ann Coulter on Twitter

Oh, so now you're a Coulter fan, are ya?

Sorry, but people come here for a lot of reasons besides work.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California | HuffPost

Hardly a Coulter fan. But I'm capable of agreeing with an idea, regardless of the source. Looks like you aren't. This is how you would fix the illegal immigration issue, at least on the southern border.

Birth tourism from China? That's a nice little exception to consider. Now explain to me how your wall is going to fix that one, genius.

I guess you assume that people coming from the south are all from the southern countries? I guess you didn't read about all the Africans coming into this country from the border as well.

But birther tourism is more than other people coming here to have American kids. Governments and radical muslims are sending all kinds of people here. The kids are born here, they are taken back home to get radicalized and grow up hating Americans, and then once old enough, can cross right into this country no questions asked to do God knows what harm to the people in this country. Thanks to Democrats, there will be nothing you can do to stop them either.

"I guess you assume that people coming from the south are all from the southern countries?"

I didn't say anything even remotely close to suggesting this.

From your article:

BEIJING — When Ma Fahong approached the immigration desk at Los Angeles International Airport, the customs agent had only two questions for her.

“Why are you coming to the U.S.?”
“I’m here to have a baby.”

This isn't an issue that can be fixed by an expensive wall. And the issue you bring up isn't even related to the southern border we were supposed to be talking about.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.

You answered your own question. Yes building the wall would solve the problem. Since Dems control the House, yes, it’s own them when they don’t act.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.

You answered your own question. Yes building the wall would solve the problem. Since Dems control the House, yes, it’s own them when they don’t act.

Really, you actually think a 40' concrete wall would solve illegal immigration & people showing up for asylum.

Your team had the House for two fucking years under Trump. Why the fuck didn't they do it then?
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
its because democrats for over two years denied the funding needed not just for the wall but for funds to build more detention centers hire more immigration judges
And democrat did so on purpose they wanted to create this crisis so they can then point to Trump and say see how racist and cruel he is and here you are playing your part like a good little programed droid

LYING FUCK. The current budget was passed under a REPUBLICAN House & Senate.

When the fuck are you assholes going to stop lying?

There was a funding bill passed & your fat assed buddy VETOED it because he didn't get his wall.

Your Fat Assed buddy declared an emergency to steal money from our troops to build his wall but he can't spend that on helping feed the children he stole?

Really. You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
Obama cut the defense budget, changed the rules lowered the standards with other things and military people died. Immigration should not even be an issue but it makes good press and keeps people arguing.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
its because democrats for over two years denied the funding needed not just for the wall but for funds to build more detention centers hire more immigration judges
And democrat did so on purpose they wanted to create this crisis so they can then point to Trump and say see how racist and cruel he is and here you are playing your part like a good little programed droid

LYING FUCK. The current budget was passed under a REPUBLICAN House & Senate.

When the fuck are you assholes going to stop lying?

There was a funding bill passed & your fat assed buddy VETOED it because he didn't get his wall.

Your Fat Assed buddy declared an emergency to steal money from our troops to build his wall but he can't spend that on helping feed the children he stole?

Really. You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
Obama cut the defense budget, changed the rules lowered the standards with other things and military people died. Immigration should not even be an issue but it makes good press and keeps people arguing.
Obama lowered the military spending because troops were coming home from Iraq. Then military spending increased.

Trump STOLE money from the military for his wall. That is a fact.

What military died because of Obama cuts? Really?

I'll yell you who killed soldiers, your party & George Bush in Iraq.

Immigrartion is an issue because TRUMP FUCKED IT. He made this big campaign issue, got all you assfucks screaming for a 40' concrete wall, changed policies, separated children.

Quit blaming Obama because you were so fucking stupid as vote for a fraud like Trump.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
/—-/ Every time Trump acts some leftard judge puts a stay on it and Trump has to fight it in the USSC. Even his EO to stop the separation of family’s was stayed.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
its because democrats for over two years denied the funding needed not just for the wall but for funds to build more detention centers hire more immigration judges
And democrat did so on purpose they wanted to create this crisis so they can then point to Trump and say see how racist and cruel he is and here you are playing your part like a good little programed droid

LYING FUCK. The current budget was passed under a REPUBLICAN House & Senate.

When the fuck are you assholes going to stop lying?

There was a funding bill passed & your fat assed buddy VETOED it because he didn't get his wall.

Your Fat Assed buddy declared an emergency to steal money from our troops to build his wall but he can't spend that on helping feed the children he stole?

Really. You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
I guess they didn't teach you about what is called the filibuster what ever failed liberal run school you attended which requires over 60 votes to get anything passed in the senate
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.
Congress makes laws and funds the facilities.

People are drinking from toilets that don’t flush to survive because Nancy and AOC are having a cat fight instead of helping the children they let die a horrible death.


El Dumpster packed these facilities with his policies and like, you, too fucking stupid to know they did not have the funding for it.

Trunmp is too God damn stupid to knopw how this country works.

Maybe if the fat ass had not vetoed funding, he might have some.
You mean Obama’s policies.

And no matter how loud you deny it, Congress is responsible for the budget.
And when was the current budget passed? Who controlled both houses? Are you really this fucking stupid???
So you’re claiming there’s a border crisis.
....Well, Mr Bigoted Fuck...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

...I thought the law was the law...
Indeed. And it is now (finally) being enforced. Enjoy.

...Evidenty the law is only valid when you think it should be...
Your evidence is nonexistent.

...No one has been encouraging illegal immigration...

...Real Americans still value helping people through asylum...
Real Americans have traditionally been in favor of a sane policy that is not abused and over-used. is just you bigoted Trmpettes that have a problem with it.
Good thing for me that I voted for Shrillary then, eh?


Sunday, July 14, 2019 is gonna be a fun day... watching the nation's laws being enforced properly.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.

Nope, O caged them before trump showed up. You're lying.....again.

under obama, unaccompanied minors were detained but were not refused basic necessities.

your president's orders were to separate them all AND now, it's to take children away from blood relatives that are not their parents. there are family memebers living legally here & sponsers not being contacted to takes these kids. & they can't even clean themselves.

that's ALL on trump.

lol pure rubbish. You left wing vermin really have no shame or concept of credibility at all. Even NPR has called bullshit on this fake story and the hacks like AOC lying to a Congressional committee to boot.
Mike Pence says conditions are unacceptable & and Democrats need to act to fix it.

Pence visits Texas border patrol facilities, highlighting challenges, overcrowding - CNNPolitics

Think about that.

It is not the fault of the administration. The Democrats are at fault because they didn't act. Act to do what? Build Trump's stupid 40' concrete wall????

This is another example of this administration ineptness and trying to pin it on Democrats even though Republicans contrioled both houses for years.

Mike, this os YOUR fault. YOU are stealing children. YOU are separating families. It was YOUR policies that did this.

Nope, O caged them before trump showed up. You're lying.....again.

under obama, unaccompanied minors were detained but were not refused basic necessities.

your president's orders were to separate them all AND now, it's to take children away from blood relatives that are not their parents. there are family memebers living legally here & sponsers not being contacted to takes these kids. & they can't even clean themselves.

that's ALL on trump.

Immigrant children: Here's what's happening with kids at the border, policywise

Family separations aren't over. As many as five kids per day are separated from their parents at the border.

Six migrant children have died in U.S. custody. Here’s what we know about them

Why are migrants getting sick or dying on the border?

Those kids died because Trump beat them to death like baby seals! he's also selling them to other groups that are doing the same thing, selling tickets to crowds who want to do the same thing. Not only is it fun for Trump fans, it's a great cardio work out as well!!!
Last edited:
Not one world about Trump

My My what a story we weave once we try to deceive

Come on Pence talk about your boss
Obama lowered the military spending because troops were coming home from Iraq. Then military spending increased.

Well Trump and the Republicans not only increased the military budget, but Trump kept us out of war for the most part. So we are much further ahead (with the wall spending) than we were under Hussein.
If conservatives REALLY wanted to get serious about illegal immigrants, all they would have to do is pass e-verify and severely penalize people who hire illegal immigrants.

It's really simple - they're not going to try to come here or illegally stay here if they can't find work.

Ann Coulter: "It's the GOP that opposes e-verify (makes employers hire citizens or legal residents) because their donors want the illegal alien slave labor."

Ann Coulter on Twitter

Oh, so now you're a Coulter fan, are ya?

Sorry, but people come here for a lot of reasons besides work.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California | HuffPost

Hardly a Coulter fan. But I'm capable of agreeing with an idea, regardless of the source. Looks like you aren't. This is how you would fix the illegal immigration issue, at least on the southern border.

Birth tourism from China? That's a nice little exception to consider. Now explain to me how your wall is going to fix that one, genius.

I guess you assume that people coming from the south are all from the southern countries? I guess you didn't read about all the Africans coming into this country from the border as well.

But birther tourism is more than other people coming here to have American kids. Governments and radical muslims are sending all kinds of people here. The kids are born here, they are taken back home to get radicalized and grow up hating Americans, and then once old enough, can cross right into this country no questions asked to do God knows what harm to the people in this country. Thanks to Democrats, there will be nothing you can do to stop them either.

"I guess you assume that people coming from the south are all from the southern countries?"

I didn't say anything even remotely close to suggesting this.

From your article:

BEIJING — When Ma Fahong approached the immigration desk at Los Angeles International Airport, the customs agent had only two questions for her.

“Why are you coming to the U.S.?”
“I’m here to have a baby.”

This isn't an issue that can be fixed by an expensive wall. And the issue you bring up isn't even related to the southern border we were supposed to be talking about.

If walls didn't work, Democrats wouldn't be opposed to them, and many of them live behind them themselves.

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