Pence walks out of NFL game, but silent on Nazis back in Charlottesville

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Yeah, I guess that shows you where the Comrade's loyalties are for this administration. He is okay with white supremacist, but when them "darkies" get out of line...well, then something needs to be done!
Everybody knows where he stands. No point in him pretending to be bothered by Nazi's.
btw, why is it you all act like nazis constantly in here. you want our guns you want us to shut up. shit dude, that is fking spitting image of a nazi indeed. So those people in Charlottesville wants neither of those things. So you are confused.
haha, you really had to twist yourself into a pasty white little pretzel, there....
fking "A' i am white and I am fking proud of my white. you don't like my white to fking bad for you. and again, the true nazi on display daily in here is you idiots preaching 2nd amendment this and freedom of speech that. funny, you don't even know what the nazi was about. and yet you spew their name proudly. I laugh at uneducated fks like you.
Oh no, angry, ignorant white guy starts slow burn.... dude, it's only about 2:30, you're going to stroke out by dinner at this pace. Go shoot some eggplants out behind the chicken pen or something... siphon off some of that impotent, dumb rage...
Va's democrat governor is pretty silent about nazis in C'ville and he invited them.
Yeah, I guess that shows you where the Comrade's loyalties are for this administration. He is okay with white supremacist, but when them "darkies" get out of line...well, then something needs to be done!
Everybody knows where he stands. No point in him pretending to be bothered by Nazi's.
btw, why is it you all act like nazis constantly in here. you want our guns you want us to shut up. shit dude, that is fking spitting image of a nazi indeed. So those people in Charlottesville wants neither of those things. So you are confused.
haha, you really had to twist yourself into a pasty white little pretzel, there....
fking "A' i am white and I am fking proud of my white. you don't like my white to fking bad for you. and again, the true nazi on display daily in here is you idiots preaching 2nd amendment this and freedom of speech that. funny, you don't even know what the nazi was about. and yet you spew their name proudly. I laugh at uneducated fks like you.
Oh no, angry, ignorant white guy starts slow burn.... dude, it's only about 2:30, you're going to stroke out by dinner at this pace. Go shoot some eggplants out behind the chicken pen or something... siphon off some of that impotent, dumb rage...
His lil' sis' be getting home off the bus soon, a hand job should do the trick, calm his nerves some.
Pence has commented on the Democrat-manufactured B.S. in Charlottesville. He understands who was behind that farce. And good on him for exiting another Democrat-manufactured farce. :thup:
Pence has commented on the Democrat-manufactured B.S. in Charlottesville. He understands who was behind that farce. And good on him for exiting another Democrat-manufactured farce. :thup:

You fool... the organizer of this rally literally held a rally for Trump, complete with Nazi salutes... step outside the bubble
Yeah, I guess that shows you where the Comrade's loyalties are for this administration. He is okay with white supremacist, but when them "darkies" get out of line...well, then something needs to be done!

Pence IS a modern version of the Nazis. It's all the same principles and beliefs, just watered down and cleaned up for image sakes.
Was anyone in Charlottesville refusing to respect the flag of anthem?


Do people have a right to protest the dismantling of our history?


The people in Charlottesville were correct. The NFL is not.
Pence has commented on the Democrat-manufactured B.S. in Charlottesville. He understands who was behind that farce. And good on him for exiting another Democrat-manufactured farce. :thup:

You fool... the organizer of this rally literally held a rally for Trump, complete with Nazi salutes... step outside the bubble

All Democrat-manufactured 'outrage' shite. Just more 'Divide & Conquer.' Democrats have been doing that for generations. It's what 'Community Organizing' is all about. I strongly urge folks to read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' The Democrat playbook is clearly spelled out. Divide the folks, and then claim you're gonna 'Unite' them. But obviously, the 'Uniting' never happens. I truly despise that old slimy tactic. I just hope most Americans recognize what's going on. Hopefully they'll make Democrats pay at the Ballot Box.
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Didn't Pence claim "I stand with the President" about Charlottesville?

Is that "silent"?

Maybe OP doesn't understand the meaning of silent.
Was anyone in Charlottesville refusing to respect the flag of anthem?


Do people have a right to protest the dismantling of our history?


The people in Charlottesville were correct. The NFL is not.
"Was anyone in Charlottesville refusing to respect the flag of anthem?


Hey genius...they were carrying confederate know, the flag of the army that went to war against the Union, and against that flag. Damn people, when did stupid become fashionable?
Pence has commented on the Democrat-manufactured B.S. in Charlottesville. He understands who was behind that farce. And good on him for exiting another Democrat-manufactured farce. :thup:

You fool... the organizer of this rally literally held a rally for Trump, complete with Nazi salutes... step outside the bubble

All Democrat-manufactured 'outrage' shite Just more 'Divide & Conquer.' Democrats have been doing that for generations. It's what 'Community Organizing' is all about. I strongly urge folks to read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' The Democrat playbook is clearly spelled out. Divide the folks, and then claim you're gonna 'Unite' them. But obviously, the 'Uniting' never happens. I truly despise that old slimy tactic. I just hope most Americans recognize what's going on. Hopefully they'll make Democrats pay at the Ballot Box.
You're a delusional freak. Richard Spencer is a vile Nazi who hitched his wagons to Trump and held rallies in his honor.
Pence has commented on the Democrat-manufactured B.S. in Charlottesville. He understands who was behind that farce. And good on him for exiting another Democrat-manufactured farce. :thup:

You fool... the organizer of this rally literally held a rally for Trump, complete with Nazi salutes... step outside the bubble

All Democrat-manufactured 'outrage' shite Just more 'Divide & Conquer.' Democrats have been doing that for generations. It's what 'Community Organizing' is all about. I strongly urge folks to read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' The Democrat playbook is clearly spelled out. Divide the folks, and then claim you're gonna 'Unite' them. But obviously, the 'Uniting' never happens. I truly despise that old slimy tactic. I just hope most Americans recognize what's going on. Hopefully they'll make Democrats pay at the Ballot Box.
You're a delusional freak. Richard Spencer is a vile Nazi who hitched his wagons to Trump and held rallies in his honor.

Blah Blah Blah. More silly Democrat-manufactured hype. Just stand for the damn Anthem, ya faux outrage little jerks. :321:
Yeah, I guess that shows you where the Comrade's loyalties are for this administration. He is okay with white supremacist, but when them "darkies" get out of line...well, then something needs to be done!
Everybody knows where he stands. No point in him pretending to be bothered by Nazi's.
btw, why is it you all act like nazis constantly in here. you want our guns you want us to shut up. shit dude, that is fking spitting image of a nazi indeed. So those people in Charlottesville wants neither of those things. So you are confused.
haha, you really had to twist yourself into a pasty white little pretzel, there....
fking "A' i am white and I am fking proud of my white. you don't like my white to fking bad for you. and again, the true nazi on display daily in here is you idiots preaching 2nd amendment this and freedom of speech that. funny, you don't even know what the nazi was about. and yet you spew their name proudly. I laugh at uneducated fks like you.
Odd, comes off more like hissyfitting.
I agree, all of the left's hissy fits have been well documented in here. russia russia, nfl, white nationalists (whatever the fk that is), russia russia, civil war statues (really got watch those they might get you). LOL, the hissy fits of the left are well documented indeed.
Yeah, I guess that shows you where the Comrade's loyalties are for this administration. He is okay with white supremacist, but when them "darkies" get out of line...well, then something needs to be done!
Everybody knows where he stands. No point in him pretending to be bothered by Nazi's.
btw, why is it you all act like nazis constantly in here. you want our guns you want us to shut up. shit dude, that is fking spitting image of a nazi indeed. So those people in Charlottesville wants neither of those things. So you are confused.
Don't want your fact, it's a much better idea to encourage women and minorities to get guns....the more the better. MAGA!
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