Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

Tired of losing, or tired of not stopping minorities from voting? Or both?
Would you at least agree that Democrat's are engaging in election rigging in the country or have engaged in election rigging in the country ?? Is there truly anyone or any party totally innocent completely ??? We the people expect better, but living in la la land isn't going to fix anything. First we have to find out who has been the most egregious violators of these things. Asking for voter ID is a step in a more positive direction to ensure voter integrity, and the fight against that is very telling on who might be the most egregious violator's of voter election integrity.
I am sure you see it as stupid, you are one of those that thinks you are sooooo very different than those on the other side you hate so much.
Yea, and what is so different than the fact they are sore losers? Don't they use the same socialism like roads, bridges, police, fire, schools, military, farm bills, and sports socialism like everyone else? The arrogance of how they think they are different is nauseating. They depend on government to survive. If those pussies didn't have all that socialism they'd be dead.
Nope, you are wrong about that... You keep creating scenarios that were never an issue in the past, so why is that ? If an employee wants to vote, the poles are open long enough to accommodate them. Go early or go late, use a vacation day or just take the day off whatever, but it can be done by those wanting to vote, and it has been done forever without any problem's. Seems that huge struggle's are in play in order to change the system in certain ways, but are they good changes or changes that weaken the system, otherwise opening it up for fraud to take place ?? The accusations going back and forth are signaling that the interest of corporation's and political figures is huge when it comes to who is filling the seat's at the end of the day. Who knows, the people may have lost their voice's years ago. Keep trying though, because we might get a voice again or might not.
There have always been issues. Voter suppression has been a tug of war for decades.
what there has never been is any wide scale fraud. At the end of the day, the voter rolls are what they are regardless of the manner in which people vote. There simply is no way for anyone to manufacture enough phantom voters to change results without anyone noticing.
Pa. is tired of ballot box stuffing with mail in votes. We're going back to the fair way. Of course, our commie state supreme court will overturn this decision so the US Supreme Court will have to decide in the end.
Stuffing with registered voters you mean. Like I said. It’s only an issue when you lose.
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Yea, and what is so different than the fact they are sore losers? Don't they use the same socialism like roads, bridges, police, fire, schools, military, farm bills, and sports socialism like everyone else? The arrogance of how they think they are different is nauseating. They depend on government to survive. If those pussies didn't have all that socialism they'd be dead.
Everything that has been built by working citizen's paying their taxes for those things, otherwise government only manages the allocation of the funds, but what we are seeing now is a government that wants control in ways that mimicks other socialists fascists states around the globe. It all depends on what a government is being represented by, otherwise that makes the difference in the control it wants.
Would you at least agree that Democrat's are engaging in election rigging in the country or have engaged in election rigging in the country ?? Is there truly anyone or any party totally innocent completely ??? We the people expect better, but living in la la land isn't going to fix anything. First we have to find out who has been the most egregious violators of these things. Asking for voter ID is a step in a more positive direction to ensure voter integrity, and the fight against that is very telling on who might be the most egregious violator's of voter election integrity.
If they did, I never saw it in the 2020 election. The only fraud to date that I have heard of since 2020 was with Republicans. They caught a handful of Republicans illegally voting.

No one who I know of is against ID. That's a myth propped up by the Right. Most of the 400 voter suppression bills have nothing to do with ID. What does limiting mail in, early voting, polling places, and declaring victory when a state loses, have to do with ID? Please answer? So far, no one has. And I'm still waiting.
Everything that has been built by working citizen's paying their taxes for those things, otherwise government only manages the allocation of the funds, but what we are seeing now is a government that wants control in ways that mimicks other socialists fascists states around the globe. It all depends on what a government is being represented by, otherwise that makes the difference in the control it wants.

but what we are seeing now is a government that wants control in ways that mimicks other socialists fascists states around the globe. Can you give us an example?
There have always been issues. Voter suppression has been a tug of war for decades.
what there has never been is any wide scale fraud. At the end of the day, the voter rolls are what they are regardless of the manner in which people vote. There simply is no way for anyone to manufacture enough phantom voters to change results without anyone noticing.
Like I said, it goes back and forth. The things being seen today (border broken for a specific attempt at creating Democrat voter's), and every other hair brained in our face action taking place today, will soon tell the story about who is the most ill intent and who is not as bad with the balancing out of it all.
What's your opinion on what constitutes a "given", because it doesn't help us in not knowing the reasoning ???
They want to cheat of course. Why? Because they know that winning is not an option without it. Closing 1688 polling places in minority areas is laughably obvious. No one with a functioning brain would ever think that it means anything else but to cheat.
If they did, I never saw it in the 2020 election. The only fraud to date that I have heard of since 2020 was with Republicans. They caught a handful of Republicans illegally voting.

No one who I know of is against ID. That's a myth propped up by the Right. Most of the 400 voter suppression bills have nothing to do with ID. What does limiting mail in, early voting, polling places, and declaring victory when a state loses, have to do with ID? Please answer? So far, no one has. And I'm still waiting.
Don't need but one issue at a time, and the biggest issue is something simple as voter integrity. Why so much fighting on that one issue ? It's very telling, and could be cancelling out the other's.
Like I said, it goes back and forth. The things being seen today (border broken for a specific attempt at creating Democrat voter's), and every other hair brained in our face action taking place today, will soon tell the story about who is the most ill intent and who is not as bad with the balancing out of it all.

The things being seen today (border broken for a specific attempt at creating Democrat voter's), Why are you lying? There is no proof of that whatsoever. Where is your source for that conclusion? Do you have one? Of course not. It's totally made up.
They want to cheat of course. Why? Because they know that winning is not an option without it. Closing 1688 polling places in minority areas is laughably obvious. No one with a functioning brain would ever think that it means anything else but to cheat.
Ok if your opinion is correct, then what are the Democrat's doing that is also wrong concerning the voter integrity issue ? If you can't go there, then you are a one sided hack or shill who is misrepresenting the American voter here.
Don't need but one issue at a time, and the biggest issue is something simple as voter integrity. Why so much fighting on that one issue ? It's very telling, and could be cancelling out the other's.
Most of the 400 voter suppression bills have nothing to do with ID. What does limiting mail in, early voting, polling places, and declaring victory when a state loses, have to do with ID? Please answer? So far, no one has. And I'm still waiting. Explain in detail how this has anything to do with voter integrity?
The things being seen today (border broken for a specific attempt at creating Democrat voter's), Why are you lying? There is no proof of that whatsoever. Where is your source for that conclusion? Do you have one? Of course not. It's totally made up.
Will just have to let it all play out, because there is a reasoning for it all, and so all we as citizen's can do is to follow the reports, and then let the best fact's win.
Most of the 400 voter suppression bills have nothing to do with ID. What does limiting mail in, early voting, polling places, and declaring victory when a state loses, have to do with ID? Please answer? So far, no one has. And I'm still waiting. Explain in detail how this has anything to do with voter integrity?
You calling them voter suppression bills doesn't make them so.... Around and around we go.. lol
Ok if your opinion is correct, then what are the Democrat's doing that is also wrong concerning the voter integrity issue ? If you can't go there, then you are a one sided hack or shill who is misrepresenting the American voter here.
"If my opinion is correct?" :laughing0301: That's funny. Dude, just watch what they do, not what they say. That proves I'm correct.

Democrats aren't in need for your so called voter integrity schemes. We had a fair election, and so, integrity was maintained.

When you say "if I can't go there", where do you expect me to go exactly? Condemn a squeaky clean election? I'm not going to do that, and you have no reason to go there either.

You want to believe there was something wrong in this last election. That's your problem.
Will just have to let it all play out, because there is a reasoning for it all, and so all we as citizen's can do is to follow the reports, and then let the best fact's win.
So the answer is "NO" right? You do not have a source for your conclusion. Am I right? Yes or no? If you are going to be honest, you must answer? If you do not, your brain is immediately telling you that you are being dishonest. The question is, are you brave enough to let your brain tell you the truth on this forum?
Like I said, it goes back and forth. The things being seen today (border broken for a specific attempt at creating Democrat voter's), and every other hair brained in our face action taking place today, will soon tell the story about who is the most ill intent and who is not as bad with the balancing out of it all.
What’s broken is your perception.
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You calling them voter suppression bills doesn't make them so.... Around and around we go.. lol
I asked you where is the integrity "EXACTLY" in those bills? You didn't do that. I can call an apple tree a Peach tree all day, but until I prove it, my words mean nothing. Do you not understand that?

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