Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

No excuses in people not getting to the poles to vote, it's just to simple to do. Now maybe things could be done at the polling stations in order to modernize the process better, otherwise in order to process far more people through can be accommodated I'm sure. But allowing corporations and their interest to get involved in our election's presented a huge conflict IMHO. But yes we can do better in order to accommodate the people at the stations better.

There were over 1600 polling places shut down for the 2016 election and almost all of them were shutdown in the poor parts of town. Poor means Minority. That means that the voter fraud is higher on the Republican side than the Dem side. You want your statement to be true, reopen those polling stations.
There were over 1600 polling places shut down for the 2016 election and almost all of them were shutdown in the poor parts of town. Poor means Minority. That means that the voter fraud is higher on the Republican side than the Dem side. You want your statement to be true, reopen those polling stations.
Cool, whatever works. ;)
There were over 1600 polling places shut down for the 2016 election and almost all of them were shutdown in the poor parts of town. Poor means Minority. That means that the voter fraud is higher on the Republican side than the Dem side. You want your statement to be true, reopen those polling stations.
I've been posting that scam for years and the Right have had nothing to say about it but crickets.
About time but it will be put on hold during a appeal.

A statewide court on Friday declared that Pennsylvania's expansive two-year-old mail-in voting law is unconstitutional, agreeing with challenges by Republicans.

The decision, by a five-judge Commonwealth Court panel of three Republicans and two Democrats, would be put on hold immediately if Gov. Tom Wolf's administration files an appeal to the state Supreme Court as promised.

"The Administration will immediately appeal this decision to the state Supreme Court and today’s lower court ruling will have no immediate effect on mail-in voting pending a final decision on the appeal," Wolf's office said in a statement.

Still, the decision throws Pennsylvania's voting laws into doubt as the presidential battleground state's voters prepare to elect a new governor and a new U.S. senator in 2022.

Just over 2.5 million people voted under the law's expansion of mail-in voting in 2020's presidential election, most of them Democrats, out of 6.9 million total cast.

Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional
Taking away mail-in and closing polls in minority areas deprives minorities from voting. Which means it's cheating, and this has nothing to do with ID. It also means that we are no longer a country of "we the people." And all documents written that show us that, should be stricken. Republicans have chosen Authoritarianism over the Constitution.

By the way, just so you understand, there is nothing unconstitutional about mail-in voting. If it were, you would have shown it to us.
Unfettered "no cause" mail-in voting is just a open invitation to shenanigans, I've said that for years, mostly back when CO first went to it. Drop boxes are another piss-poor idea.

That said I've sort of come around on early voting since, once we got our feet under us, we used it to help defeat the dems here in Virginia.

LOL....The dems passed into law a 45 day early voting period thinking they would never lose another election but the right-leaning weaponized it against them and ran-up the percentages big time in the red counties.....It was glorious. :)
1688 poll closings in minority areas is all the cause in the world for having mail-in voting. You said so yourself when you admitted that the closings work for you. That means you admitted to a cause. It's the wrong cause, but a cause just the same.
About 3% of all voters are in such a condition or circumstance that makes Mail in the only feasible method.
Plus those who used to use the 1688 polling places that were used in minority areas.
Approximately 1.38 million voters have expressed their interest in voting by mail permanently. If presented to the people, a constitutional amendment to end the Article VII, Section 1 requirement of in-person voting is likely to be adopted. But a constitutional amendment must be presented to the people and adopted into our fundamental law before legislation authorizing no-excuse mail-in voting can 'be placed upon our statute books,'" the opinion said.

This is what the real news is saying.

1. Mail in voting is popular.

2. The state constitution will have to be changed.

3. People are more than willing to change the state constitution.
So they can cheat by preventing minorities from voting. Bad, dishonest, unamerican folks.
He can't. He's a liar.

He is a poor actor.

He does not give two shits about mail in ballots or fraud. He adopted that talking point to do what these charlatans spend 90% of their time doing:

Obfuscating their true reasons and intentions.

They watched their cult leader get away with the same, poor acting. Now they proudly do it, too.
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No one is making voting more arduous and/or difficult to vote. It's actually the easiest thing a person can do these days, so all of a sudden corporations want to do their part eh ? Well if their current track record of censorship upon their platforms wasn't enough, and if their political biases wasn't so obvious, then I'd say that you have some good points, but we all know what's up, and what's been up for quite sometimes now.

If only you were right, otherwise about them just wanting to help, and it was them being authentic or genuine then ok, but when you see the huge conflicts of interest involved, then Houston we have a serious problem with these private entities involving themselves in our elections.
Not when you close down 1688 polling places in minority areas. Explain to me how it's easier?

Plans to close all but one polling place in a rural Georgia county reverberate through a battleground state Show us how it is easier.
Pa. is tired of ballot box stuffing with mail in votes. We're going back to the fair way. Of course, our commie state supreme court will overturn this decision so the US Supreme Court will have to decide in the end.
Tired of losing, or tired of not stopping minorities from voting? Or both?
Yep, I was bouncing back and forth on the spelling of that word I'll admit. Simple word, but I'm old so give me a Thanks for the correction.. I sure ain't no where's near being a great spelling person, and in no ways a great literary, uhhhh so there's that but thank goodness I'm surrounded by all these scholarly people here.. ROTFLMBO.
I do the same thing. LOL!
There were over 1600 polling places shut down for the 2016 election and almost all of them were shutdown in the poor parts of town. Poor means Minority. That means that the voter fraud is higher on the Republican side than the Dem side. You want your statement to be true, reopen those polling stations.
List those station's for us to look at, and the date's or reasoning behind those closings.. Thanks.
Pa. is tired of ballot box stuffing with mail in votes. We're going back to the fair way. Of course, our commie state supreme court will overturn this decision so the US Supreme Court will have to decide in the end.
Open the polling places back up, instead of trying to cheat.

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