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PENNSYLVANIA Files In Support of Texas in SCOTUS

At first glance I was unimpressed with the filings because they all came from states that Trump won....but THIS! This is something very different and very significant folks. Add that to the growing number of witnesses coming out of the woodwork now and you have a Real headache brewing for Roberts who you know is going to try like hell to sweep this under the carpet.

Don't look for this headline in the MSM......you'll find it in an actual news paper.

so the state that texas is suing is joining in the lawsuit to sue themselves???

Looks like it. At least those folks are honest. I'm sure the lefty loons on this board will find it funny. They should be sweating.
The House of Representatives in Pennsylvania is powerless to act on their own. Happy to burst your bubble.

Tell that to the House. They sure did jump on the Texas band wagon.

Happy to burst your bubble.


What are they going to do? Please display your political expertise and show us how their support does anything.

cue the crickets.
Their support represents the will of the people which is supposed to be the hallmark of our system of government.


If they pass a resolution in the House, it means zilch until the Senate and ultimately the governor signs off on it.

Put another way, this move by the PA House is meaningless.
people can continue to resist peacefully through the sheriffs and republican state legislatures IF it does not go our way on the high court

Or the Congress cleaning up the Election systems of all 50 states to ensure fair, open and easily audited results. That seems a lot simpler than the two choices you laid out. I love how these guys get all outraged and indignant, take Ted Cruz, and I'm a Cruz fan, but he's all up and arms about our elections, and what is the position that he has held for SEVEN years? Law Maker. And who does the US Constitution empower to ensure free and fair elections? LAWMAKERS! In Seven Years has he even introduced a bill? Much less has a either House of Congress said "Sign this into law, or no more appropriations, until you do!" I don't know how long a the "New Card" lasts, but I don't think it's 7 years!

these legal avenues have been available for decades and the GOP has NEVER used them before, why do you think they will now?

If the SCOTUS fails us, I think it is time to water the Tree of Liberty.
There is no world where it makes more sense to spill blood rather than peacefully, lawfully and constitutionally holding our elected representatives to account. We have all the tools we need to successfully self-govern, and availing ourselves of them is a far wiser choice than violence.

With the concurrence of 34 State Legislatures we can draft and circulate Constitutional Amendments with the Federal Government completely bypassed through the process.

We now have 23 states where we control the State House and the Governorship. There are an additional 12 States where power is divided. In this last election, 2 divided states were converted to full GOP control, Montana and New Hampshire. That is, we had 61% of what we needed for State Led Constitutional Amendments, we came out of 2020 with 68% of what we need with Alaska still counting votes.

How difficult was it to make this progress? Flipping the Gov in Montana took less than 78,000 votes. Winning a state Legislative seat in NH required less than 1400 votes in order to prevail over an opponent that won less than 900 votes. You think it's easier to have a violent revolution rather than diligently apply ourselves to State Legislative races in these key states?

I think you are just frustrated and willing to work hard and sacrifice in order to better secure the rights of your fellow citizens, but, let's work these races, register voters, work turn out, work phone banks to get folks to the polls.

We can do this, and using the constitutional tools our Framers gave us, do it peacefully.
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people can continue to resist peacefully through the sheriffs and republican state legislatures IF it does not go our way on the high court

Or the Congress cleaning up the Election systems of all 50 states to ensure fair, open and easily audited results. That seems a lot simpler than the two choices you laid out. I love how these guys get all outraged and indignant, take Ted Cruz, and I'm a Cruz fan, but he's all up and arms about our elections, and what is the position that he has held for SEVEN years? Law Maker. And who does the US Constitution empower to ensure free and fair elections? LAWMAKERS! In Seven Years has he even introduced a bill? Much less has a either House of Congress said "Sign this into law, or no more appropriations, until you do!" I don't know how long a the "New Card" lasts, but I don't think it's 7 years!

these legal avenues have been available for decades and the GOP has NEVER used them before, why do you think they will now?

If the SCOTUS fails us, I think it is time to water the Tree of Liberty.
It is worth noting that we still have the rights of free speech and the vote. IF you cannot garner the support required for the legal process or the vote to effect the system, you certainly do not have the support required to get off the couch and go die for your cause. It takes a TREMENDIOUS effort to 'water the Tree of Liberty" as you put it where it takes a relatively minuscule amount of effort to advocate for change.

That the people are not doing the latter speaks to the current impossibility of the former.
There is no world where it makes more sense to spill blood rather than peacefully, lawfully and constitutionally holding our elected representatives to account.

When you have a government that admires the Chicoms and Chavez style goobermint in Venezuela, and tries to make itself a permanent one party state with fake elections, THEN it is time to fight.

We have all the tools we need to successfully self-govern, and availing ourselves of them is a far wiser choice than violence.
Those tools only work in a competent two party system where both sides work to keep each other honest.

What we have TODAY is a two party system where one side is authoritarian and the other is led by a bunch of spineless RINO cux.

THOSE TOOLS are broken and of no use unless one or the other change; i.e. either Republican leaders grow a spine or Dimbocraps suddenly become honest.

Not sure which is less believable..
noting that we still have the rights of free speech and the vote.
IF Dimbocraps are allowed to stuff the ballot boxes with literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FAKE VOTES, we do not have a 'vote'.

All we have is the illusion of a vote.
noting that we still have the rights of free speech and the vote.
IF Dimbocraps are allowed to stuff the ballot boxes with literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FAKE VOTES, we do not have a 'vote'.

All we have is the illusion of a vote.
And all you have is the illusion that there were hundreds of thousands of fake votes.

That you cannot provide any actual evidence of those fake votes does not show that it is true.

Convincing yourself that the vote is just an illusion though does bode very poorly with the future of the Republican party as more and more of them will simply not exercise that power believing they do not have it in the first place. IOW, a very piss poor idea.

Trump has the power of the entire executive branch and even he has not bothered to charge the democrats of wide spread fraud in the election.

None of that matters though as my point still stands:
It takes a TREMENDIOUS effort to 'water the Tree of Liberty" as you put it where it takes a relatively minuscule amount of effort to advocate for change.

And the push for change is widely unsupported in general. Do you even have an inkling what it takes to pursue warfare on foreign lands? I do as I have been there. Even that pales in comparison because when we were fighting and dying our families remained safe in their beds at home untouched by the horror of war. Civil war not only holds the terrors of foreign war but also holds the horrors of your family being butchered in the most horrific manner imaginable and many so horrific they are beyond imagining as well.

Anyone who thinks that things are so far gone that such an outcome is the price that must be paid has no clue to what they advocate for. It is not as though we are not close to such conditions but that we are not even in the same universe yet.
There is no world where it makes more sense to spill blood rather than peacefully, lawfully and constitutionally holding our elected representatives to account.

When you have a government that admires the Chicoms and Chavez style goobermint in Venezuela, and tries to make itself a permanent one party state with fake elections, THEN it is time to fight.

We have all the tools we need to successfully self-govern, and availing ourselves of them is a far wiser choice than violence.
Those tools only work in a competent two party system where both sides work to keep each other honest...
Fake News. The Framers gave us Article V and with it the power for the State Legislatures to reform the Federal Government, with no input from the Federal Government, before the rise of the Party System. They wanted to be sure that if we came to find that our Federal Government was no longer responding to us, that we could make the necessary changes to restore our sovereignty over the government, without violent revolution. If we were to have a dinner and a discussion with the Framers where we could describe to them what the Federal Government has become, I assure you that the first question they would ask us is if we have had the State Legislatures draft Constitutional Amendments designed to reassert our authority over our government, and when we responded "No". They would want to why. I don't have a good answer as to why, when obviously it's the tool we need, and precisely for the situation we find ourselves in. We have a Federal Government that uses their power to serve themselves, when we created it for them to serve us. And they do not chose to serve us involuntarily, they work very hard for the privilege, it's just that these days they clearly work very hard for the opportunity to serve themselves. They are human, not angels, just as our Framers warned us is the common state of humans. We need to reassert control.

I'd like to see greater power over Federal policy exercised by the State Legislatures acting in concert. How many things have we known needed to be done, but one house or the other simply will not do them, so, we need another path. I'd like to see a Constitutional Amendment that allows the State Legislatures to put a bill on the President's desk for signature into law if the majority of the State Legislatures pass an identical bill, and, with the ability to override a veto on a 2/3rds majority.

I'd also like to see the Senate return to the Federal House of Legislature for the State Legislatures that it was designed to be. The tweak that I think would do the job would be for the State Legislature to have the ability to recall their US Senator on a majority vote, with the Governor appointing their replacement to serve until the next scheduled election.

Then when the Senate is getting ready to exercise its power, say over the budget, treaty, confirmation, impeachment or whatever, if the State Legislature passes a motion indicating their sense of what should occur, their US Senators damn well better pay attention.

And the 3rd thing, and this doesn't require a Constitutional Amendment, the DC Swamp needs to be dispersed. There is no Agriculture in DC, the Department of Agriculture should be in a farmland state, hiring from the farming communities they supposedly serve. And this goes for all the massive Departments. The main reason this is all inside the beltway is to make it convenient for the lobbyists, national, and international, to affect national policy. Well, screw that, we will organize our Federal Government to serve our needs, not theirs. One unmanageable swamp is nothing more than a 1,000 perfectly manageable puddles, all crammed unnaturally into one geographic setting.
... THOSE TOOLS are broken...
The tool I'm talking about is pristine, it's yet to be used even once. While 240 years old, it's also band new.
... and of no use unless one or the other change; i.e. either Republican leaders grow a spine or Dimbocraps suddenly become honest...
Yeah, well, we can multitask. We can continue to work on that, but, we also need a fallback plan, and continuing to grow in power in the State Legislatures is ultimately even more powerful than full control of the Federal Government. We've had full control of all 3 branches, and I was amazed at how little we accomplished, I used to think that was the solution, I no longer do, though it could be helpful and is still worth pursuing.

One thing we should probably remember is that we did just reform the Judiciary, Trump/McConnell got far more done in just 4 years than we have accomplished in the last 84 years. An amazing feat, which should spin off positive results for at least a decade or more.
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This is docketed as Texas v Pennsylvania; do they have to change that now?

roflmao, this is hilarious!

Pennsylvania’s House speaker and majority leader on Thursday filed an amici curiae brief with the Supreme Court against the state of Pennsylvania and in favor of Texas’s lawsuit against the commonwealth and three other states.
A brief (pdf) filed by Pennsylvania House Speaker Bryan Cutler and Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, both Republicans, requests that the Supreme Court “carefully consider the procedural issues and questions raised by the Plaintiff concerning the administration of the 2020 General Election in Pennsylvania.”
“The unimpeachability of our elections requires clear procedures of administration so that everyone gets a fair shake. Unfortunately, outside actors have so markedly twisted and gerrymandered the Commonwealth’s Election Code to the point that amici find it unrecognizable from the laws that they enacted,” they wrote, adding that the state of Texas “raised important questions about how this procedural malfeasance affected the 2020 General Election.”
In the lawsuit, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton alleged that Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin introduced changes to election laws, deeming them unconstitutional. The suit also contends that by doing so, those states treated voters unequally and created significant voting irregularities by rescinding certain ballot-integrity measures.
Filed on Monday night, the lawsuit is requesting the Supreme Court to declare the four states carried out their respective elections in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
“The states violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution. By ignoring both state and federal law, these states have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but of Texas and every other state that held lawful elections,” Paxton said in a statement announcing the legal petition.

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Not anymore. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Supreme Court rejects Texas effort to overturn election in blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden

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