Pentacostal Fire

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BEWARE!! YOU who allow satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet=BEWARE! THE COST!!!

The scriptures declare touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. I didn't watch the video. Everyone has a past and once they come to Jesus Christ it is forgiven and their sins are thrown into the sea of forgetfulness as far as the east is from the west. I will not view something that slanders a man that is anointed by God to preach the Gospel. I will not listen to what I know is not the truth.

- Jeremiah

George Carlin was a Christian and then fell in love with the world and walked away from God. He is regretting that decision now.
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BEWARE!! YOU who allow satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet=BEWARE! THE COST!!!

Not to worry GISM! everyone has noticed that it has cost you your mind.

People see you perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis parroting the garbage of whatever TV preacher fucked up your head. You can't see, hear, or accept correction from anyone including other Christians. You believe in things that never happened, have no clue about what is actually talking place, and hope for things that will never occur as if you can't participate in reality or life at all..

Either you have an extremely low IQ or your addled state of mind is evidence that God has already sentenced you to a lifetime as a dimwit.

Next time you come before a parole board, if ever, and someone asks you about the crimes you committed that landed you in prison don't act like you are innocent or threaten them with hell.

If you do you will never be set free from your confinement and you will never see the light of day for the rest of your tortured existence.
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Obviously someone is a liar.

Yes, and it isn't me. You never told me any such thing about ancestry to Jewish roots. I thought you were Jewish because when others here have said you were Jewish you never said a word otherwise, Hobelim. Drifter asked you what you were on the thread and I replied you were Jewish. You never corrected me. By remaining silent you mislead me to believe you were. I have no recollection of you ever mentioning any such story about ancestry or such ever on board or by Email. Let's stick with the truth here. You've been less than forthcoming, alright? On the other hand it is non issue that you are not Jewish. I would find you important to the Lord whether you are Jewish or not. God values all of us. That should be good news for everyone.

As for the rest? You're beliefs are not based on the bible and therefore are nothing more than mere opinions.

- Jeremiah

Oy! Did you consider that I did not correct you because I did not read your post? and when I told drifter that I do not belong to or practice any religion that was ,less than forthcoming? Screw you.

And if you care to go to the top of the page and click on private messages under your name and then click on received and you will see that I what said is the truth.

And yes lets stick with the truth...

One unequaled God is not biblical?

Violating the first command by worshiping another human being results in death is not biblical?

Jesus identified bread as a metaphor for teaching is not biblical even after I posted the verse where Jesus identifies bread as a metaphor for teaching?

do you also have no recollection of that?

Damn Jeri, you have even less integrity than I first thought......

I was just thinking the same of you. Your stooping to a lie that you told me by email in order to try and have me banned is about as low as it gets, Hobelim. You never corrected anyone here who "assumed" you were Jewish because when anyone stated you were - you didn't deny it!!!! You never corrected anyone.

Don't email or PM me ever again until you are ready to apologise. You've proven you are not to be trusted and have no interest in hearing truth. If you are not interested in truth we have nothing further to discuss.

- Jeremiah

p.s. CK is welcome to go through my mail from you and see for himself you never said anything to me by PM about being of Jewish ancestry. You're have been blatantly dishonest and misleading here. I'll not discuss this with you again.
BEWARE!! YOU who allow satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet=BEWARE! THE COST!!!

Not to worry GISM! everyone has noticed that it has cost you your mind.

People see you perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis parroting the garbage of whatever TV preacher fucked up your head. You can't see, hear, or accept correction from anyone including other Christians. You believe in things that never happened, have no clue about what is actually talking place, and hope for things that will never occur as if you can't participate in reality or life at all..

Either you have an extremely low IQ or your addled state of mind is evidence that God has already sentenced you to a lifetime as a dimwit.

Next time you come before a parole board, if ever, and someone asks you about the crimes you committed that landed you in prison don't act like you are innocent or threaten them with hell.

If you do you will never be set free from your confinement and you will never see the light of day for the rest of your tortured existence.

The scriptures tell us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, Hobelim. Confess your own sins and stop falsely accusing God's Servants.

Yes, and it isn't me. You never told me any such thing about ancestry to Jewish roots. I thought you were Jewish because when others here have said you were Jewish you never said a word otherwise, Hobelim. Drifter asked you what you were on the thread and I replied you were Jewish. You never corrected me. By remaining silent you mislead me to believe you were. I have no recollection of you ever mentioning any such story about ancestry or such ever on board or by Email. Let's stick with the truth here. You've been less than forthcoming, alright? On the other hand it is non issue that you are not Jewish. I would find you important to the Lord whether you are Jewish or not. God values all of us. That should be good news for everyone.

As for the rest? You're beliefs are not based on the bible and therefore are nothing more than mere opinions.

- Jeremiah

Oy! Did you consider that I did not correct you because I did not read your post? and when I told drifter that I do not belong to or practice any religion that was ,less than forthcoming? Screw you.

And if you care to go to the top of the page and click on private messages under your name and then click on received and you will see that I what said is the truth.

And yes lets stick with the truth...

One unequaled God is not biblical?

Violating the first command by worshiping another human being results in death is not biblical?

Jesus identified bread as a metaphor for teaching is not biblical even after I posted the verse where Jesus identifies bread as a metaphor for teaching?

do you also have no recollection of that?

Damn Jeri, you have even less integrity than I first thought......

I was just thinking the same of you. Your stooping to a lie that you told me by email in order to try and have me banned is about as low as it gets, Hobelim. You never corrected anyone here who "assumed" you were Jewish because when anyone stated you were - you didn't deny it!!!! You never corrected anyone.

Don't email or PM me ever again until you are ready to apologise. You've proven you are not to be trusted and have no interest in hearing truth. If you are not interested in truth we have nothing further to discuss.

- Jeremiah

p.s. CK is welcome to go through my mail from you and see for himself you never said anything to me by PM about being of Jewish ancestry. You're have been blatantly dishonest and misleading here. I'll not discuss this with you again.

Tried to have you banned?

You are out of your mind.

You gave me a pos rep and asked me about my religious background. I told you of my training with a Jesuit studying Catholicism and time in a Hascidic Jewish community studying Judaism and that now I do not believe in belong to or identify with any religion. I also told you about my recent discovery of Sephardic connection to genetics and surname.

And who the hell is CK?

I can post the exact pm I sent you, its still in my sent folder.....

You lied about me, have been exposed as a liar and continue to lie and have the audacity to demand an apology?

I should have known better than to try and help a donkey out of a ditch on the Sabbath.....
Oy! Did you consider that I did not correct you because I did not read your post? and when I told drifter that I do not belong to or practice any religion that was ,less than forthcoming? Screw you.

And if you care to go to the top of the page and click on private messages under your name and then click on received and you will see that I what said is the truth.

And yes lets stick with the truth...

One unequaled God is not biblical?

Violating the first command by worshiping another human being results in death is not biblical?

Jesus identified bread as a metaphor for teaching is not biblical even after I posted the verse where Jesus identifies bread as a metaphor for teaching?

do you also have no recollection of that?

Damn Jeri, you have even less integrity than I first thought......

I was just thinking the same of you. Your stooping to a lie that you told me by email in order to try and have me banned is about as low as it gets, Hobelim. You never corrected anyone here who "assumed" you were Jewish because when anyone stated you were - you didn't deny it!!!! You never corrected anyone.

Don't email or PM me ever again until you are ready to apologise. You've proven you are not to be trusted and have no interest in hearing truth. If you are not interested in truth we have nothing further to discuss.

- Jeremiah

p.s. CK is welcome to go through my mail from you and see for himself you never said anything to me by PM about being of Jewish ancestry. You're have been blatantly dishonest and misleading here. I'll not discuss this with you again.

Tried to have you banned?

You are out of your mind.

You gave me a pos rep and asked me about my religious background. I told you of my training with a Jesuit studying Catholicism and time in a Hascidic Jewish community studying Judaism and that now I do not believe in belong to or identify with any religion. I also told you about my recent discovery of Sephardic connection to genetics and surname.

And who the hell is CK?

I can post the exact pm I sent you, its still in my sent folder.....

You lied about me, have been exposed as a liar and continue to lie and have the audacity to demand an apology?

I should have known better than to try and help a donkey out of a ditch on the Sabbath.....

If you told me you were training to be a Jesuit studying Catholicism that is what you claim you told me. I am not going to break board rules by validating or dismissing this claim. I am not discussing an email with anyone on an open message board. Read the board rules and abide by them Hobelim. This discussion is over with.

- Jeremiah
Time to get back on topic with the OP. This sermon from Reinahard Bonnke is on the Holy Spirit.

[ame=]Reinhard Bonnke - Baptism of the Holy Spirit - YouTube[/ame]
BEWARE!! YOU who allow satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet=BEWARE! THE COST!!!

Not to worry GISM! everyone has noticed that it has cost you your mind.

People see you perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis parroting the garbage of whatever TV preacher fucked up your head. You can't see, hear, or accept correction from anyone including other Christians. You believe in things that never happened, have no clue about what is actually talking place, and hope for things that will never occur as if you can't participate in reality or life at all..

Either you have an extremely low IQ or your addled state of mind is evidence that God has already sentenced you to a lifetime as a dimwit.

Next time you come before a parole board, if ever, and someone asks you about the crimes you committed that landed you in prison don't act like you are innocent or threaten them with hell.

If you do you will never be set free from your confinement and you will never see the light of day for the rest of your tortured existence.

The scriptures tell us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, Hobelim. Confess your own sins and stop falsely accusing God's Servants.


You openly profess a love and devotion for a roman coequal triune god that became a man that is not God, a violation of the first commandment, and you mislead others to do the same which is bearing false witness that amounts to attempted murder..

I am not falsely accusing Gods servants, I am merely pointing out the fact that your own words expose you both as false prophets and your addled state of mind and your inability to stop doing that which scripture clearly states results in permanent destruction is evidence of divine condemnation.
What are Christians called to do? They are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To all mankind. There are no exceptions. I don't believe anyone here is going to find that Bonnke ever brought up his own politics to the millions on the continent of Africa. If he had he would have been disqualified from being sent there. Reinhard Bonnke's messages reveal exactly what labor in the harvest is supposed to look like. The fruit is good because the tree is good. He is a good example and I intend to follow his example because I want his results. If Bonnke can lead 100 million souls to Christ so can anyone who sets their hand to the plow and refuses to look back.

- Jeremiah
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'When I step on a platform, often without any touch of mine the blind begin to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak and the cripples to walk...Miracles happen as if copied from the Gospels and the Book of Acts'. - Reinhardt Bonnke

And then there's that other fellow, you know the One, Matthew mentions Him in 11:5;

"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor."

Of course Matthews guy also did "real" magic, like turning water into wine and feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes.

Say, does old Reinhardt do "real" magic too?
Not to worry GISM! everyone has noticed that it has cost you your mind.

People see you perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis parroting the garbage of whatever TV preacher fucked up your head. You can't see, hear, or accept correction from anyone including other Christians. You believe in things that never happened, have no clue about what is actually talking place, and hope for things that will never occur as if you can't participate in reality or life at all..

Either you have an extremely low IQ or your addled state of mind is evidence that God has already sentenced you to a lifetime as a dimwit.

Next time you come before a parole board, if ever, and someone asks you about the crimes you committed that landed you in prison don't act like you are innocent or threaten them with hell.

If you do you will never be set free from your confinement and you will never see the light of day for the rest of your tortured existence.

The scriptures tell us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, Hobelim. Confess your own sins and stop falsely accusing God's Servants.


You openly profess a love and devotion for a roman coequal triune god that became a man that is not God, a violation of the first commandment, and you mislead others to do the same which is bearing false witness that amounts to attempted murder..

I am not falsely accusing Gods servants, I am merely pointing out the fact that your own words expose you both as false prophets and your addled state of mind and your inability to stop doing that which scripture clearly states results in permanent destruction is evidence of divine condemnation.

POOR BLINDED LOST SOUL,YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO GOD is.GOD is reveiled to mankind in GOD'S holy word,seek GOD there and he will be found!!
POOR BLINDED LOST SOUL,YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO GOD is.GOD is reveiled to mankind in GOD'S holy word,seek GOD there and he will be found!!

People see you perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis parroting the garbage of whatever TV preacher fucked up your head. You can't see, hear, or accept correction from anyone including other Christians. You believe in things that never happened, have no clue about what is actually talking place, and hope for things that will never occur as if you can't participate in reality or life at all..

Either you have an extremely low IQ or your addled state of mind is evidence that God has already sentenced you to a lifetime as a dimwit.

Next time you come before a parole board, if ever, and someone asks you about the crimes you committed that landed you in prison don't act like you are innocent or threaten them with hell.

If you do you will never be set free from your confinement and you will never see the light of day for the rest of your tortured existence.
If that be true, Sunni man, we would see the judgment of God fall upon his own household. Instead we see that even through every satanic attack the man endured his family is intact today. That is a testimony to Gods faithfulness to those who refuse to deny Christ. Still if you will examine the OP this is about Reinhardt Bonnkes Ministry and evangelism which is the example for Pentacostal fire I chose to use in this specific thread. I would like to hear what you think about Bonnke after you view his videos. Thank you for reading.

- Jeremiah
POOR BLINDED LOST SOUL,YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO GOD is.GOD is reveiled to mankind in GOD'S holy word,seek GOD there and he will be found!!

People see you perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis parroting the garbage of whatever TV preacher fucked up your head. You can't see, hear, or accept correction from anyone including other Christians. You believe in things that never happened, have no clue about what is actually talking place, and hope for things that will never occur as if you can't participate in reality or life at all..

Either you have an extremely low IQ or your addled state of mind is evidence that God has already sentenced you to a lifetime as a dimwit.

Next time you come before a parole board, if ever, and someone asks you about the crimes you committed that landed you in prison don't act like you are innocent or threaten them with hell.

If you do you will never be set free from your confinement and you will never see the light of day for the rest of your tortured existence.

SO YOU DENY THIS TRUTH???==POOR BLINDED LOST SOUL,YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO GOD is.GOD is reveiled to mankind in GOD'S holy word,seek GOD there and he will be found!!
'When I step on a platform, often without any touch of mine the blind begin to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak and the cripples to walk...Miracles happen as if copied from the Gospels and the Book of Acts'. - Reinhardt Bonnke

And then there's that other fellow, you know the One, Matthew mentions Him in 11:5;

"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor."

Of course Matthews guy also did "real" magic, like turning water into wine and feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes.

Say, does old Reinhardt do "real" magic too?

No. Magic is what people resort to when they don't have the power of God in their lives. I'll believe God and you can keep the magic. I'm not one to "trade down"..... no pun intended. - Jeremiah
If that be true, Sunni man, we would see the judgment of God fall upon his own household. Instead we see that even through every satanic attack the man endured his family is intact today.
There were pictures in newspapers of Benny Hinn holding hands with christian evangelist Paula White as they walk down the street on a romanic getaway in Rome, Italy.

Both were still married.

But I'm sure Hinn blamed it all on Satan.

Seems like he could have prophesised he was going to get caught. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

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POOR BLINDED LOST SOUL,YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO GOD is.GOD is reveiled to mankind in GOD'S holy word,seek GOD there and he will be found!!

People see you perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis parroting the garbage of whatever TV preacher fucked up your head. You can't see, hear, or accept correction from anyone including other Christians. You believe in things that never happened, have no clue about what is actually talking place, and hope for things that will never occur as if you can't participate in reality or life at all..

Either you have an extremely low IQ or your addled state of mind is evidence that God has already sentenced you to a lifetime as a dimwit.

Next time you come before a parole board, if ever, and someone asks you about the crimes you committed that landed you in prison don't act like you are innocent or threaten them with hell.

If you do you will never be set free from your confinement and you will never see the light of day for the rest of your tortured existence.

SO YOU DENY THIS TRUTH???==POOR BLINDED LOST SOUL,YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO GOD is.GOD is reveiled to mankind in GOD'S holy word,seek GOD there and he will be found!!

stop with the three card monte already.

You already openly confess to a belief in a coequal roman trinity that is not God. The bible is instruction and a warning about how to live a holy life and avoid losing your mind.

The kingdom of God is within. unless you purify your own mind and become refined you will never see God no matter how many holy books you fail to comprehend or how much gibberish you vomit about being saved..
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