Pentacostal Fire

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If that be true, Sunni man, we would see the judgment of God fall upon his own household. Instead we see that even through every satanic attack the man endured his family is intact today.
There were pictures in newspapers of Benny Hinn holding hands with christian evangelist Paula White as they walk down the street on a romanic getaway.

Soon after Hinn's wife filed for divorce.

But I'm sure he blamed it all on Satan.. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Screwing for the jesus :lol:

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If that be true, Sunni man, we would see the judgment of God fall upon his own household. Instead we see that even through every satanic attack the man endured his family is intact today.
There were pictures in newspapers of Benny Hinn holding hands with christian evangelist Paula White as they walk down the street on a romanic getaway.

Soon after Hinn's wife filed for divorce.

But I'm sure he blamed it all on Satan.. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Screwing for the jesus :lol:

◄ 1 John 1:9 ►
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
BENNY DID AND HE AND HIS WIFE ARE TOGETHER. HAVE YOU confessed your sin and repented????
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If you overlook the fact he preys on the sick and the vulnerable, the hopeless and helpless, the very young and the very old, he would at least have entertainment value as the huckseringest fraudster that ever graced the stage of neo-apocalyptic small screen Evangelism. A sit-com writer couldn't make this stuff up. Even the minds that gave us Alf and Mork from Ork are way too narrow to conceive this gigantic insult to human intelligence. Throw in a little music and you've got it, the final Revelation of just how stupid and gullible and un-sapient Homo Sapiens can possibly be.

'When I step on a platform, often without any touch of mine the blind begin to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak and the cripples to walk...Miracles happen as if copied from the Gospels and the Book of Acts'. - Reinhardt Bonnke

And then there's that other fellow, you know the One, Matthew mentions Him in 11:5;

"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor."

Of course Matthews guy also did "real" magic, like turning water into wine and feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes.

Say, does old Reinhardt do "real" magic too?

No. Magic is what people resort to when they don't have the power of God in their lives. I'll believe God and you can keep the magic. I'm not one to "trade down"..... no pun intended. - Jeremiah

Do you make your money as part of a "ministry" ?
If you overlook the fact he preys on the sick and the vulnerable, the hopeless and helpless, the very young and the very old, he would at least have entertainment value as the huckseringest fraudster that ever graced the stage of neo-apocalyptic small screen Evangelism. A sit-com writer couldn't make this stuff up. Even the minds that gave us Alf and Mork from Ork are way too narrow to conceive this gigantic insult to human intelligence. Throw in a little music and you've got it, the final Revelation of just how stupid and gullible and un-sapient Homo Sapiens can possibly be.

A former Pentecostal evangelist who renounced his beliefs

"Emotions are not based on reason especially when tied to religious beliefs. The most charismatic members of a church in my opinion based on my own experience are the most emotional. These are the people who are slain in the Spirit, speak in tongues, prophesy, dance in the Spirit etc. There are even some that say that they have been intoxicated in the Spirit! They jump and walk around the altar as if they were drunk not knowing that they have simply let their emotions get the better of them." :cuckoo:

God is a myth!: On emotionalism/hypnosis
A former Pentecostal evangelist who renounced his beliefs

"Emotions are not based on reason especially when tied to religious beliefs. The most charismatic members of a church in my opinion based on my own experience are the most emotional. These are the people who are slain in the Spirit, speak in tongues, prophesy, dance in the Spirit etc. There are even some that say that they have been intoxicated in the Spirit! They jump and walk around the altar as if they were drunk not knowing that they have simply let their emotions get the better of them." :cuckoo:

God is a myth!: On emotionalism/hypnosis

And then there's that other fellow, you know the One, Matthew mentions Him in 11:5;

"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor."

Of course Matthews guy also did "real" magic, like turning water into wine and feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes.

Say, does old Reinhardt do "real" magic too?

No. Magic is what people resort to when they don't have the power of God in their lives. I'll believe God and you can keep the magic. I'm not one to "trade down"..... no pun intended. - Jeremiah

Do you make your money as part of a "ministry" ?

Benny Hinn admits he was stupid to accept a friendship from Paula White, Sunni. That was his only mistake. I don't know how he didn't see it ahead of time. He was in Rome but not staying in same room with her. I believe she set him up, they are crossing the street and she grabs his hand and conveniently there is someone right there to catch that photo? My suspicion from the beginning was that she's a satanist who has infiltrated the ministry. There are quite a few the Holy Spirit has pointed out to me. There are many rumors swirling about concerning this woman and where she came from. Especially her recent "doctrine" that anyone who says deny yourself is of Satan.

Who said Deny yourself? Jesus Christ. That's who. She's a false teacher.

It's all over the internet. Her ministry is finished in my opinion. If this was what it took to expose her so be it. Benny recovered his family intact, he and Suzanne are remarried. He was my Pastor about 25 yrs ago. I know him. He said he didn't commit adultery with Paula White. I believe him. End of discussion.

- Jeremiah
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A former Pentecostal evangelist who renounced his beliefs

"Emotions are not based on reason especially when tied to religious beliefs. The most charismatic members of a church in my opinion based on my own experience are the most emotional. These are the people who are slain in the Spirit, speak in tongues, prophesy, dance in the Spirit etc. There are even some that say that they have been intoxicated in the Spirit! They jump and walk around the altar as if they were drunk not knowing that they have simply let their emotions get the better of them." :cuckoo:

God is a myth!: On emotionalism/hypnosis

And some satanists renounce their faith in satan to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ too. To become ex satanists and born again Christians. So what is your point?
Benny Hinn admits he was stupid to accept a friendship from Paula White, Sunni. That was his only mistake. I don't know how he didn't see it ahead of time. He was in Rome but not staying in same room with her. I believe she set him up, they are crossing the street and she grabs his hand and conveniently there is someone right there to catch that photo? My suspicion from the beginning was that she's a satanist who has infiltrated the ministry. There are quite a few the Holy Spirit has pointed out to me. There are many rumors swirling about concerning this woman and where she came from. Especially her recent "doctrine" that anyone who says deny yourself is of Satan.

Who said Deny yourself? Jesus Christ. That's who. She's a false teacher.

It's all over the internet. Her ministry is finished in my opinion. If this was what it took to expose her so be it. Benny recovered his family intact, he and Suzanne are remarried. He was my Pastor about 25 yrs ago. I know him. He said he didn't commit adultery with Paula White. I believe him. End of discussion.

- Jeremiah

Bob Jones was another one who was a false teacher. He was warned to repent but refused to listen. I just heard about his death the other day. Let's hope White has more sense and decides to repent publicly and confess to what she was up to. She's walking on thin ice these days.

It is good to worship the Lord in the beauty of His Holiness! This is lovely. I love Alvin Slaughter. That man blesses me!

[ame=]Oh, The Glory of Your Presence - Alvin Slaughter - YouTube[/ame]
I heard this story one day. I don't know if the words are precise but the message is clear:

One day General Lee was asked what do you think about Mr. __________? General Lee said, I like him and find many good qualities in him.

The reporter said, Mr. ____________ said you are a no good so and so.

General Lee responded, "You asked me what I thought of him. You didn't ask me what he thought of me.
Strange how Toufik "benny" Hinn never has obvious disable people being "healed"

just watch

Toufik (Benny) Hinn is an impressively-coiffed TV charlatan who says God has appeared before him numerous times. many mainstream Christians consider him an embarrassment.
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The book of Acts beginning with Chapter 1: 1 - 5

It is written:

The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Spirit had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:

To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

And being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.

For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence.

-Acts 1: 5
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Benny Hinn admits he was stupid to accept a friendship from Paula White, Sunni. That was his only mistake. I don't know how he didn't see it ahead of time. He was in Rome but not staying in same room with her. I believe she set him up, they are crossing the street and she grabs his hand and conveniently there is someone right there to catch that photo?
So they both happen to be in Rome at the same time and registered at the same hotel.

That's quite a coincidence.

Plus the pictures show them walking out of the hotel holding hands.....not crossing the street.

The press contacted the hotel and found out that only 1 room was rented by them.

Yea, they were totally set up........ :lol: :lol:
Strange how Toufik "benny" Hinn never has obvious disable people being "healed"

just watch

Toufik (Benny) Hinn is an impressively-coiffed TV charlatan who says God has appeared before him numerous times. many mainstream Christians consider him an embarrassment.

Toufik Hinn is a peculiar kook even by the standards of the ongoing circus called christian fundamentalism

Hinn claims that a man in Ghana was raised from the dead on the platform. "We have it on video!" he says--although he's never produced the video.

And still fearful uneducated people and those with low IQ's support this con artist

People suffering from paralysis, brain damage, dementia and the like--people who couldn't possibly make any "demonstration" on stage--are rejected at a screening session held backstage.

This isn't as benign as it seems, people literally die by not going to a doctor after they are told they are healed by this P.O.S.

People like Toufik and his con artist ilk should be shut own.

Hopefully someone whose love one died because of this cretin will bring charges against him and his lunatic cult that feed on the desperate and the Low IQ
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I'm typing from the King James Version bible. If anyone wants the NIV translation I'll write out the NIV translation for that particular set of verses.
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