Pentacostal Fire

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[ame=]Hallelujah Aleluya Michael W Smith YouTube - YouTube[/ame]
My God is Awesome. Great worship song. Listen to this one...

[ame=]My God is Awesome - Charles Jenkins - YouTube[/ame]
I won't go back. For anyone who has ever been delivered from darkness and into the family of God through accepting Jesus Christ's offer of salvation.. this is your song! I won't go back!

[ame=]I won't go back w/ reprise and lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
This is the song to sing to Jesus Christ. All I want is you, Jesus! Sing it with William!

[ame=]William Mcdowell- All I want is you/ In - YouTube[/ame]
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy he went and sold all that he had and bought that field.

Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. - Matthew 13: 44, 45
The parable of the Lost Sheep

Now the tax collectors and the "sinners" were all gathered around to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."

Then Jesus told them this parable:

Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home.

Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, "Rejoice with me, I have found my lost sheep. I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinnger who repents over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

- Luke 15: 1 - 7
The Parable of the Lost Coin

Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and nieghbors together and says, Rejoice with me, I have found my lost coin.

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. - Luke 15: 8 - 10
This is a beautiful song.

[ame=]I Will Sing Unto The Lord - YouTube[/ame]
You are my Portion, O Lord,
I have promised to obey your words.
I have sought your face with all my heart,
be gracious to me according to your promise.

I have considered my ways
and have turned my steps to your statutes.

I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.

Though the wicked bind me with ropes,
I will not forget your law.

At midnight I will rise to give you thanks
for your righteous laws.

I am a friend to all who fear you,
to all who follow your precepts.

The earth is filled with your love,
teach me your decrees.

- Psalm 119: 57 - 64
This is a worship song that will usher you into the presence of the LORD this morning.

[ame=]Breathe - Michael W. Smith - YouTube[/ame]
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. - Psalm 56: 8
Yes there is a wide gulf between us at the moment. There is nothing about faith that is "logical", Hobelim. You have to get your mind past this obstacle of "logic". Was it logical for an axe head to float to the top of the water when the Prophet brought it forth? Was it logic operating when Elijah told his servant Gehazi to tell Namaan to dip in the waters 7 times to be healed of leprosy? Was it logical at all for a starving woman who had starving sons to give a prophet her last bit of oil and meal to make a cake with? IN THE MIDDLE OF A FAMINE?

It's called faith.

Let me tell what faith is. The Holy Spirit says jump through that wall and you don't wait to see an opening. You do it. You don't ask questions. That is faith and if you don't have it? You'll have to ask God for it.

If that's faith I want no part of it and never will.

If you hear the holy spirit tell you to jump into a wall and you actually do it and count that as faith, have at it if it makes you feel better.

From where I am standing if a person hears anything that isn't there tell him to jump into a wall and they actually do it they are suffering from some sort of thought disorder and are mentally ill.

The stories in scripture are intended as instruction.

sorry, but you are flunking out quite spectacularly.

I don't see where I have failed on this thread, Hobelim. On the other hand.....

You've been holding fast in denial throughout and have yet to acknowledge any scripture and "analogies" to describe the concept of "faith"for you so I can understand why you believe that Jesus divided up his disciples, blessed them, and fed them to 5000 people!

It is a bit odd you didn't wonder how they could continue on in ministry if they were the "bread" the 5000 ate but I must tell you! For you to accuse me of of being mentally ill for describing faith as believing without seeing and obeying without questioning - while you discount the fact that you have told an entire message board here that you believe the bread Jesus fed the 5000 were his disciples? Quite frankly? I don't know were to begin! :eek:

I think you are flat out of excuses now, Hobelim. It's surrender to God or continue on worshiping the god of this world and see what kind of reward he really has in store for you. Don't think I don't know what you've gotten yourself into here. I'm praying for you this morning at 4:00 a.m. - make that 5'ish...... I didn't realize an hour had passed already... time flies with God.. Who loves you? Jesus does. That's who.

One last thing.. I was mistaken. You aren't Jewish, Hobelim. I thought you were. On that note, please don't speak for them anymore as if you are.

- Jeremiah

You must be joking. I told you personally that I do not belong to, identify with, or practice any religion. check your inbox. You confusion may have come from me telling you that I found out late in life that I am descended in part from crypto Jews genetically through both of my parents.. It is a historical fact that many people from my family tree were killed exiled or conversions who paid lots of money to the church to stay alive during the inquisition.

I don't pretend to speak for anyone or any religion. My task is to bear witness to the truth. Some Jewish people get as bent out of shape when I talk about kosher law, circumcision, phylacteries, or messianic expectations as you have when I talked about the multiplication of the loaves, the virgin birth, the oneness of God or the eternal nature of the Law.

I tell you that it is wrong to worship a human being and scripture teaches that to do so results in death. you tell me it is right to worship a human being because he really was god and you will not die but will receive eternal life.

Obviously someone is a liar.
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I agree but the rules of debate stay. No insults and any claims that are made should be able to be supported, you'll have to find a way to answer my responses and not dodge,Capstone ( which is why you lost the opportunity to debate me before )...

You talk as if the records weren't there for interested parties to verify for themselves. Too bad for you that's not the case.

If you were truly interested in my thoughts on the irrelevant nonsense from that other thread, it would only seem reasonable to have expected a response that addressed the individual points in this post, all of which certainly apply to your scriptural but circular reasoning in here and elsewhere. Guess I should take your failure in that regard as an obvious indication of your lack of qualifications to debate me in the Bull Ring, eh? :rolleyes:

...I was a judge for debates in my own city and I know that without abiding by the structure of a debate - opening - rebuttals - in order - it isn't a debate. Our judge is the audience who will listen to us. We don't need a panel of judges. But we do need to abide by the rules of debate if we are going to call it a debate. That is common sense. As it is a message board time limitation is not a problem. Answer when you wish. I'm fine with that.

Well, while I can't guarantee that the topic won't be perceived as pejorative by the Christian audience :)D), I can assure you that my arguments will be sound and biblical and my rebuttals will be grounded on rock-solid reasoning.

Let me know your debate topic - when you decide.[/b]

I'll try to have an outline ready by the early part of next week.
If that's faith I want no part of it and never will.

If you hear the holy spirit tell you to jump into a wall and you actually do it and count that as faith, have at it if it makes you feel better.

From where I am standing if a person hears anything that isn't there tell him to jump into a wall and they actually do it they are suffering from some sort of thought disorder and are mentally ill.

The stories in scripture are intended as instruction.

sorry, but you are flunking out quite spectacularly.

I don't see where I have failed on this thread, Hobelim. On the other hand.....

You've been holding fast in denial throughout and have yet to acknowledge any scripture and "analogies" to describe the concept of "faith"for you so I can understand why you believe that Jesus divided up his disciples, blessed them, and fed them to 5000 people!

It is a bit odd you didn't wonder how they could continue on in ministry if they were the "bread" the 5000 ate but I must tell you! For you to accuse me of of being mentally ill for describing faith as believing without seeing and obeying without questioning - while you discount the fact that you have told an entire message board here that you believe the bread Jesus fed the 5000 were his disciples? Quite frankly? I don't know were to begin! :eek:

I think you are flat out of excuses now, Hobelim. It's surrender to God or continue on worshiping the god of this world and see what kind of reward he really has in store for you. Don't think I don't know what you've gotten yourself into here. I'm praying for you this morning at 4:00 a.m. - make that 5'ish...... I didn't realize an hour had passed already... time flies with God.. Who loves you? Jesus does. That's who.

One last thing.. I was mistaken. You aren't Jewish, Hobelim. I thought you were. On that note, please don't speak for them anymore as if you are.

- Jeremiah

You must be joking. I told you personally that I do not belong to, identify with, or practice any religion. check your inbox. You confusion may have come from me telling you that I found out late in life that I am descended in part from crypto Jews genetically through both of my parents.. It is a historical fact that many people from my family tree were killed exiled or conversions who paid lots of money to the church to stay alive during the inquisition.

I don't pretend to speak for anyone or any religion. My task is to bear witness to the truth. Some Jewish people get as bent out of shape when I talk about kosher law, circumcision, phylacteries, or messianic expectations as you have when I talked about the multiplication of the loaves, the virgin birth, the oneness of God or the eternal nature of the Law.

I tell you that it is wrong to worship a human being and scripture teaches that to do so results in death. you tell me it is right to worship a human being because he really was god and you will not die but will receive eternal life.

Obviously someone is a liar.

Yes, and it isn't me. You never told me any such thing about ancestry to Jewish roots. I thought you were Jewish because when others here have said you were Jewish you never said a word otherwise, Hobelim. Drifter asked you what you were on the thread and I replied you were Jewish. You never corrected me. By remaining silent you mislead me to believe you were. I have no recollection of you ever mentioning any such story about ancestry or such ever on board or by Email. Let's stick with the truth here. You've been less than forthcoming, alright? On the other hand it is non issue that you are not Jewish. I would find you important to the Lord whether you are Jewish or not. God values all of us. That should be good news for everyone.

As for the rest? You're beliefs are not based on the bible and therefore are nothing more than mere opinions.

- Jeremiah
I agree but the rules of debate stay. No insults and any claims that are made should be able to be supported, you'll have to find a way to answer my responses and not dodge,Capstone ( which is why you lost the opportunity to debate me before )...

You talk as if the records weren't there for interested parties to verify for themselves. Too bad for you that's not the case.

If you were truly interested in my thoughts on the irrelevant nonsense from that other thread, it would only seem reasonable to have expected a response that addressed the individual points in this post, all of which certainly apply to your scriptural but circular reasoning in here and elsewhere. Guess I should take your failure in that regard as an obvious indication of your lack of qualifications to debate me in the Bull Ring, eh? :rolleyes:

...I was a judge for debates in my own city and I know that without abiding by the structure of a debate - opening - rebuttals - in order - it isn't a debate. Our judge is the audience who will listen to us. We don't need a panel of judges. But we do need to abide by the rules of debate if we are going to call it a debate. That is common sense. As it is a message board time limitation is not a problem. Answer when you wish. I'm fine with that.

Well, while I can't guarantee that the topic won't be perceived as pejorative by the Christian audience :)D), I can assure you that my arguments will be sound and biblical and my rebuttals will be grounded on rock-solid reasoning.

Let me know your debate topic - when you decide.[/b]

I'll try to have an outline ready by the early part of next week.

I look forward to it, Capstone. It should be interesting. Thank you for agreeing to do it.

on the matter of why I canceled out on you. Absolutely go back and look at what you replied to in response to my question.

Anyone here can verify it. With all due respect to you, my response still hasn't been answered. So think about what I asked you as I did provide bible prophecy and then the fulfillment of it to prove it out.. This was my question to you.

How could a baby in a womb pre-plan his own destiny to the finest detail of fulfilling over 60 prophecies about the Messiah? Jesus fits them all! How did he manage to arrange his own virgin birth, birthplace of Bethlehem, gifts from the magi at his birth, son of David, son of Jesse, Herods hunting down all males under age 2, his ministry, his death by crucifixion, dont' forget performing miracles of healing, deliverance, setting the captives free,despised and rejected in his death, the mockery, the soldiers casting lots for his garment, his death on the cross, his betrayal, the rich mans tomb and that, Capstone, is off the top of my head......I could pull out alot more and really make you wonder how could a baby pre- plan that?

How is it possible that he chose his name to fulfill prophecy?

All coincidence?

Please answer me on that one even if it is by email because you never did answer it on the other thread. I felt like if that is what you are going to do in a debate what is the point?

Now we have had our discussion on this thread, I apologised to you for canceling, and I am greatly looking forward to the debate, Capstone! I think it will be very interesting and I do find you to be very intelligent and well read. So this should be a treat. I look forward to it.

Thank you for keeping me updated on it.

- Jeremiah
Obviously someone is a liar.

Yes, and it isn't me. You never told me any such thing about ancestry to Jewish roots. I thought you were Jewish because when others here have said you were Jewish you never said a word otherwise, Hobelim. Drifter asked you what you were on the thread and I replied you were Jewish. You never corrected me. By remaining silent you mislead me to believe you were. I have no recollection of you ever mentioning any such story about ancestry or such ever on board or by Email. Let's stick with the truth here. You've been less than forthcoming, alright? On the other hand it is non issue that you are not Jewish. I would find you important to the Lord whether you are Jewish or not. God values all of us. That should be good news for everyone.

As for the rest? You're beliefs are not based on the bible and therefore are nothing more than mere opinions.

- Jeremiah

Oy! Did you consider that I did not correct you because I did not read your post? and when I told drifter that I do not belong to or practice any religion that was ,less than forthcoming? Screw you.

And if you care to go to the top of the page and click on private messages under your name and then click on received and you will see that I what said is the truth.

And yes lets stick with the truth...

One unequaled God is not biblical?

Violating the first command by worshiping another human being results in death is not biblical?

Jesus identified bread as a metaphor for teaching is not biblical even after I posted the verse where Jesus identifies bread as a metaphor for teaching?

do you also have no recollection of that?

Damn Jeri, you have even less integrity than I first thought......
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Obviously someone is a liar.

Yes, and it isn't me. You never told me any such thing about ancestry to Jewish roots. I thought you were Jewish because when others here have said you were Jewish you never said a word otherwise, Hobelim. Drifter asked you what you were on the thread and I replied you were Jewish. You never corrected me. By remaining silent you mislead me to believe you were. I have no recollection of you ever mentioning any such story about ancestry or such ever on board or by Email. Let's stick with the truth here. You've been less than forthcoming, alright? On the other hand it is non issue that you are not Jewish. I would find you important to the Lord whether you are Jewish or not. God values all of us. That should be good news for everyone.

As for the rest? You're beliefs are not based on the bible and therefore are nothing more than mere opinions.

- Jeremiah

Oy! Did you consider that I did not correct you because I did not read your post? and when I told drifter that I do not belong to or practice any religion that was ,less than forthcoming? Screw you.

And if you care to go to the top of the page and click on private messages under your name and then click on received and you will see that I what said is the truth.

And yes lets stick with the truth...

One unequaled God is not biblical?

Violating the first command by worshiping another human being results in death is not biblical?

Jesus identified bread as a metaphor for teaching is not biblical even after I posted the verse where Jesus identifies bread as a metaphor for teaching?

do you also have no recollection of that?

Damn Jeri, you have even less integrity than I first thought......

...How could a baby in a womb pre-plan his own destiny to the finest detail of fulfilling over 60 prophecies about the Messiah? Jesus fits them all! How did he manage to arrange his own virgin birth, birthplace of Bethlehem, gifts from the magi at his birth, son of David, son of Jesse, Herods hunting down all males under age 2, his ministry, his death by crucifixion, dont' forget performing miracles of healing, deliverance, setting the captives free,despised and rejected in his death, the mockery, the soldiers casting lots for his garment, his death on the cross, his betrayal, the rich mans tomb and that, Capstone, is off the top of my head......I could pull out alot more and really make you wonder how could a baby pre- plan that? [...] How is it possible that he chose his name to fulfill prophecy? [...] All coincidence?

Please answer me on that one even if it is by email because you never did answer it on the other thread. I felt like if that is what you are going to do in a debate what is the point? ...

Again, I didn't answer your question or refute the scriptural garbage you provided at that time, because my objective had been accomplished by simply pointing out your implied concession.

The answer to your "one [irrelevant] question" is just as obvious today as it was back then, and that really should go without saying. There are only a couple of options available. One could either buy into the NT tales as the series of miraculous events you'd have us believe they were, in part because those accounts seem to fulfill certain OT scriptures; or one could view the authorship/compilation/editing of those stories as inherently suspicious for the very same reason. In light of the few non-controversial facts that are known about the mysterious origins of the Gospels in particular (some of which I mentioned in an earlier post), the latter option has far more empirical support than the former. That is, the case you've made needn't be refuted as mere "coincidence", considering the very real prospect that the apparent coincidences were manufactured to give the appearance of miraculous scriptural fulfillment.

Happy now?

...Now we have had our discussion on this thread, I apologised to you for canceling, and I am greatly looking forward to the debate, Capstone! I think it will be very interesting and I do find you to be very intelligent and well read. So this should be a treat. I look forward to it. ...

That makes two of us.
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