Pentacostal Fire

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No she is not. She is right on the money. Faith in Christ, is counted to us as righteousness. Jere will be rewarded for hers. She needs no signs, or wonders, or man's opinions. She knows that she knows that she knows........... She is heart smart.
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Oh I'd say someone has definitely had their prayers heard.

Should I take that as an affirmation of your little group's agreement to follow my advice to confine your ministry to the pavement?! :eusa_pray: :eusa_clap:

Or were you talking about someone else's prayer? :eusa_think: :(

I need to apologise to you. I feel I was too hard on you. ...

I wouldn't say your decision to back out of our previously planned Bull Ring debate was indicative of your having been too hard on me. I think it's more likely that you simply saw the anvil moving into place directly over your head and decided to get the hell out of Dodge before it dropped. As I said at the time, it was probably the best move you could have made.

And now you've gone and reversed it?! :dunno: :D

...We can have the debate. If you want to have it, Capstone. We'll have it. ... I'll leave it up to you. In fact? I'll leave it up to you to choose the topic, the day and the time of our debate and I'll let you have the opening word and the last word. That is my offer to you. ...

We're back on then.

Since I get the opening and final words, I'll pick a topic that should play into your presumed strengths (knowledge of the scriptures, Christian ethics, ETC.) and make my own biblical and empirical cases to support whatever premise(s) I choose to delineate in the opening post.

The debate format will proceed as follows:
  • I'll post the OP.
  • You'll rebut it and present your own views on the relevant issues.
  • I'll counter.
  • You'll counter and present your closing statement.
  • I'll answer any explicit concerns from your final contribution and present my own closing statement.

The debate will not be formally judged, there will be no time constraints, and the only limitation on content will be relevancy to the issue(s) outlined in the OP.

Once I've settled on the details of the topic, I'll notify you in the thread in which you originally challenged me, and the OP will be posted in the Bull Ring 2 weeks to the day after that notification.

...Perhaps you may doubt it but I do feel Gods love for you and others such as Hollie and Hobelim here. Some of the things you guys say makes me fear for you but there is no anger in my heart towards any of you. If I didn't love you I wouldn't pray for you and I am. I even pray God forgives what I know could get folks into trouble. Because they don't know what they are doing! ...

That patronizing attitude might be the biggest reason I plan to pull out all of the stops on your ass in the Bull Ring. The spirit behind patting us non-believers on our heads and interceding on our behalf before the Megalomaniac in your head to whom you've so completely dedicated the wasting of your own life, without an inkling as to the paths that led us individually to our rejections of "HIM", is on its way back around to bite you in the ass. Count on it.

...While I am writing on this thread I am praying over it. I'll tell you who my enemy is Capstone. It is not people. It is Satan and his fallen angels, demons. Those are my enemies. Not any human beings.

I suggest that you forget about the fairies and goblins and focus your attention on the very real opponent in front of you now.
No she is not. She is right on the money. Faith in Christ, is counted to us as righteousness. Jere will be rewarded for hers. She needs no signs, or wonders, or man's opinions. She knows that she knows that she knows........... She is heart smart.

If you profess faith in Christ but do the exact opposite of what he commanded is that righteousness?

Sin is disobedience to the law. Even you claim to believe that death is the consequence of sin.

You both violate the first commandment by worshiping a human being, perjure yourselves in the name of God and desecrate the teachings of Jesus as an expression of religious devotion.

You can't tell the difference between a fairy tale and a history book.

You have your reward already.
No. there seems to be a gulf that separates you and I as great as the gulf between the living and the dead.

If you still find it easier to believe that God became a human being and performed supernatural displays of divine power that contradicts reality and an intelligent reading of the story itself than it is for you to believe that you are wrong, even after it has been explained to you why you are wrong and what is right, you do not have the foundational honesty or humility that is required to rise to life.

I'd say that I felt sorry for you if you didn't take such pride in perjuring yourself in the name of God and desecrating the teachings of Jesus............

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed."

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Praise God! hallelujah! Yippe kay yay!

Yes there is a wide gulf between us at the moment. There is nothing about faith that is "logical", Hobelim. You have to get your mind past this obstacle of "logic". Was it logical for an axe head to float to the top of the water when the Prophet brought it forth? Was it logic operating when Elijah told his servant Gehazi to tell Namaan to dip in the waters 7 times to be healed of leprosy? Was it logical at all for a starving woman who had starving sons to give a prophet her last bit of oil and meal to make a cake with? IN THE MIDDLE OF A FAMINE?

It's called faith.

Let me tell what faith is. The Holy Spirit says jump through that wall and you don't wait to see an opening. You do it. You don't ask questions. That is faith and if you don't have it? You'll have to ask God for it.

If that's faith I want no part of it and never will.

If you hear the holy spirit tell you to jump into a wall and you actually do it and count that as faith, have at it if it makes you feel better.

From where I am standing if a person hears anything that isn't there tell him to jump into a wall and they actually do it they are suffering from some sort of thought disorder and are mentally ill.

The stories in scripture are intended as instruction.

sorry, but you are flunking out quite spectacularly.

I don't see where I have failed on this thread, Hobelim. On the other hand.....

You've been holding fast in denial throughout and have yet to acknowledge any scripture and "analogies" to describe the concept of "faith"for you so I can understand why you believe that Jesus divided up his disciples, blessed them, and fed them to 5000 people!

It is a bit odd you didn't wonder how they could continue on in ministry if they were the "bread" the 5000 ate but I must tell you! For you to accuse me of of being mentally ill for describing faith as believing without seeing and obeying without questioning - while you discount the fact that you have told an entire message board here that you believe the bread Jesus fed the 5000 were his disciples? Quite frankly? I don't know were to begin! :eek:

I think you are flat out of excuses now, Hobelim. It's surrender to God or continue on worshiping the god of this world and see what kind of reward he really has in store for you. Don't think I don't know what you've gotten yourself into here. I'm praying for you this morning at 4:00 a.m. - make that 5'ish...... I didn't realize an hour had passed already... time flies with God.. Who loves you? Jesus does. That's who.

One last thing.. I was mistaken. You aren't Jewish, Hobelim. I thought you were. On that note, please don't speak for them anymore as if you are.

- Jeremiah
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No she is not. She is right on the money. Faith in Christ, is counted to us as righteousness. Jere will be rewarded for hers. She needs no signs, or wonders, or man's opinions. She knows that she knows that she knows........... She is heart smart.

Thank you, Irish Ram. I know you love the LORD. I know you love him deeply too. I am lifting you up this morning in prayer that the LORD blesses you and your family today. God is good and I am praising his Holy name this morning! The Holy Spirit told me to have a look a minute ago and I look and here you are! What a blessing!

I thank God for the Holy Spirit who is our teacher, our prayer partner, our guide, the one who exposes all liars and deceivers and traps the enemy lays.

Your heart is pure towards the LORD and that is a testament to your own faith - to walk the narrow path in a perverse generation is no small thing. We know a man by the company he keeps. Men who are enemies of God keep company with men who are enemies of God while holy men of God stay with their own company.

It is a glorious testimony about when the Apostles were released from the jail and they "went to the own company".. in the book of Acts. I like that story! They went to their own company to have fellowship. Now of course they went out to preach the gospel. You and I do it every day in one form or another - even through the testimonies of our lives- we talk to many people, we love people and seek to help them in whatever way we can but when it comes to walking in agreement with them? We don't.

So as much as I am concerned and have compassion for the lost there are some who have determined to serve Satan and there is nothing anyone can do about that. We cannot override someone elses will. I'll have you know I do love my Jewish friends dearly and I know they are truly Jews, I've known them for many years now. No one knows my heart for them like God does. But the LORD has also revealed something to me that is troubling.

It is written in the book of Revelation. Not every Jew is a Jew but some are of the synagogue of Satan. - Rev. Many years ago when I first was saved the first church I attended was a spiritual warfare church and our Pastor was anointed. We knew witches would show up to curse the service but the Holy Ghost would point them out and drive them out too. What I didn't believe was that it was happening to the Jews too. The good news is Jesus has overcome the world and defeated satan so we serve the Victor, Christ the King. To God be the glory forevermore. Jesus is Lord.

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Give God the glory! This is a song is a great one to start the day with!

[ame=]Give God the glory - Satan the Blood of Jesus is against you! Sung by Alvin Slaughter. - YouTube[/ame]
Midnight Cry

[ame=]Midnight Cry from Alvin Slaughter - YouTube[/ame]

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run, and not grow weary, and they shall walk, and not faint. - Isaiah 40: 31
Oh I'd say someone has definitely had their prayers heard.

Should I take that as an affirmation of your little group's agreement to follow my advice to confine your ministry to the pavement?! :eusa_pray: :eusa_clap:

Or were you talking about someone else's prayer? :eusa_think: :(

I need to apologise to you. I feel I was too hard on you. ...

I wouldn't say your decision to back out of our previously planned Bull Ring debate was indicative of your having been too hard on me. I think it's more likely that you simply saw the anvil moving into place directly over your head and decided to get the hell out of Dodge before it dropped. As I said at the time, it was probably the best move you could have made.

And now you've gone and reversed it?! :dunno: :D

We're back on then.

Since I get the opening and final words, I'll pick a topic that should play into your presumed strengths (knowledge of the scriptures, Christian ethics, ETC.) and make my own biblical and empirical cases to support whatever premise(s) I choose to delineate in the opening post.

The debate format will proceed as follows:
  • I'll post the OP.
  • You'll rebut it and present your own views on the relevant issues.
  • I'll counter.
  • You'll counter and present your closing statement.
  • I'll answer any explicit concerns from your final contribution and present my own closing statement.

The debate will not be formally judged, there will be no time constraints, and the only limitation on content will be relevancy to the issue(s) outlined in the OP.

Once I've settled on the details of the topic, I'll notify you in the thread in which you originally challenged me, and the OP will be posted in the Bull Ring 2 weeks to the day after that notification.

...Perhaps you may doubt it but I do feel Gods love for you and others such as Hollie and Hobelim here. Some of the things you guys say makes me fear for you but there is no anger in my heart towards any of you. If I didn't love you I wouldn't pray for you and I am. I even pray God forgives what I know could get folks into trouble. Because they don't know what they are doing! ...

That patronizing attitude might be the biggest reason I plan to pull out all of the stops on your ass in the Bull Ring. The spirit behind patting us non-believers on our heads and interceding on our behalf before the Megalomaniac in your head to whom you've so completely dedicated the wasting of your own life, without an inkling as to the paths that led us individually to our rejections of "HIM", is on its way back around to bite you in the ass. Count on it.

...While I am writing on this thread I am praying over it. I'll tell you who my enemy is Capstone. It is not people. It is Satan and his fallen angels, demons. Those are my enemies. Not any human beings.

I suggest that you forget about the fairies and goblins and focus your attention on the very real opponent in front of you now.

I agree but the rules of debate stay. No insults and any claims that are made should be able to be supported, you'll have to find a way to answer my responses and not dodge,Capstone ( which is why you lost the opportunity to debate me before )

I was a judge for debates in my own city and I know that without abiding by the structure of a debate - opening - rebuttals - in order - it isn't a debate. Our judge is the audience who will listen to us. We don't need a panel of judges. But we do need to abide by the rules of debate if we are going to call it a debate. That is common sense. As it is a message board time limitation is not a problem. Answer when you wish. I'm fine with that. Let me know your debate topic - when you decide.

- Jeremiah
As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”

16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
Matthew 14

Are you even the least bit curious as to why "miracles" as described by those who wrote the bibles have ceased to exist as mankind has become more knowledgeable and less superstitious?

Humans have, for much of their tenure on earth, had gods, spirits who ruled the Netherwoods, built legends (you know that Robin Hood was fictional, right), so such projections of a spirit world are integral to much of human history. Specific religions merely evidence cultural bias, a predilection for organization, sanction approved behavior, etc. People always get religion wrong because they are fallible humans.

Monotheism is currently in vogue in this geographic neck of the woods.

Such deistic minimalism is wrong, of course, but it will go out of fashion. Whatever replaces it will be wrong as well.

You can always depend on religion that way. Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics.
No she is not. She is right on the money. Faith in Christ, is counted to us as righteousness. Jere will be rewarded for hers. She needs no signs, or wonders, or man's opinions. She knows that she knows that she knows........... She is heart smart.

If you profess faith in Christ but do the exact opposite of what he commanded is that righteousness?

Sin is disobedience to the law. Even you claim to believe that death is the consequence of sin.

You both violate the first commandment by worshiping a human being, perjure yourselves in the name of God and desecrate the teachings of Jesus as an expression of religious devotion.

You can't tell the difference between a fairy tale and a history book.

You have your reward already.

It is you that has violated the first commandment and when it comes to perjuring yourself in the name of God? All I can say is thank God for his mercy! Thank God for his mercy!

I wouldn't presume upon it as you have because Eli's house was judged for it. Of course you are not Jewish - but the same rules apply to everyone when it comes to ignoring and blaspheming God's Commandments. Judgment falls eventually.

- Jeremiah
Why did Eli's sons presumed upon the grace of God? Why did Eli ignore Gods warnings to stop them? It brought judgment down upon his own household. Why were they so bold as to commit presumptious sins? Was it because they didn't realize the severity of God's judgment for such a sin?

What happened? Let's go to 1 Samuel and find out!

In 1 Samuel 5: 12 we begin......

That same day a Benjamite ran from the battle line and went to Shiloh, his clothes torn and dust on his head. When he arrived, there was Eli sitting on his chair by the side of the road, watching, because his heart feared for the ark of God. When the man entered the town and told what had happened, the whole town sent up a cry.

Eli heard the outcry and asked, What is the meaning of this uproar? The man hurried over Eli, who was ninety eight years old and whose eyes were so set he could not see. He told Eli, I have just come from the battle line, I fled from it this very day.

Eli asked, What happened to my son?

The man who brought the news replied, Israel fled before the Philistines, and the army has suffered heavy losses. Also your two sons, Hophni and Phineas , are dead, and the ark of the covenant has been captured.

When he mentioned the ark of God, Eli fell backward off his chair by the side of the gate. His neck was broken and he died, for he was an old man and heavy. He led Israel 40 years.

His daughter in law, the wife of Phineas, was pregnant and near the time of delivery. When she heard the news that the ark of God had been captured and that her father in law and her husband were dead, she went into labor and gave birth, but was overcome by her labor pains. As she was dying, the woman attending her said, Don't despair, you have given birth to a son.

But she did not respond or pay any attention.

She named the boy Ichabod, saying, "The Glory has departed from Israel - because of the capture of the ark of God and the deaths of her father in law and her husband. She said, The glory has departed from Israel, for the ark of God has been captured. - I Samuel 4:12- 21

So judgment begins in the house of God. We are seeing that begin to happen in the world today. False teachers are coming under judgment in this hour. They were repeatedly warned by people outside their congregatons as well as inside. Still they refused to stop. When Pastors allow sin to remain on the altar and inside the Sanctuary they can expect to face the same judgment Eli did. It is quite astonishing that both his sons and he fell dead on the same day the ark of God was captured. What a lesson to the church!

- Jeremiah
he has claimed to raise the dead...heal the blind etc....notice he does not heal amputees nor deformed limbs..why is that.....why are only the invisible ailments healed?
he has claimed to raise the dead...heal the blind etc....notice he does not heal amputees nor deformed limbs..why is that.....why are only the invisible ailments healed?

Exactly. Reinhard "bong hit" Bonnke, is just another in a long list of charlatans who fleece the gullible. Faith healing gets a biggest audience in poor, impoverished areas such as sub-Saharan Africa.

Ripe for the pickens'.
esus Christ is obviously not going to walk through a TV screen. Now it would be one thing for Bonnke to state that spiritually Jesus Christ would come through to people watching the program because the Gospel is preached. Of course I have yet to hear Bonnke present the whole Gospel message, and he then adds Word-Faith heresies, false claims of healings, false prophecies, and claims of being able to transfer the Holy Spirit to people on to that message. But to state that Jesus Christ will physically appear is unbiblical heresy. It is unclear what Bonnke was saying about this series, but then he has made fantastic unbiblical claims before. The Bible is clear on the issue of the next bodily appearance of Christ:

Matt. 24:23-27 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect— if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time. "So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the desert,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

Bonnke is a false teacher and a false prophet. This is a documented fact. The reason I tend to believe that he made this statement on the radio program with the idea that somehow Jesus Christ was going to "show up" is that Bonnke may have predicted that Jesus Christ would appear physically before. From all accounts Bonnke said that Jesus Christ was going to show up in his crusade in Nigeria.

Reinhard Bonnke Allegedly States That Jesus Christ Is Going To Appear Physically During His Crusade Series

apparently jesus did not get the memo...
Millions have seen the miracles, Strollingbones. Of course Bonke is under fire. He just led a well known atheist to the LORD! An intellectual! This is their way of firing back at him. I notice they are keeping it out of the news. Looks like it was a pretty humiliating defeat for them. The atheist Bonnke was debating asked Bonnke to pray for him! He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior! Bonnke is the real deal alright!

Heidi Baker video where God multiplied her food to feed the orphans she took in? That happens in the 10/40 window because people need God and believe him for his miracles. Heidi has prayed and seen people raised from the dead I believe although I don't know how many. I know that miracles happen through her and Rolands ministry. Blind see, deaf hear, lame walk, the usual...... Here? It's coming. It happens in churches where the true gospel is preached but that is becoming a rarity in the USA. Still it will happen on a much wider scale once America falls.

When America falls and there is no food - our enemies expect it will take about a year to kill off most of the population. ( those left who survive the initial invasion ) What the enemy hasn't factored in is the praying Christians in America whom God will provide for miraculously through the multiplication of food. There has to be a need first, Strollingbones. I pray for God to put it off as long as possible but when it hits? It is too late for anyone who missed the opportunity to repent. Before judgment falls? That is the time to lay hold of the mercy of God.

- Jeremiah
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Am I surprised to learn the media slanders Bonnke and makes up stories about him? Not in the least. But when America falls, if they survive? He'll be the first one they'll go to for prayer. Wait and see. It is always the worst atheists that become the best Christians. Why? Jesus told us why. Those who have sinned little love little and those who have sinned much love much.

That is why I am such a Lover of God! I was a chief of sinners. If you ever heard my testimony you'd be stunned. I doubt anyone here could out do me in the sin department. I've done it all and then some! Thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ that washed away my sins on October 18, 1989. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!

- Jeremiah
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