Pentagon holds news conference as National Guard prepares to deploy to US Mexico border

Some of the border crossers would be best handled by American civilians in small groups armed for their own protection.
Whatever it takes to lock up the border until the wall gets built. Despite the efforts of the Left to sabotage our national security and sovereignty.

Whatever it takes to lock up the border until the wall gets built. Despite the efforts of the Left to sabotage our national security and sovereignty.

Only the Trump followers are still falling for Trump's wall scam and now his "military on the border" scam.
Good old days, you cross a country's borders uninvited, any country, you get shot at.
You sure it's not needed? Obama and Bush have used them before.

I suspect Trump maybe dramatizing his operation a tad bit, because we are only talking about 4000 troops who will in all likelihood merely be assisting ICE and Border Patrol, not shooting down Messicans.

Trump is first and foremost a showman, not a statesman.
Posse Comitatus ONLY applies to using the military against AMERICAN CITIZENS, you crazy shit talking moron.

ILLEGAL ALIENS INVADING AMERICA ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS... get that through your pathetic thick dumbass leftist skull.
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia
The Act only specifically applies to the United States Armyand, as amended in 1956, the United States Air Force. While the Act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well. The Act does not apply to the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard under stateauthority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.
"So called administration"?

Are you implying that you don't believe Reagan was legitimately the President?
no, she's trying to claim that RR needed to be called and that it was his fault that it happened.

You are giving her way too much credit. That is not what she meant.
Oh do tell, Kreskin.....:71:

Did you forget your actual response to me, with all that nonsense about alzheimer's?

Nonsense about alzheimers? You believe Alzheimers is nonsense, do you? Interesting.

INteresting that you felt a need to lie about what I previously posted.

Once again, admitting that you know you are full of crap.

Reagan was legitimately the President and you were just flinging shit at a wall, like a monkey, hoping no one would call you on it.
I take it you are completely ignorant of the progression of that disease.

I asked you a question. An answer would be nice.

ARE you implying that you don't believe Reagan was legitimately the President?
I am very aware of the progression of the disease....both my parents died of it.

So...if you don't think that Reagan was already in the early stages of Alzheimers, then you are asserting that with full mental faculties, he sent U.S. Marines to a civil war zone, put them all in one spot like sitting ducks for a bomber and then have the entry guards have unloaded guns and no clear ROE for anyone driving up. And afterwards......pull completely out of Beirut, giving people like OBL the lesson that Americans "cut n' run".

Ok....a so-called President indeed.

So, you really are seriously doubting that Reagan was legitimately the President.


I think that as a new President, Reagan did not fully realize how fucked the military was that they would be so fucking stupid as to not let the soldiers in a fucking war zone have bullets for their guns.

I think that only a moron would think that Reagan was limited in any fashion, at the beginning of his two terms.
Legitimate as President, yes...he was voted in fair and square....but did he act in a way for the best interest of our Marines in Beirut as a legit CinC And then he cut n' run and OBL learned from that....and October 1883 is HARDLY the beginning of his first of two terms....

So, all that talk of Alzheimers, was just shit from a snide little lib, got it.

Beirut was an attempt at "peace keeping". It was a mistake, and it blew up in our face. He learned his lesson, and didn't do that again, and paid those fuckers back when he parked an Iowa off the coast and bombed the shit out of them.
Bullcrap. Payback did not happen. He and the USS Iowa bombed the wrong people and ir was far from an appropriate response. His poor response led to a decade of terrorist attacks on America. Reagan's lack of an appropriate response created the birth of modern-day terrorism.

Right. Because if it was not for that, the ME would not be a hot bed of terrorism, today.

Seriously, can you lefties be any more absurd, if you tried?
I am very aware of the progression of the disease....both my parents died of it.

So...if you don't think that Reagan was already in the early stages of Alzheimers, then you are asserting that with full mental faculties, he sent U.S. Marines to a civil war zone, put them all in one spot like sitting ducks for a bomber and then have the entry guards have unloaded guns and no clear ROE for anyone driving up. And afterwards......pull completely out of Beirut, giving people like OBL the lesson that Americans "cut n' run".

Ok....a so-called President indeed.

So, you really are seriously doubting that Reagan was legitimately the President.


I think that as a new President, Reagan did not fully realize how fucked the military was that they would be so fucking stupid as to not let the soldiers in a fucking war zone have bullets for their guns.

I think that only a moron would think that Reagan was limited in any fashion, at the beginning of his two terms.
Legitimate as President, yes...he was voted in fair and square....but did he act in a way for the best interest of our Marines in Beirut as a legit CinC And then he cut n' run and OBL learned from that....and October 1883 is HARDLY the beginning of his first of two terms....

So, all that talk of Alzheimers, was just shit from a snide little lib, got it.

Beirut was an attempt at "peace keeping". It was a mistake, and it blew up in our face. He learned his lesson, and didn't do that again, and paid those fuckers back when he parked an Iowa off the coast and bombed the shit out of them.
Bullcrap. Payback did not happen. He and the USS Iowa bombed the wrong people and ir was far from an appropriate response. His poor response led to a decade of terrorist attacks on America. Reagan's lack of an appropriate response created the birth of modern-day terrorism.

Right. Because if it was not for that, the ME would not be a hot bed of terrorism, today.

Seriously, can you lefties be any more absurd, if you tried?
The Middle East has always been a hotbed and terrorism was used as a tactic by all sides for centuries and certainly, decades. Muslim and Arab Terrorist groups did not, however, target Americans and American interest. Until and during the Carter administration the US had two unmovable and automatic doctrines regarding terrorists. One, terrorists would not be negotiated with. Number two, harsh overwhelming retribution was used even when Americans or American interest were harmed accidentally in a terror attack on a third party. All that stopped with Reagan and specifically when weapons were traded for hostages and the Marines in Beirut were murdered and retribution was only token and failed to punish the actual terrorist responsible.
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In today's toxic politics the border should be protected first by American volunteers backed up by the border pattol for stragglers.

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