Pentagon memo shows the lies of the Jan. 6 committee and the Soviet Show trial it is...MIlley said security was taken care of.

Sure, it's in writing from Comey. The fact he didn't arrest her for her crime is certainly sad. But she committed a crime. He said so. That's the FBI in case you missed it. Now, pull one for Trump?

Not arrested, not tried, not convicted, not a criminal. Using your tRumptard logic.

Both for wasting tax payers money on this kangaroo court. Pelosi needs to be investigated for the lax security on Jan 6 and Schumer for saying Kavanaugh will pay. Then there was a loon that tried to kill him.

Like Benghazi, do you mean a waste like that. As far as loons, do you mean like loons tRump sent to the Capitol? Do you mean like that?
but she committed a crime, the FBI director said so. sorry.

I am using the same argument that you used for the Fat Orange Shit Giblet. Not arrested, not tried, not convicted, not a criminal. Ain't it grand. Sorry.
I am using the same argument that you used for the Fat Orange Shit Giblet. Not arrested, not tried, not convicted, not a criminal. Ain't it grand. Sorry.
there's nothing from any fbi agent or director that Trump did anything illegal, or you'd have posted it. I gave you the one about hitlery. Just is.
there's nothing from any fbi agent or director that Trump did anything illegal, or you'd have posted it. I gave you the one about hitlery. Just is.

I am using your logic. No arrest, no trial, no conviction, no criminal. Just is.
I am using your logic. No arrest, no trial, no conviction, no criminal. Just is.
good for you. the fact is that the fbi should have arrested her. I can't control the misjustice in the country from demofks.
good for you. the fact is that the fbi should have arrested her. I can't control the misjustice in the country from demofks.
tRump was in charge of the DOJ for 4 years. I can't control the misjustice in the country from tRump and his tRumptards.
tRump was in charge of the DOJ for 4 years. I can't control the misjustice in the country from tRump and his tRumptards.
yep, he didn't hire them all though. He didn't hire comey. left over stinch from obammy.
yep, he didn't hire them all though. He didn't hire comey. left over stinch from obammy.

He fired Comey, why didn't Comey's replacement have her arrested and locked up. Was his replacement as incompetent as tRump? And his replacements replacement? Who hired these incompetent? Fire him as well.
He fired Comey, why didn't Comey's replacement have her arrested and locked up. Was his replacement as incompetent as tRump? And his replacements replacement? Who hired these incompetent? Fire him as well.
comey already acquitted her.
She wasn't tried so no double jeopardy. So why didn't the incompetent Fat Orange Shit Giblet put someone in charge that wasn't as incompetent as him to "lock her up!"?
yeah, about that, that whole dossier thing kind of got in the way, you remember impeach 45 Maxine? hahaahahahahahahahaha land mines placed to save old hitlery. Again, just for thee and not for me.
yeah, about that, that whole dossier thing kind of got in the way, you remember impeach 45 Maxine? hahaahahahahahahahaha land mines placed to save old hitlery. Again, just for thee and not for me.

Your spinning now.
No arrest, no trial, no conviction, no criminal. Just like the Fat Orange Shit Giblet.
Like Benghazi, do you mean a waste like that. As far as loons, do you mean like loons tRump sent to the Capitol? Do you mean like that?
You mean ignoring warning of danger in Benghazi? Everyone else got their people out, expect us. Then Obama lies about it, so it wouldn't make him look bad before the election. Trump said to peacefully let their voices peacefully be heard. He could've pulled a Maxine and told them to get up in their faces.
You mean ignoring warning of danger in Benghazi? Everyone else got their people out, expect us. Then Obama lies about it, so it wouldn't make him look bad before the election. Trump said to peacefully let their voices peacefully be heard. He could've pulled a Maxine and told them to get up in their faces.

Waste of tax payer money. Just sighting the same kind of example you did. 7 Benghazi probes, nothing done by the committee. Waste of tax payer money right?

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