Pentagon memo shows the lies of the Jan. 6 committee and the Soviet Show trial it is...MIlley said security was taken care of.

What a fucking ridiculous claim.

So the cops opened the doors and let MAGArats in...and then closed them and MAGArats broke in

Of course it's an entirely stupid assertion and has zero evidence to support it
Easy to think through when not predisposed to emotional outbursts when your pet feelings get squashed

The protestors were let in, the place was crowded and the Pelosi plants started the disruption, the doors were then closed due to the disruption, the people outside became angry that they were not being let in anymore and about two dozen forced their way in.

See how easy it is to develop a step by step, connect the dots fact recounting? But, you all don’t want any incursion into your Orange Man Bad fakery so you emotionally shotgun blast any logic and fact that you feel threatened about
"They’ve been named endlessly"
Buuuuuuuuut, still can't name one democrat that supported the summer 2020 riots.
Like anything they did compares to trying to overthrow the country.

Just like Trump, with his toddler insults.
"Looks like a thumb"?

WTF is that?
Buuuuuuuuut, still can't name one democrat that supported the summer 2020 riots.

Commiela Whoris was donating money to bail out the rioters, Dummy.
Schumer said Kavanaugh would pay a direct threat towards him. Trump told his crowd to go and peacefully let their voice be heard. Which is worse? I already know what you will say, because you're a hypocrite.

Hahaha Why didn't the Dirty Don call off his dogs attacking the Capitol for over 3 hours

Schumer didn't have to call off his dogs because he never sent any.
Sure, he did, Q NUT.

“I want to tell you, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch, you have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” Schumer said as the judges hear opening arguments on the case Wednesday. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

"We will tell President Trump and Senate Republicans who have stacked the court with right-wing ideologies that you’re going to be gone in November, and you will never be able to do what you’re trying to do now ever, ever again,” Schumer said. “You’re gone in November.”

Meaning apolitical price, you idiot.

It was another TRAITOR, that claimed.

The comments immediately drew criticism from GOP lawmakers, such as Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who said Schumer was threatening the judges.

“Did Senate Democrat leader Schumer just threaten two conservative justices?” he tweeted. “Where is the media?”

But a direct threat against Pence and Pelosi were "dismissed" as a prop.

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The "noose" is a rope wrapped around a beer can, and is 3 feet off the platform. You couldn't hand laundry on that thing, Simp.
Hahaha Why didn't the Dirty Don call off his dogs attacking the Capitol for over 3 hours

Schumer didn't have to call off his dogs because he never sent any.
Tell me how Trump could tell them to stop it, when he was at the Whitehouse and the trespassers where in the capitol?
All you have is lies of course. She didn't give any money, and her tweet was in support for bailing out Protesters, specifically, not rioters.
Gotcha. Another cheap ass Dimtard who won't put her own money up, but will beg others to donate to get rioters and looters back on the streets.
Yeah, sure thing Simp.


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