Pentagon testing ‘spy balloons’ across Midwest for ‘persistent’ domestic surveillance

When did it become fine with everyone that the government spies on everyone and tech companies collect and sell all our personal data?

It’s bizarre, especially from the left who absolutely railed against Nixon for taping conversations. Now the left doesn’t give a shit that the government keeps copied of all of our data in a giant warehouse in Utah.

When did it become cool to be statists?
Yesterday's hippies became the yuppies and now are the oldies. Natural progression of body and mind.

Sp yuppies are ok with government spying and are statists?

Not sure about that.

I think it’s because Obama was doing it, by definition, it’s ok.

No one on the left is critical of Obama’s drone strikes on brown people or the 3 million people he deported.

Why is that?

I get accused of being on the left. I condemn Obama's war mongering and his spying on American's.

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