People are saying the so-called "Spygate" Fizzled

i think its 'gowdy' thats 'fos' , i think of him as hotair gowdy . He is all talk and no substance for the years i have been casually observing him . And , i heard TRUMP and ElRushbo talking about spygate yesterday so i'll just watch and see what happens . And right now ' rudy guliani' and 'david bossie' is talking about the issue on FOX Mordechai .
Not to worry, POTUS apologists will find some way to recycle this bologna through Hannity, Breitbart and Infowars to give it new legs. Just like all the other conspiracy BS they peddle.
yeah , i just would like to see SpyGate continue . Right or wrong i don't like or trust 'gowdy' , AsThe TRUMP would say if he was involved in this thread , We will see what happens Erin .
So are you saying Gowdy told the truth about Obama’s Birth Certificate? Or perhaps he spoke truth about Obama and Hillary letting Ambassador Stevens be murdered? In other words are you saying that Howdy is a truth teller now?
I love it. Gowdy's a RINO now :laugh:

That piece of shit deserves it.
----------------------------- only in MY opinion but i just hear a lot of hot air coming out of 'gowdy' and i have never seen any results come from any of his investigations , Then he supposedly is going to retire to be a lawyer or get ready to be a lawyer or Prosecutor again but he comes back to say that The TRUMP is mistaken . To me 'gowdy is sorta like 'hero' juan mcstain the guy that got captured by the 'viet cong' as he comes back just to make trouble fpr The Trump BlackFlag .
by the way , ElRushbo is talking about 'gowdy' and spygate right now Black Flag .
I love it. Gowdy's a RINO now :laugh:

That piece of shit deserves it.
----------------------------- only in MY opinion but i just hear a lot of hot air coming out of 'gowdy' and i have never seen any results come from any of his investigations , Then he supposedly is going to retire to be a lawyer or get ready to be a lawyer or Prosecutor again but he comes back to say that The TRUMP is mistaken . To me 'gowdy is sorta like 'hero' juan mcstain the guy that got captured by the 'viet cong' as he comes back just to make trouble fpr The Trump BlackFlag .
Good lord your nose is shoved sooo far up Trump's fat asshole
quite a stupid response , you sound like another version of your dirty little female friend Black Flag !!
People are saying Trump's so-called "Spygate" Fizzled.

Specifically, 1 of Trump's ardent supporters...Trey Gowdy. A Top Republican Says Trump Is Wrong About 'Spygate'

Now conservatives are calling Trey Gowdy a "cuck" or a "snowflake."

Very bad for Trump supporters. Trump lies.
Yes, Trump is a liar – he incessantly lies; and not only is Trump a liar, but his lies are as idiotic as they are ridiculous, such as this ‘spygate’ nonsense.

And of course blind partisan Trump supporters continue to defend the miscreant Trump, while the majority of Americans know Trump is a liar but have grown numb to his lying, and rarely pay attention anymore – which is exactly what Trump and his moronic supporters want.
Since Gowdy is giving up his seat and not running, he has to think of what his career will look like in the future. That includes throwing a bone to the left.

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