People now recognizing Bush was a Great President...

His numbers aren't rising

He is still considered the worst president in modern times

You shouldn't pull your head out of the sand like that. Reality is known to cause blindness in partisans.

Show me a single Presidential ranking that doesn't have Bush in the bottom 10
I can't. I don't look at stupid pointless shit like that.

Seriously, who gives a fuck? Those with nothing better to do I suppose. Put others down to lift thyself.
There is no hard measure of presidential performance that doesn't have Junebug Bush at the bottom, that is 'dead last' among presidents. If polls matter, it is clear that Bush had failed to the extent that about 33% of the stupidest group in western civilization, white trash neocon nutballs, had figured it out by 2008 when his ratings hit 23%.

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But facts are facts:

GWB came into office with a Nation at peace and a balanced Federal budget.

He left office with two failed, illegal wars, 4000 dead servicemen and women, and a Nation deep in debt.

It’s far too soon for an objective evaluation and judgement of his presidency, but these facts alone will certainly weigh heavily against him.

Not sure we were really at peace. US forces patrolling Southern and Northern Iraq and we were still part of the UN coalition enforciing sanctions on Iraq. Also the USS Cole was attacked killing 17 sailors just weeks before the 2000 election. However I agree that the results of his action on those two situations has yet to be fully realized, and those results will determine how history judges his presidency.
History will treat him better than the progressive media has/is. Most leaders held up as the greats today were hated in their day. Love him or hate him , he could lead, something severely lacking today.

By starting two bullshit wars, gang fucking the economy, destroying our international credibility and holding back science for a generation? Yeah some leadership.

Are people really this stupid? I was reading the comments of this article and I think it's time to start putting thorazine in the water supply.

That's a good little progressive, anyone who disagrees with you is "stupid". :clap2:

Anybody that states that George W was a great, or even good, President, has proven themselves stupid.
healthmyths, I have told you before, but you keep putting out this tripe about Bush facing greater financial losses than Obama.

That's bullshit.

U.S. household wealth dropped $16.4 trillion between the spring of 2007 and the first quarter of 2009.

Okay? Got that sunk into your head yet?

Compare that to the $5 trillion in the dot com bust, and what do you got?

A HUGE DIFFERENCE. No. Fucking. Comparison.

And you said a million jobs were lost.

Are you fucking stupid? Do you know how many were lost in the derivatives bubble crash? Do you?

600,000 were lost in just one month!

8.7 MILLION jobs were lost.

Bush's collosal fuckup can't be hidden, no matter how big the red font you try to hide it behind.

So let me get this straight!
Bush was at fault for the Recession that officially started 3/2001. Is that right?
Bush was at fault for the bust. Right? He was right there at the start of 2001 when the busted so it was his fault. Right?
Bush was at fault for 9/11 right? He planned this years before and he and Cheney planted the bombs directed the bombers so it was his fault tin foil man?
Then Bush working with GAIA (The earth's goddess) and he arranged for the WORST hurricane seasons in all of history. ALL Bush's fault right?
Then Bush called George Soros and asked him to withdraw $500 billion 9/18/08 which caused all the financial drop of the market,etc.
Then Bush back in 1995 working with Obama arranged for all those unsecured loans. Bush then forced all the banks to make poor loans. Which
they sold to Fannie/Freddie and of course Bush told them the USA would be good for them.

And of course Bush was all ok with the MSM constantly bashing him. After that was their job according to the guy who later has called Obama a god!
Yea.. all that time and it was ALL Bush's fault!

So all of what started by Bush in 2001 the recession,, 9/11, hurricanes, $500 billion withdrawal, housing collapse ALL BUSH's fault.
Funny thing though..
There were more people working at end of Bush then the beginning.
GDP was up 16% end of 2008 compared to 2001.
But yea... you are right... ALL that was Bush's fault... hey...just wait for 25 years... tell me that same tin-foil story is put into the looney bin for sure!

Of course I forgot to mention almost 1 millions lost all by Bush causing hurricanes... ALL Bush's fault right??

I think you may be retarded. I point out the facts of the 2008 crash, and you are so retarded you think that means I am blaming Bush for the dot com crash? Really? Are you THAT stupid?

It's a simple fact that all of those financial crises pale in comparison to the 2008 crash. No matter how big a font you use, you cannot conceal the Truth. Sorry.

If the minority of people who believe Bush did a good job are as retarded as you are, that would explain a lot.

And by the way, the poll did not ask them if he was a GREAT President, dumbass.
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You shouldn't pull your head out of the sand like that. Reality is known to cause blindness in partisans.

Show me a single Presidential ranking that doesn't have Bush in the bottom 10
I can't. I don't look at stupid pointless shit like that.

Seriously, who gives a fuck? Those with nothing better to do I suppose. Put others down to lift thyself.
To be ignorant is one thing. To be shamelessly ignorant is another. And that is what refusing to acknowledge George W. Bush as one of the worst things that ever happened to America is.

Stupidity is forgiveable. Shameless, willful ignorance isn't.

If there was any real justice in the realm of American politics, George W. Bush, along with his entire criminal cabinet, would be publicly hanged for what they did to this Nation.
Show me a single Presidential ranking that doesn't have Bush in the bottom 10
I can't. I don't look at stupid pointless shit like that.

Seriously, who gives a fuck? Those with nothing better to do I suppose. Put others down to lift thyself.
To be ignorant is one thing. To be shamelessly ignorant is another. And that is what refusing to acknowledge George W. Bush as one of the worst things that ever happened to America is.

Stupidity is forgiveable. Shameless, willful ignorance isn't.

If there was any real justice in the realm of American politics, George W. Bush, along with his entire criminal cabinet, would be publicly hanged for what they did to this Nation.

I simply don't care. You are simply a hyper partisan tinfoil hat wearing fool
1. Obama is probably the dumbest president we've ever had. I mean really dumb. -hm
Uh, no, that would be the ratty little cocksucker from Tejas.
2. Wants higher gas and utility prices. -hm​
Strike up the band. You got one right! Obama is a fool for believing that the only way to stimulate investment in new energy venues is penalizing old venues. This is crazy and counterproductive.

On the up side, if the scum of the earth hadn't re elected the most failed president in US history by every hard measure in 2004, there wouldn't be a president Obama today. You nutballs are your own worst enemies.

But I repeat myself...
3. Wants to destroy businesses that employee people and pay taxes! -hm​
Bzzzt! Wild-eyed claims are cool among the nutball element, but rational people understand that Obama simply wants corporations to return to a sense of responsibility to the nation and the communities supporting and protecting them.
4. Obama wants the enemy to have more reasons to kill US troops! How fucking stupid! -hm​
False on its face and by every reputable measure.

Have you compared the hard numbers of attitudes toward the US under The Bush League and then under Obama? Instead of me spoiling your fun and doing that, you can show the folks here what you find on that. Remember, sport, sources matter. We'll be looking for gallup and reports from reputable organizations.


Let me hold your hand and explain the FACTS of life!
People who totally depend on the MSM are grossly misinformed!
Simple example: NOT one MSM venue has ever figured out this very simple GROSS LIE..
10 million people counted uninsured are not citizens. 14 million counted as uninsured ARE COVERED by Medicaid!
18 million people that pay out of their own pocket their health expenses because it is less then their employers insurance don't want it!
That simple fact there are only 4 million truly uninsured that want insurance has NOT been broadcasted, written, or ever addressed by the MSM!
SO I'm asking you do you think there are like MOST Americans and Obama has lied consistently there are 46 million uninsured that want insurance?

Now if you can keep up with the above let's ask another question about Obama...
Why would he want to bankrupt ANY companies? But he said it would! That's obviously what he wants!
NOW you are obviously so ignorant of how advertising works I guess you buy EVERYTHING right??
READ The facts from a HARVARD study as to how these troop killing remarks DID JUST THAT!!!
These COMMENTS are proven by Harvard studies to have contributed to the cost...
A Harvard study found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?
The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces,
we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after
public statements critical of the war. We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.

DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? When idiots like Obama call our military as systematically "air raiding villages killing civilians"... ARE YOU that dense NOT to believe
the terrorists LOVED to hear that? They USED it as the Harvard study shows to INCREASE the direct killings of US troops and Obama the dumb f...k didn't care!
1. Obama is probably the dumbest president we've ever had. I mean really dumb. -hm
Uh, no, that would be the ratty little cocksucker from Tejas.
2. Wants higher gas and utility prices. -hm​
Strike up the band. You got one right! Obama is a fool for believing that the only way to stimulate investment in new energy venues is penalizing old venues. This is crazy and counterproductive.

On the up side, if the scum of the earth hadn't re elected the most failed president in US history by every hard measure in 2004, there wouldn't be a president Obama today. You nutballs are your own worst enemies.

But I repeat myself...
3. Wants to destroy businesses that employee people and pay taxes! -hm​
Bzzzt! Wild-eyed claims are cool among the nutball element, but rational people understand that Obama simply wants corporations to return to a sense of responsibility to the nation and the communities supporting and protecting them.
4. Obama wants the enemy to have more reasons to kill US troops! How fucking stupid! -hm​
False on its face and by every reputable measure.

Have you compared the hard numbers of attitudes toward the US under The Bush League and then under Obama? Instead of me spoiling your fun and doing that, you can show the folks here what you find on that. Remember, sport, sources matter. We'll be looking for gallup and reports from reputable organizations.


[amusing attitude and dubious math accepted for purposes of discussion]
... do you think there are like MOST Americans and Obama has lied consistently there are 46 million uninsured that want insurance?

Not sure what the question is. I oppose Obamacare. Will go to jail before buying insurance. Didn't pay any attention to Obamacare until the Republican scumball John Roberts made Obamacare the law of the land.

Now if you can keep up with the above let's ask another question about Obama...

Okay. I'll try to keep up. Let us continue...

Why would he want to bankrupt ANY companies? But he said it would! That's obviously what he wants!

Okay, we have a straight up question followed by something unintelligble followed by a non sequitur. Ve-ry interesting stuff, glasshoppal.

NOW you are obviously so ignorant of how advertising works I guess you buy EVERYTHING right??

No. And no. But let's not have facts get in your way here...
The rest of your post is cleaned up a bit in form only to make it more easily readible.

READ The facts from a HARVARD study as to how these troop killing remarks DID JUST THAT!!! These COMMENTS are proven by Harvard studies to have contributed to the cost...

A Harvard study found here (actually only a summary is found at this link) THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq? The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Here are the actual links:

The 'Emboldenment Effect' -

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war. We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
Abstract source: James Taranto, "The 'Emboldenment Effect,' " Wall Street Journal, March 25, 2008; based upon: Radha Iyengar and Jonathan Monten, "Is There an 'Emboldenment' Effect? Evidence from the Insurgency in Iraq," Harvard University, February 2008.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? When idiots like Obama call our military as systematically "air raiding villages killing civilians"...

Okay, hoss, where is the link to Obama saying anything anti-military? You got us to here with a link to other links, why isn't there a link to Obama saying what you attribute to him just above?

ARE YOU that dense NOT to believe the terrorists LOVED to hear that? They USED it as the Harvard study shows to INCREASE the direct killings of US troops and Obama the dumb fuck didn't care!

Two observations:

1. You presented no evidence President Obama has said anything negative about the military or the military plan OR anything provocative to indigenous citizens in areas the US invaded.

2. The actual study's bottom line looks a little different than yours.
We identify an“emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
All the study says is that as news about the US negativity toward the war reaches the zone, enemy action goes up.

And a question

Please list what Obama has done that inflamed the war zones more than this:
1. Obama is probably the dumbest president we've ever had. I mean really dumb. -hm
Uh, no, that would be the ratty little cocksucker from Tejas.
2. Wants higher gas and utility prices. -hm​
Strike up the band. You got one right! Obama is a fool for believing that the only way to stimulate investment in new energy venues is penalizing old venues. This is crazy and counterproductive.

On the up side, if the scum of the earth hadn't re elected the most failed president in US history by every hard measure in 2004, there wouldn't be a president Obama today. You nutballs are your own worst enemies.

But I repeat myself...
3. Wants to destroy businesses that employee people and pay taxes! -hm​
Bzzzt! Wild-eyed claims are cool among the nutball element, but rational people understand that Obama simply wants corporations to return to a sense of responsibility to the nation and the communities supporting and protecting them.
4. Obama wants the enemy to have more reasons to kill US troops! How fucking stupid! -hm​
False on its face and by every reputable measure.

Have you compared the hard numbers of attitudes toward the US under The Bush League and then under Obama? Instead of me spoiling your fun and doing that, you can show the folks here what you find on that. Remember, sport, sources matter. We'll be looking for gallup and reports from reputable organizations.


[amusing attitude and dubious math accepted for purposes of discussion]
... do you think there are like MOST Americans and Obama has lied consistently there are 46 million uninsured that want insurance?

Not sure what the question is. I oppose Obamacare. Will go to jail before buying insurance. Didn't pay any attention to Obamacare until the Republican scumball John Roberts made Obamacare the law of the land.

Now if you can keep up with the above let's ask another question about Obama...

Okay. I'll try to keep up. Let us continue...

Why would he want to bankrupt ANY companies? But he said it would! That's obviously what he wants!

Okay, we have a straight up question followed by something unintelligble followed by a non sequitur. Ve-ry interesting stuff, glasshoppal.

NOW you are obviously so ignorant of how advertising works I guess you buy EVERYTHING right??

No. And no. But let's not have facts get in your way here...
The rest of your post is cleaned up a bit in form only to make it more easily readible.

READ The facts from a HARVARD study as to how these troop killing remarks DID JUST THAT!!! These COMMENTS are proven by Harvard studies to have contributed to the cost...

A Harvard study found here (actually only a summary is found at this link) THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq? The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Here are the actual links:

The 'Emboldenment Effect' -

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war. We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
Abstract source: James Taranto, "The 'Emboldenment Effect,' " Wall Street Journal, March 25, 2008; based upon: Radha Iyengar and Jonathan Monten, "Is There an 'Emboldenment' Effect? Evidence from the Insurgency in Iraq," Harvard University, February 2008.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? When idiots like Obama call our military as systematically "air raiding villages killing civilians"...

Okay, hoss, where is the link to Obama saying anything anti-military? You got us to here with a link to other links, why isn't there a link to Obama saying what you attribute to him just above?

ARE YOU that dense NOT to believe the terrorists LOVED to hear that? They USED it as the Harvard study shows to INCREASE the direct killings of US troops and Obama the dumb fuck didn't care!

Two observations:

1. You presented no evidence President Obama has said anything negative about the military or the military plan OR anything provocative to indigenous citizens in areas the US invaded.

2. The actual study's bottom line looks a little different than yours.
We identify an“emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
All the study says is that as news about the US negativity toward the war reaches the zone, enemy action goes up.

And a question

Please list what Obama has done that inflamed the war zones more than this:

Yup you are right. This pissed off many people and yet Bush was right! Mission of getting rid of Saddam was done in less then 6 weeks i.e. lasted from 19 March 2003 to 1 May 2003, and that pissed off the MSM/Democrats! They wanted to the conflict to prolong .. and THEY were successful!

Iraq was Liberated and 100,000 children per year were saved from starvation in less then six weeks!

When the dumb fucks.. like Obama made statements like these for example:

4,000 soldiers 200,000 wounded ALL because of THESE traitors LIKE YOU who rooted for Saddam and the Terrorists to kill more soldiers and to prolong the war all with the help of the MSM and traitorous statements like these:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything " There have been 40,800 Google results of the above statement!

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
There have been 39,600 Google results of the above statement!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." 92,500 Google results

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners. 127,000 Google results of the above
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
94,300 Google results of Obama's shout out to the terrorists!

So Iraq deaths and cost continued because the above remarks HELPED ONLY the terrorists and they were emboldened to prolong!
Please list what Obama has done that inflamed the war zones more than this:

Yup you are right. This pissed off many people and yet Bush was right! Mission of getting rid of Saddam was done in less then 6 weeks i.e. lasted from 19 March 2003 to 1 May 2003, and that pissed off the MSM/Democrats! They wanted to the conflict to prolong .. and THEY were successful!

FYI: Not sure what all wars armchair heroes like you fought it, but here is how it works: the mission is to win the war, not win a battle or even a series of battles. The mission, therefore, is "accomplished" when the war is won. Part of Junebug Bush's problem might have been he was too stupid or his nose was too far up Cheney's ass to notice the war wasn't over at that point? And maybe you can entertain- er, enlighten- us with your thoughts on how many months The Bush League took to win the war?

Your apparent belief Democrats wanted to prolong the war has no connection to me. Unlike most people who laugh at your kind, I am fiscally to the right of you white trash nutball scum. But with zero interest in social bogusness there is no place for me in the Manichean emotional conflicts with which corporations divide halfwits.

4,000 soldiers 200,000 wounded ALL because of THESE traitors LIKE YOU...
[additional contemptible bogusness deleted to keep focus on subject's intro and conclusion]

So Iraq deaths and cost continued because the above remarks HELPED ONLY the terrorists and they were emboldened to prolong!

[end, bogusness compounded by delusion]

Traitors like me? I am laughing out loud the country has got to this point, sonny.
There is a lesson in this somewhere. Thing is, I'll figure it out.
Your kind can't. And that is almost unbearably sad.
Last edited:
[amusing attitude and dubious math accepted for purposes of discussion]
... do you think there are like MOST Americans and Obama has lied consistently there are 46 million uninsured that want insurance?

Not sure what the question is. I oppose Obamacare. Will go to jail before buying insurance. Didn't pay any attention to Obamacare until the Republican scumball John Roberts made Obamacare the law of the land.

Now if you can keep up with the above let's ask another question about Obama...

Okay. I'll try to keep up. Let us continue...

Why would he want to bankrupt ANY companies? But he said it would! That's obviously what he wants!

Okay, we have a straight up question followed by something unintelligble followed by a non sequitur. Ve-ry interesting stuff, glasshoppal.

NOW you are obviously so ignorant of how advertising works I guess you buy EVERYTHING right??

No. And no. But let's not have facts get in your way here...
The rest of your post is cleaned up a bit in form only to make it more easily readible.

READ The facts from a HARVARD study as to how these troop killing remarks DID JUST THAT!!! These COMMENTS are proven by Harvard studies to have contributed to the cost...

A Harvard study found here (actually only a summary is found at this link) THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq? The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Here are the actual links:

The 'Emboldenment Effect' -

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war. We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
Abstract source: James Taranto, "The 'Emboldenment Effect,' " Wall Street Journal, March 25, 2008; based upon: Radha Iyengar and Jonathan Monten, "Is There an 'Emboldenment' Effect? Evidence from the Insurgency in Iraq," Harvard University, February 2008.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? When idiots like Obama call our military as systematically "air raiding villages killing civilians"...

Okay, hoss, where is the link to Obama saying anything anti-military? You got us to here with a link to other links, why isn't there a link to Obama saying what you attribute to him just above?

ARE YOU that dense NOT to believe the terrorists LOVED to hear that? They USED it as the Harvard study shows to INCREASE the direct killings of US troops and Obama the dumb fuck didn't care!

Two observations:

1. You presented no evidence President Obama has said anything negative about the military or the military plan OR anything provocative to indigenous citizens in areas the US invaded.

2. The actual study's bottom line looks a little different than yours.
We identify an“emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
All the study says is that as news about the US negativity toward the war reaches the zone, enemy action goes up.

And a question

Please list what Obama has done that inflamed the war zones more than this:

Yup you are right. This pissed off many people and yet Bush was right! Mission of getting rid of Saddam was done in less then 6 weeks i.e. lasted from 19 March 2003 to 1 May 2003, and that pissed off the MSM/Democrats! They wanted to the conflict to prolong .. and THEY were successful!

Iraq was Liberated and 100,000 children per year were saved from starvation in less then six weeks!

When the dumb fucks.. like Obama made statements like these for example:

4,000 soldiers 200,000 wounded ALL because of THESE traitors LIKE YOU who rooted for Saddam and the Terrorists to kill more soldiers and to prolong the war all with the help of the MSM and traitorous statements like these:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything " There have been 40,800 Google results of the above statement!

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
There have been 39,600 Google results of the above statement!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." 92,500 Google results

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners. 127,000 Google results of the above
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
94,300 Google results of Obama's shout out to the terrorists!

So Iraq deaths and cost continued because the above remarks HELPED ONLY the terrorists and they were emboldened to prolong!

Lets see. 6 weeks to win the war.......and Reid said "As long as we follow the President's path in Iraq, the war is lost. But there is still a chance to change course and we must change course. " in that's 4 years after the supposed end of the war.


Some things wrong here. Still smells like BS
People now recognizing Bush was a Great President...



"Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin is seizing on a recent poll showing that George W. Bush's approval numbers are up to declare "Bush is back," arguing that America is starting to appreciate Bush's policies in the light of what she calls the "rotten" Obama presidency. To make her case, Rubin neatly excises from Bush's record every single massive failure and disaster that resulted in Bush leaving office as one of the least popular presidents in history."


Rubin sees a window of opportunity to sell a book. Business is business. She may get rich from an American dream, or at least the dream of some Americans that 'W' was anything more than a disaster.
I wouldn't say he was a "great" President.

He never did find that veto pen to veto Congressional spending and he allowed the opening that the Democrats used to Unionize the TSA people, who never were supposed to be allowed to Unionize.

He spent too much money and I was not happy with the passage of the Patriot Act.

Even so, with everything taken in consideration, I would say that he was a far better President than what the Left and the Media gave him credit for.

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