People now recognizing Bush was a Great President...

Where are your FACTS regarding that?
Bush NEVER called a "corpsman" CORPSEMAN!
Bush Never said there were 57 states!
Bush with an MBA knew that if as Obama said.. we reduce health care cost by 1/10th of one percent we can reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term!"
A) Bush knows the difference between the DEFICIT and health care costs and there is NO correlation!
B) Bush knows as ANY except the math shrift Obama at $2.5 billion (1/10th of $2.5 trillion) reduction per year that is 1,600 "LONG TERM YEARS!

Bush would NEVER say these absolutely STUPID IGNORANT statements from Obama:
1) says "I'd like higher gas prices.." Well dummy we are getting them THANKS to your EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
2) said:“Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.
3) said: So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
4)Told Brazil.."we'll be your best [oil] customer".
5) said "I favor single payer insurance".. meaning 1,400 insurance companies stop: paying $100 billion in Fed/state/local taxes as well as LOCAL property taxes.
400,000 employees let go collecting $6 billion in unemployment checks!
6) Bush being in the military as fighter pilot WOULD NEVER say that our military methodically planned and executed "air raids on villages killing civilians" Obama did!

So tell me HOW f...king bright does Obama have to be to make those kinds of statements???
To me Obama is worse the Chancy Garder played by Peter Sellers in "Being There" where idiots like you praised the idiotic statements the simpleton Chauncy made!
Obama is like the Emperor wearing no clothes but idiots like you are telling him oh such finery.. such great looking clothes.. when a little kid says "He's naked!"

You tell me how Obama with $5 trillion can still have 90 million people unemployed, more people on food stamps ever AND HE"S Proud of that!

Have you ever heard of "hyperbole", in regard to the "57 states" comment, that the right saw fit to take a football and run towards some goal line...anybody's goal line?
Nice going, taking him out of context, repeatedly.
Bush was a bitter disappointment for both conservatives and liberals. Who would've thought that it would take Obama to make him look good?
Giant red text always convinced me that someone is cereal. Also, weren't there a bunch of mainstream polls predicting Romney would win?

Listen conservatives, I know you guys are trying. But seriously, before you start trying to spin history in your favor like you always do you have wait a couple of generations so people forget just what a loser Bush was and how was arguably the worst president of the 20th century. You know, kind of like how you waited a few generations to rehabilitate Reagan who was a major failure as well but you waited a few generations until everyone forgot how much he sucked.

^ that :)
People clearly have short memories.

Something tells me that in 2018, 2019, or 2020, you'll see the same post about Mr. Obama. A politician who isn't in the ring pizzing off people or getting hammered always looks better than the ones in the ring.

This is why you see the enthusiasm for unknowns in the primaries like Cain and the former politicians like Palin. Then the moment they take a stand, woosh!, gone.
History will treat him better than the progressive media has/is. Most leaders held up as the greats today were hated in their day. Love him or hate him , he could lead, something severely lacking today.

When will Americans realize that it isn't all about left-right partisan politics. The rest of the world realizes what a horrible president Bush was. He iis considered a monumental fuck up by the rest of the world, not just the American left. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what you think is an American progressive or left leaning media. It has to do with the reality that everyone around the world knows. It has nothing to do with partisan politics.

And btw, your statement, "Love him or hate him, he could lead...." Total BS. He was led. Led by his puppet masters, who were led by Cheney. Bush didn't 'lead' anything.

Then explain these quotes and FACTS regarding the extreme hatred and BIAS of Bush by the MSM which obviously is the ONLY source you used to form your OWN very uninformed and extremely IGNORANT opinion???
Flattering Obama Images Flourish As White House Media Access Narrows
In his first term, Obama engaged in 107 short question-and-answer sessions with reporters during events in the Oval Office, the Cabinet Room and similar settings.
President George W. Bush, by contrast, had 354.
Flattering Obama Images Flourish As White House Media Access Narrows « CBS DC

So where is the press on all this???

The same people that said..

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

OK Mr. Thomas that sounds about right - FAIR and Balanced Right ! Objective reporting!

So what about Obama this same Bush Bashing Editor of NewsWeek.... Evan Thomas calls Obama god!

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

At the same time, it is limiting press access in ways that past administrations wouldn’t have dared, and the president is answering to the public in more controlled settings than his predecessors. It’s raising new questions about what’s lost when the White House tries to make an end run around the media, functioning, in effect, as its own news agency.

AND if that isn't enough which I'm sure you have NO idea of what the above or these statistics show the MSM bias..

Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
The average Republican contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Now If 1,160 (85%) of 1,353 employees of ABC,CBS & NBC gave $1.02 million (88%) to Democrats do you think these employees are stupid?
If you don't think they are stupid, then do you think they wanted the Democrats to win?

If they want them to win would they put news favorable or unfavorable to democrats i.e. Obama?
In 1964, 94% of media professionals voted for Democrat Lyndon Johnson over Republican Barry Goldwater.
In 1968, 86% voted for Democrat Hubert Humphrey over Republican Richard Nixon.
In 1972, 81% voted for Democrat George McGovern over the incumbent Nixon.
In 1976, 81% voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter over Republican Gerald Ford.
In 1980, twice as many cast their ballots for Carter rather than for Republican Ronald Reagan.
In 1984, 58% supported Democrat Walter Mondale, whom Reagan defeated in the biggest landslide in presidential election history.
In 1988, White House correspondents from various major newspapers, television networks, magazines, and news services supported Democrat Michael Dukakis over Republican George H.W. Bush by a ratio of 12-to-1.
In 1992, those same correspondents supported Democrat Bill Clinton over the incumbent Bush by a ratio of 9 to 2.
Among Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents, the disparity was 89% vs. 7%, in Clinton’s favor.
In a 2004 poll of campaign journalists, those based outside of Washington, DC supported Democrat John Kerry over Republican George W. Bush by a ratio of 3-to-1. Those based inside the Beltway favored Kerry by a 12-to-1 ratio.
In a 2008 survey of 144 journalists nationwide, journalists were 8 times likelier to make campaign contributions to Democrats than to Republicans.
A 2008 Investors Business Daily study put the campaign donation ratio at 11.5-to-1, in favor of Democrats. In terms of total dollars given, the ratio was 15-to-1.
Research on Media Bias - Discover the Networks

Nah... there is NO MSM bias against GOP and favoring Democrats!

Remember if you are a truly honest person.. wouldn't you seem to think the information you are receiving is biased then?
If the MSM gave 85% to Democrats and Voted for Democrats in all the above elections for Democrats... GEEZ do you think they wouldn't bias their work?
Bush was a bitter disappointment for both conservatives and liberals. Who would've thought that it would take Obama to make him look good?

The ratty little cocksucker didn't disappoint me. Pretty much every negative trait he demonstrated as the phone-it-in governor of tejas followed him to 1600 Pennsylvania.

Unless Obama buys a gun and takes out a couple of people at a news conference it isn't likely he can rank worse than Bush on the Scale of Evil.
Where are your FACTS regarding that?
Bush NEVER called a "corpsman" CORPSEMAN!
Bush Never said there were 57 states!
Bush with an MBA knew that if as Obama said.. we reduce health care cost by 1/10th of one percent we can reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term!"
A) Bush knows the difference between the DEFICIT and health care costs and there is NO correlation!
B) Bush knows as ANY except the math shrift Obama at $2.5 billion (1/10th of $2.5 trillion) reduction per year that is 1,600 "LONG TERM YEARS!

Bush would NEVER say these absolutely STUPID IGNORANT statements from Obama:
1) says "I'd like higher gas prices.." Well dummy we are getting them THANKS to your EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
2) said:“Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.
3) said: So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
4)Told Brazil.."we'll be your best [oil] customer".
5) said "I favor single payer insurance".. meaning 1,400 insurance companies stop: paying $100 billion in Fed/state/local taxes as well as LOCAL property taxes.
400,000 employees let go collecting $6 billion in unemployment checks!
6) Bush being in the military as fighter pilot WOULD NEVER say that our military methodically planned and executed "air raids on villages killing civilians" Obama did!

So tell me HOW f...king bright does Obama have to be to make those kinds of statements???
To me Obama is worse the Chancy Garder played by Peter Sellers in "Being There" where idiots like you praised the idiotic statements the simpleton Chauncy made!
Obama is like the Emperor wearing no clothes but idiots like you are telling him oh such finery.. such great looking clothes.. when a little kid says "He's naked!"

You tell me how Obama with $5 trillion can still have 90 million people unemployed, more people on food stamps ever AND HE"S Proud of that!

Have you ever heard of "hyperbole", in regard to the "57 states" comment, that the right saw fit to take a football and run towards some goal line...anybody's goal line?
Nice going, taking him out of context, repeatedly.

Context??? Like twice this idiot said "corpse man"??? Most school kids know how it is pronounced.
Context??? When he said he favored higher gas prices? Was he being stupid or on purpose? Either way that's not a President for ME! He wants me to pay higher
utilities,higher gas prices?? What kind of dip shit is that?

And what President is proud he has more people on food stamps? Is that the kind of badge of honor..i.e. having people dependent? Are you in favor of that?
And why would ANY president tell a foreign country "Hey we want to be totally dependent on you as our energy supplier"!!!
How fucking dumb! And then wouldn't you think ANY President would prefer more jobs for people? Or more tax revenue coming in?

But finally if MORE people especially the military knew that Obama criticized military planners for systematically "air raiding villages killing civilians"...
None of them would salute such a dangerous totally ignorant comment that the only value was to the enemy who would say.. hell yes we know that! That's why
we are planting bombs on little kids so they go off when getting candy from US troops!
That happened frequently and YOU think this idiot President even considered he was helping the enemy with those traitorous words??

Obama is probably the dumbest president we've ever had. I mean really dumb. Wants higher gas and utility prices. Wants to destroy businesses that employee
people and pay taxes! Obama wants the enemy to have more reasons to kill US troops! How fucking stupid!
Hilarious. The OP lists every fucking thing that went wrong under the Bush administration and then says, "What a GREAT president".

I have to admit, there were a few "facts" there left out.

The Bush tax cuts which paid for jobs being moved to China.

The drugs for votes bill costing trillions.

What happened to the Christians in Iraq.

He let Bin Laden go.

In fact, Bush reminds me more of "Jubilation T. Cornpone".

So ALL those things I listed were the fault of Bush?
YOU ARE SAYING from DAY 1 Everything that happened was Bush's fault?
Bush forced the recession on Day 1 when he was sworn in even though EXPERTS said it was starting in 2000?
Bush FORCED the bust that all experts said started in 2000 but yet it was HIS FAULT!
Bush FORCED the bombers to take over and cause 9/11.. That was ALL BUSH's doing?
AND Bush working with mother nature FORCED the worst hurricane SEASONS not hurricanes alone but numbers..
And of course BUSH never said anything to Freddie/Fannie about guarantee poor loans which caused the
housing bust. ALL BUSH right???

"The drugs for votes bill costing trillions."??? Really??? where do you get these hyperbolic stupid gross exaggerations?? FACTS please!

Fool. No one is that stupid to believe Bush caused a hurricane. It's what came next.

Good Job Brownie.

And I can go through not only that list but lots more.

Why do you think Bush tried to make his secretary a "Supreme Court Justice". He thought he was going to be charged with treason and wanted to stack the court.
But facts are facts:

GWB came into office with a Nation at peace and a balanced Federal budget.

He left office with two failed, illegal wars, 4000 dead servicemen and women, and a Nation deep in debt.

It’s far too soon for an objective evaluation and judgement of his presidency, but these facts alone will certainly weigh heavily against him.

Except we were not really at peace, and not with a balanced budget when you look at total government spending and borrowing... but don't let facts get in your way
Where are your FACTS regarding that?
Bush NEVER called a "corpsman" CORPSEMAN!
Bush Never said there were 57 states!
Bush with an MBA knew that if as Obama said.. we reduce health care cost by 1/10th of one percent we can reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term!"
A) Bush knows the difference between the DEFICIT and health care costs and there is NO correlation!
B) Bush knows as ANY except the math shrift Obama at $2.5 billion (1/10th of $2.5 trillion) reduction per year that is 1,600 "LONG TERM YEARS!

Bush would NEVER say these absolutely STUPID IGNORANT statements from Obama:
1) says "I'd like higher gas prices.." Well dummy we are getting them THANKS to your EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
2) said:“Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.
3) said: So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
4)Told Brazil.."we'll be your best [oil] customer".
5) said "I favor single payer insurance".. meaning 1,400 insurance companies stop: paying $100 billion in Fed/state/local taxes as well as LOCAL property taxes.
400,000 employees let go collecting $6 billion in unemployment checks!
6) Bush being in the military as fighter pilot WOULD NEVER say that our military methodically planned and executed "air raids on villages killing civilians" Obama did!

So tell me HOW f...king bright does Obama have to be to make those kinds of statements???
To me Obama is worse the Chancy Garder played by Peter Sellers in "Being There" where idiots like you praised the idiotic statements the simpleton Chauncy made!
Obama is like the Emperor wearing no clothes but idiots like you are telling him oh such finery.. such great looking clothes.. when a little kid says "He's naked!"

You tell me how Obama with $5 trillion can still have 90 million people unemployed, more people on food stamps ever AND HE"S Proud of that!

Have you ever heard of "hyperbole", in regard to the "57 states" comment, that the right saw fit to take a football and run towards some goal line...anybody's goal line?
Nice going, taking him out of context, repeatedly.

Context??? Like twice this idiot said "corpse man"??? Most school kids know how it is pronounced.
Context??? When he said he favored higher gas prices? Was he being stupid or on purpose? Either way that's not a President for ME! He wants me to pay higher
utilities,higher gas prices?? What kind of dip shit is that?

And what President is proud he has more people on food stamps? Is that the kind of badge of honor..i.e. having people dependent? Are you in favor of that?
And why would ANY president tell a foreign country "Hey we want to be totally dependent on you as our energy supplier"!!!
How fucking dumb! And then wouldn't you think ANY President would prefer more jobs for people? Or more tax revenue coming in?

But finally if MORE people especially the military knew that Obama criticized military planners for systematically "air raiding villages killing civilians"...
None of them would salute such a dangerous totally ignorant comment that the only value was to the enemy who would say.. hell yes we know that! That's why
we are planting bombs on little kids so they go off when getting candy from US troops!
That happened frequently and YOU think this idiot President even considered he was helping the enemy with those traitorous words??

Obama is probably the dumbest president we've ever had. I mean really dumb. Wants higher gas and utility prices. Wants to destroy businesses that employee
people and pay taxes! Obama wants the enemy to have more reasons to kill US troops! How fucking stupid!

You've been watching way too much Fox News. You actually believe their "talking points"?????? LOL
Dumb? You don't get into Harvard, much less be President of the Harvard Law Review, by being dumb. And besides the numerous eloquent speeches he's given, proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt...he is in Clinton's league. Name a president smarter than Bill Clinton. Hello? Thank you.
Have you ever heard of "hyperbole", in regard to the "57 states" comment, that the right saw fit to take a football and run towards some goal line...anybody's goal line?
Nice going, taking him out of context, repeatedly.

Context??? Like twice this idiot said "corpse man"??? Most school kids know how it is pronounced.
Context??? When he said he favored higher gas prices? Was he being stupid or on purpose? Either way that's not a President for ME! He wants me to pay higher
utilities,higher gas prices?? What kind of dip shit is that?

And what President is proud he has more people on food stamps? Is that the kind of badge of honor..i.e. having people dependent? Are you in favor of that?
And why would ANY president tell a foreign country "Hey we want to be totally dependent on you as our energy supplier"!!!
How fucking dumb! And then wouldn't you think ANY President would prefer more jobs for people? Or more tax revenue coming in?

But finally if MORE people especially the military knew that Obama criticized military planners for systematically "air raiding villages killing civilians"...
None of them would salute such a dangerous totally ignorant comment that the only value was to the enemy who would say.. hell yes we know that! That's why
we are planting bombs on little kids so they go off when getting candy from US troops!
That happened frequently and YOU think this idiot President even considered he was helping the enemy with those traitorous words??

Obama is probably the dumbest president we've ever had. I mean really dumb. Wants higher gas and utility prices. Wants to destroy businesses that employee
people and pay taxes! Obama wants the enemy to have more reasons to kill US troops! How fucking stupid!

You've been watching way too much Fox News. You actually believe their "talking points"?????? LOL
Dumb? You don't get into Harvard, much less be President of the Harvard Law Review, by being dumb. And besides the numerous eloquent speeches he's given, proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt...he is in Clinton's league. Name a president smarter than Bill Clinton. Hello? Thank you.

Obama isn't in Jesse Jackson's league as a speaker. He has continued Bush's polices in all major aspects. His health program amounts to forcing people to buy insurance. Amazingly, Obama never published a single article in the Harvard Law Review.

He's an empty shirt who reads teleprompters well. He's way in over his head.

I had hopes that he would end the war in the MIddle East. Instead he has widened it. I had hoped that he would end the national embarrassment that is Guantanamo. Instead, he has continued it. I hoped he would inspire frank talk and progress on race relations. Instead, he has made the division deeper.

I knew he would be a disaster as far as financial policy goes and he has not disappointed.

Frankly, I think McCain would have been even worse.

What he has done is defeat two weak moderate republicans in presidential elections. His main benefit to the country is energizing libertarians against him. With a little luck, we'll see a libertarian republican run and win in 2016. Maybe then the country can realize its potential.
Context??? Like twice this idiot said "corpse man"??? Most school kids know how it is pronounced.
Context??? When he said he favored higher gas prices? Was he being stupid or on purpose? Either way that's not a President for ME! He wants me to pay higher
utilities,higher gas prices?? What kind of dip shit is that?

And what President is proud he has more people on food stamps? Is that the kind of badge of honor..i.e. having people dependent? Are you in favor of that?
And why would ANY president tell a foreign country "Hey we want to be totally dependent on you as our energy supplier"!!!
How fucking dumb! And then wouldn't you think ANY President would prefer more jobs for people? Or more tax revenue coming in?

But finally if MORE people especially the military knew that Obama criticized military planners for systematically "air raiding villages killing civilians"...
None of them would salute such a dangerous totally ignorant comment that the only value was to the enemy who would say.. hell yes we know that! That's why
we are planting bombs on little kids so they go off when getting candy from US troops!
That happened frequently and YOU think this idiot President even considered he was helping the enemy with those traitorous words??

Obama is probably the dumbest president we've ever had. I mean really dumb. Wants higher gas and utility prices. Wants to destroy businesses that employee
people and pay taxes! Obama wants the enemy to have more reasons to kill US troops! How fucking stupid!

You've been watching way too much Fox News. You actually believe their "talking points"?????? LOL
Dumb? You don't get into Harvard, much less be President of the Harvard Law Review, by being dumb. And besides the numerous eloquent speeches he's given, proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt...he is in Clinton's league. Name a president smarter than Bill Clinton. Hello? Thank you.

Obama isn't in Jesse Jackson's league as a speaker. He has continued Bush's polices in all major aspects. His health program amounts to forcing people to buy insurance. Amazingly, Obama never published a single article in the Harvard Law Review.

He's an empty shirt who reads teleprompters well. He's way in over his head.

I had hopes that he would end the war in the MIddle East. Instead he has widened it. I had hoped that he would end the national embarrassment that is Guantanamo. Instead, he has continued it. I hoped he would inspire frank talk and progress on race relations. Instead, he has made the division deeper.

I knew he would be a disaster as far as financial policy goes and he has not disappointed.

Frankly, I think McCain would have been even worse.

What he has done is defeat two weak moderate republicans in presidential elections. His main benefit to the country is energizing libertarians against him. With a little luck, we'll see a libertarian republican run and win in 2016. Maybe then the country can realize its potential.
Interesting that you're a fan of Jesse Jackson.
Now, 47 percent of ABC News/Washington Post survey participants say they approve of Mr. Bush’s job performance during his entire eight years in the White House.

George W. Bush gains poll favor as presidential library sets to open - Washington Times utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS#ixzz2RICEnkkK
And these people are NOW realizing that this was the situation when Bush became President and for 8 years stabilized our country during wobbly times!

PLUS Obama as all other Presidents NEVER FACED what Bush faced in his 8 years... AND I'D like ANY of you to refute these cataclysmic events!

1) bust cost $5 trillion in lost market value.. this means every year for 30 years now starting in 2000 the federal revenue is over $66 billion written off against taxes owed.
How many people LOST jobs due to the bust??
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 -
and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion ? Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

2) Did YOU forget that 9/11 occurred and it cost $2 trillion over the next 30 years again $33 billion will NOT BE PAiD.. was that Bush's fault?
Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York!!
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone.
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

3) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history!
The worst Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. Andrew slammed into South Florida in 1992 as a Category 5. It caused 40 deaths and $30 billion in property damage. More than 250,000 people were left homeless and 82,000 businesses were destroyed or damaged.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Hurricane Rita quickly followed Katrina only to make matters worse. Between the two, more than $200 billion in damage was done. 400,000 jobs were lost and 275,000 homes were destroyed. Many of the jobs and homes were never to be recovered. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and over 1,000 were killed and more are missing. The effect on oil and gasoline prices was long-lasting.

400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to busts.

Almost 1 million jobs alone from those 3 events

All of this while having almost $100 billion a year in tax revenue due to the above losses !

4) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/2008 or how the world almost came to the end at 2pm on 9/18/2008.
How close to entire collapse the ENTIRE world's economy was on 9/18/2008 when an economic terrorist attack occurred..

On Thursday (Sept 18), at 11am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the U.S., to the tune of $550 billion was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two. The Treasury ...estimation is that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed. It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it."
Zero Hedge: How The World Almost Came To An End At 2PM On September 18

Again all this happened and at the same time the MSM was bashing the President DAILY!

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

How can one ignore the FACT that $8 trillion in losses are being written off against tax payments?
How can one ignore that near 1 million jobs were lost DUE to those events?
How can one ignore THAT the results of these events have never been widely share because the biased MSM totally bashes Bush FACTS?
When Bush started 131,785,000 people employed.
At the end of 2008 136,790,000 people employed or

5,000,000 more employed then when he took office.

When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

ALL of the above GAINS in GDP and people employed IN SPITE of the 4 major world changing events AND the BASHING by the BIASED MSM!

No, they are not realizing he was a great president. Twisting things to fit your perverted logic only works in your own mind. Bush wasn't the worst president ever, but he sure did make some big mistakes. It's not that people all of a sudden think he was a great president, they just don't hate him as much anymore. Ever check approval ratings on Carter?
So because you think Obama is so bad, that makes up for the utter trainwreck failure that Bush was?

I don't give a shit because he's not president and hasn't been for years. I only care about the trainwreck failure that you won't even acknowledge.

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