People now recognizing Bush was a Great President...

Well lets see we have obama care which has kept unemployment high. We have fast and furious which obama moved guns to mexico hoping if it went right he could make stricter gun laws. It failed and hundreds have died because of it. We have bengazi which he had months worth of warnings, let innocent americans die. Just to name a few.

Proof of your first statement? Proof Obama was in any way involved in your second statement? And the third statement is just right wing whining. And let's assume you're right. Those things are bad but still you want to measure them to illegal wars where hundreds of thousands died and some of the most rampant corrupt in American history leading to the destruction of the American economy?

I notice that you continually deride the factual assertions of others but never offer any of your own. :confused:

How am I supposed to provide proof for things that never happened?
Soon the historians and noted presidential experts will be asked to rate the presidents. So far they have rated Bush fifth worse American president. Generally the rated presidents don't move up or down much but it will be interesting to see if Bush is rated better or worse than fifth worst president. The rating was in twenty factors including economics. In economics Bush was rated second worst president.
With the new ratings will come the old cries--historians are communists.
Soon the historians and noted presidential experts will be asked to rate the presidents. So far they have rated Bush fifth worse American president. Generally the rated presidents don't move up or down much but it will be interesting to see if Bush is rated better or worse than fifth worst president. The rating was in twenty factors including economics. In economics Bush was rated second worst president.
With the new ratings will come the old cries--historians are communists.

Bush II has been the worst President during my lifetime by far. Out of curiosity, who was rated lower? Must have been some real clusterfucks to rate lower than Bush.
A 47% approval of Bush's entire presidency? His average approval rating for the 8 years was 49%.

This number is essentially something that was already known.
great president?? no.. not the evil or stupid or horrible president the far left loonies portray him to be?? yes...

He'll probably go down as yet another slightly below average president who did some good, some bad, and some really meaningless stuff... fiscally horrible, will always be controversy on the 'war'... but truly not as bad as the wingers such as TDM and carby try and portray
The premise of the OP is distorted. People may THINK 'W' was a great president, but they cannot RECOGNIZE that he was. That would imply that indeed he'd reached that stature and finally there were those who acknowledged it.

That is definitely not the case.
The premise of the OP is distorted. People may THINK 'W' was a great president, but they cannot RECOGNIZE that he was. That would imply that indeed he'd reached that stature and finally there were those who acknowledged it.

That is definitely not the case.

Which people aside from his mother and wife think he was a "great" president? This country would have to have two more centuries of fuckups as president before Bush would be elevated to the ranks of mediocrity.

Post-ABC poll: Approval ratings of George W. Bush - The Washington Post
I'm not surprised at this. Ronnie Ray-Gun was one of our worst and yet, the idiot rw's would happily make him a saint.

What's going on is that the GObP wants to run Jeb in 16. In order to do that, they need for the idiot rw's faction to forget just bad dumya really was.

Between now and when jeb declares, we will be inundated with lying crap about the other two Bushes. And, mark my words, the brain dead on the right will buy it just as they have the shit we've gotten about Reagan. They eat this shit up like its brownies.
healthmyths, I have told you before, but you keep putting out this tripe about Bush facing greater financial losses than Obama.

That's bullshit.

U.S. household wealth dropped $16.4 trillion between the spring of 2007 and the first quarter of 2009.

Okay? Got that sunk into your head yet?

Compare that to the $5 trillion in the dot com bust, and what do you got?

A HUGE DIFFERENCE. No. Fucking. Comparison.

And you said a million jobs were lost.

Are you fucking stupid? Do you know how many were lost in the derivatives bubble crash? Do you?

600,000 were lost in just one month!

8.7 MILLION jobs were lost.

Bush's collosal fuckup can't be hidden, no matter how big the red font you try to hide it behind.

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